Saturday, 25 June 2022

Week 358 Review - Still the relentless slide continues to a new record low and £100k loss

The second week in a row with a big drop, as the deficit between cost and value increases by another £3,845 to £102,645 and overall value drops to £78,686. That's significant - my losses have topped £100k for the first time. It's an absolute disaster, and at the moment I don't see any reversal in trend. At this rate I'll have nothing left.

JLP:Jubilee Metals dropped 11% as the metals companies seem to be ultra volatile.

CAML:Central Asia Metals dropped 10% in one week and are back to making a loss.

SMS:Smart Metering Systems had finally got to within 7% of being profitable, but dropped 7% this week to go 14% down.

Share of the Week goes to TLOU:Tlou Energy which climbed 7% but is still 50% down and well below the price that makes it worth me taking my share options when they come due in July.

Almost down to my lowest value despite a £20k injection from my PBX:Probiotix shares dividend since then

Dropping faster than the trend line now.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 46 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £6.43

Portfolio cost £82,912.77
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £34,366.12 (-58.6%) -£1,708.27
Potential profits £1,379.55
Yr 7 Dividends £10,425.77
Yr 7 Profit from sales £3,970.12
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £1,352.96 (36.7%) -£30.06
Total Dividends £11,768.92
Total Profit from sales £28,094.06
Average monthly cash profit £478.70
(13.0%) -£1.34
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 89% +0%

Not much to say other than big drop in value and looking grim.

Same pattern as the overall chart


The SIPP looks like this after week 342 overall and week 30 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £218.79
Portfolio cost £95,559.75
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£43,200.16 (-54.8%) -£2,062.35
Potential profits £0
Yr 7 Dividends £10,656.80
Yr 7 Interest £0
Yr 7 Profit from sales £358.14
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £1,574.71 (35.4%) -£54.36
Total Dividends £13,861.19
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £24,082.77
Average monthly cash profit £468.92 (10.5%) -£1.38
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 69% +0%

I got a tax rebate which increased cash, and my monthly APAX:Apax Global Alpha investment was made, increasing cost by £128. Potential profits went to £0 after the big drop for CAML:Central Asia Metals, and no dividends this week.

No comment

I don't want to have to adjust the axis lower again!

The trading account looks like this after week 308 overall and week 48 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £635.37 (-73.2%) -£75.15
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £14.04 (7.1%) -£0.05
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

Absolutely massive drop with everything falling.

Lowest ever value

Touching the trend line - my one element of optimism is gone.

I'm feeling very miserable.

Week 357 Review - A bigger drop than the drop 2 weeks ago takes us to new all-time low

Just as I thought I had hit the bottom, it gets worse and the deficit between cost and value increases by another by £4,446 to £98,799. Total value is only £82,281 which is well below half.

It was mostly my Biotech shares that let me down. In fact they are the main reason things are so bad.

SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics dropped 7%, DDDD:4D Pharma dropped 5%, and OPTI:Optibiotix dropped 1.5p, which although a small percentage is worth about £2,500.

TLOU:Tlou Energy also dropped by 7% to go 57% down.

FXPO:Ferrexpo are not getting any better, and dropped 6% to go 65% down.

JLP:Jubilee Metals had a reasonable week climbing 7%.

Share of the Week is APAX:Apax Global Alpha which climbed 9% but my tiny holding is still down 4%.

No sign of improvement

New record low

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 45 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £6.43

Portfolio cost £82,912.77
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £36,074.39 (-56.5%) -£1,957.05
Potential profits £1,447.05
Yr 7 Dividends £10,425.77
Yr 7 Profit from sales £3,970.12
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £1,383.02 (37.5%) -£31.43
Total Dividends £11,768.92
Total Profit from sales £28,094.06
Average monthly cash profit £480.04
(13.0%) -£1.35
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 89% +0%

The increase in potential profits of £40 from JLP:Jubilee Metals seems pretty poor compared to the drop in value of £1,957 for the rest of the portfolio.

Very bad

Worst ever

The SIPP looks like this after week 341 overall and week 2 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £97.24
Portfolio cost £95,431.30
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£45,134.06 (-52.7%) -£2,445.05
Potential profits £96.54
Yr 7 Dividends £10,656.80
Yr 7 Interest £0
Yr 7 Profit from sales £358.14
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £1,629.07 (36.7%) -£46.10
Total Dividends £13,861.19
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £24,082.77
Average monthly cash profit £470.30 (10.6%) -£0.39
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 69% +0%

One tiny crumb of comfort amongst the £2,445 drop in value was the £91 of dividends. That was £57 from CAML:Central Asia Metals and £34 from CEY:Centamin. Everything else is rubbish.

Will this ever turn around?

The trading account looks like this after week 307 overall and week 47 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £710.52 (-70.1%) -£44.37
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £14.09 (7.1%) -£0.04
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

Yet another big drop - I may as well give up.

I think it's just about worst ever

Amazingly still above the trend line, but heading towards it.

I'm late publishing again. Somehow my heart just isn't in it any more. In the old days you'd get some bad weeks, but then a really good one. I can't remember the last time I had even a slightly good week.

Week 356 Review - Even flatter than the flat week 2 weeks ago

As I mentioned last week, recently when I get a week with an increase in value, it's miniscule. This week the deficit between cost and value narrowed by just £149 to £94,352, with portfolio value increasing to £86,728. At least it's not another worst week ever, but based on past performance that will be coming next week.

There were no big fallers this week.

CAML:Central Asia Metals climbed 6% and is now 10% up and one of my few profitable shares.

JLP:Jubilee Metals wins Share of the Week again thanks to a 7% increase, but at 237% up is still way down on where I expected it to be.

Certainly not much better

At least it's not worse!

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 44 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £6.43

Portfolio cost £82,912.77
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £38,031.44 (-54.1%) +£23.69
Potential profits £1,406.55
Yr 7 Dividends £10,425.77
Yr 7 Profit from sales £3,970.12
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £1,414.45 (38.4%) -£32.90
Total Dividends £11,768.92
Total Profit from sales £28,094.06
Average monthly cash profit £481.39
(13.1%) -£1.35
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 89% +0%

Very little change in anything, with the 7% increase in JLP:Jubilee Metals only worth £40 since I sold most of them.

A long way to go before even getting back to the injection line.

Well below the trend line. How I dream of the time 12 months ago when I was only £12k down in this account.

The SIPP looks like this after week 340 overall and week 28 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £97.24
Portfolio cost £95,431.30
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£47,579.11 (-50.1%) +£117.16
Potential profits £106.06
Yr 7 Dividends £10,565.04
Yr 7 Interest £0
Yr 7 Profit from sales £358.14
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £1,675.17 (38.0%) -£62.04
Total Dividends £13,769.43
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £24,082.77
Average monthly cash profit £470.69 (10.6%) -£1.39
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 69% +0%

Once again very little change with the £57 increase in potential profits thanks to CAML:Central Asia Metals

Not as bad as the ISA

Worse than the ISA

The trading account looks like this after week 306 overall and week 46 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £754.89 (-68.2%) +£9.05
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £14.13 (7.1%) -£0.05
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

As with the other accounts, a very small increase this week.

Have we found the bottom?

Amazingly still above the trend line

Not writing any more thoughts as I'm 3 weeks late publishing this

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Week 355 Review - Another drop in the drip drip reduction in portfolio value

The positive weeks have been positive by a few hundred quid, whereas the negative weeks have been by a few thousand. This week the deficit between cost and value widened by £2,872 mainly thanks to a 1.5p drop in OPTI:Optibiotix, but most of my other large holdings dropped as well. The deficit is now a record £94,502 and the portfolio is only worth £86,578.

Biggest faller was JLP:Jubilee Metals which can't seem to hold any gains. It dropped 16% of my purchase price but is still up by 230%, although I don't have many left now.

SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics dropped 6%. I think the fact that customers for the lysate were able to start trialling products in November but we've heard absolutely nothing about what's happening, added to the dismal launch of their psoriasis treatment means these will drift lower until there's news. I'm reasonably confident in their long term value though.

IQE:IQE climbed 5% but are many years away from ever breaking even at 71% down. I suspect they will go bust before I ever get back into profit on them.

SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy also climbed 5% but are still 69% down and their future is still dependent on government subsidy.

Share of the week is ASHM:Ashmore Group which climbed 7%. I don't know why, but I'm happy. They are still 16% down so my magic formula isn't very magic at the moment.


New lowest ever low. Will the torture ever stop?

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 43 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £6.43

Portfolio cost £82,912.77
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £38,007.75 (-54.2%) -£1,619.71
Potential profits £1,366.05
Yr 7 Dividends £10,425.77
Yr 7 Profit from sales £3,970.12
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £1,447.35 (39.3%) -£34.46
Total Dividends £11,768.92
Total Profit from sales £28,094.06
Average monthly cash profit £482.74
(13.1%) -£1.36
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 89% +0%

Big drop in value and JLP:Jubilee Metals dropping £94 of potential profits.

Lowest ever low for the ISA

The SIPP looks like this after week 339 overall and week 27 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £97.24
Portfolio cost £95,431.30
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£47,461.95 (-50.3%) -£1,271.01
Potential profits £48.94
Yr 7 Dividends £10,565.04
Yr 7 Interest £0
Yr 7 Profit from sales £358.14
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £1,737.21 (39.1%) -£66.82
Total Dividends £13,769.43
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £24,082.77
Average monthly cash profit £472.08 (10.6%) -£1.40
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 69% -1%

Same story on the value, but this time potential profits are up £35 thanks to a revival in CAML:Central Asia Metals.

Not surprisingly also a record low for the SIPP

The trading account looks like this after week 305 overall and week 45 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £745.84 (-68.6%) +£18.21
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £14.18 (7.2%) -£0.05
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

Great news, the improvement in IQE:IQE was the main reason for the rise.

A slight creep upwards but way below injection line still

We've been above the trend line for ages now. Only a little bit, but it's the only ray of sunlight in my otherwise disastrous performance.

Roll on next week...