Sunday 15 September 2024

Week 475 Review - A rare positive week, but nowhere near enough to make up for recent losses.

A positive week for a change, with the deficit between cost and value narrowing by £655 despite taking over £750 profit. The deficit now stands at £115,255 and deficit between injection and value is £47,064. Total portfolio value is now £113,255.

My worst performer was one of my recent acquisitions, which it appears was badly timed. TLOU:Tlou Energy dropped 13% and is 26% down in 2 weeks, but does have a massive spread. I'm hoping news of electricity generation before Christmas should see a significant re-rate.

JLP:Jubilee Metals is still being sold into, and dropped another 6%. However, on Friday it appeared that there was no big seller, and the price went up for the first time in months. I await next week with baited breath.

PBX:Probiotix Health climbed 14% but is still 81% down, but back to a point where I have to report price movements. It looks like a shareholder revolt is under way after the recent raise, with a proposal that the raise should be offered to existing shareholders and the person who benefited from the original raise only buys what isn't taken up by existing shareholders, which is the way it should have been done in the first place rather than just claiming that they couldn't get anything from existing shareholders, which is bullshit given they didn't even ask us.

III:3i Group and RIO:Rio Tinto both went up 5% and recovered some of last week's losses. III is now up 98% and will get purple colouring in my summary listing if it gets to 100%.

ASHM:Ashmore Group and SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics both went up 6%. The SBTX rise may be due to bulletin board hype so is likely to be short lived.

CAML:Central Asia Metals recovered massively from recent losses and rose 9%, with my main SIPP holding going 6% back into profit.

PAF:Pan African Resources benefited from a surge in the price of gold, and went up 10%. My main holding is up 84% so that's in danger of going purple soon.

Share of the Week should have been CEY:Centamin, as it went up 27% after announcing it was being taken over. Unfortunately I didn't like the look of the company that was taking them over, as they pay a puny dividend and have huge debt, so it looked like asset stripping on the cheap. I sold my holding rather than wait for the shares and £180 cash I would have had.

That means Share of the Week goes to EDV:Endeavour Mining, which has been rubbish since I bought them, but which went up 18% this week due to a combination of gold price and announcing pouring from two new projects which should see a big swing from capital expenditure towards shareholder returns. My holding is only 8% down now.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 7 of year 10.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£111,188.18+£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£0+£0
Yr 10 Dividends£0+£0
Yr 10 Interest£0.11            +£0
Yr 10 Profit from sales£149.75+£0
Yr 10 proj avg monthly profit£85.22(1.3%)-£14.20
Total Dividends£12,222.49+£0
Total Interest£6.91+£0
Total Profit from sales£18,027.59+£0
Average monthly cash profit£271.65(4.0%)-£0.57
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance36%+0%

Although this was a positive week, the ISA fell £467 mostly due to the drop in JLP:Jubilee Metals.

Still falling

Now running parallel to and below the trend line.

The SIPP looks like this after week 459 overall and week 43 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£115,062.19
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£4,528.55
Yr 9 Dividends£957.37
Yr 9 Interest£4.98
Yr 9 Profit from sales£5,670.64
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£649.78(10.3%)+£64.27
Total Dividends£15,592.25
Total Interest£10.91
Total Profit from sales£16,506.54
Average monthly cash profit£290.47(4.6%)+£6.68
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance40%+1%

Portfolio value went up by £1,156 and potential profits went up £677 to reverse all last week's losses, despite me taking £772 profit.

I sold my 1878 CEY:Centamin shares for 149.305p making £772.89 (38%) profit. I've also had £139 dividends, with a last dividend due on 27th September. These were loss making for a long time, but came really good in the end, and I wish I could have kept them.

I wanted to re-invest most of the returns in gold so I don't lessen my exposure just as the price is going up.

I bought 3,352 more shares in PAF:Pan African Resources at 29.8249p costing £1,016.68. That increased my weighted average for that holding from 17.3p to 21.9p so they are only up by 42% compared to around 80% before the purchase, but if they continue upwards the rewards will be greater.

I didn't buy any more EDV:Endeavour Mining, which I regret a little as they surged just after I would have bought them. Instead I bought 102 shares in CMCL:Caledonia Mining at 972.5p costing £1,003.90. Although I have a bad track record with these, making a loss every time I've owned them, they are near the top of my magic formula ranking whereas EDV are way, way down.

I didn't spend the remaining cash on gold, as I really want to increase my holding on CAML:Central Asia Metals before their next dividend. I bought 560 shares at 178.46p costing £1,011.33. They closed the week at 188.4p, so yippee! I will be buying more as soon as I possibly can.

I also had my monthly investment, so got another 4 shares in FOUR:4imprint at 5064.464p costing £205.09. They dropped in price by the end of the week so my holding is down 9%, but I don't mind them dropping while I'm still accumulating, which I will be doing for another 3 months.

Year 9 performance went back above 10% with just 9 weeks of the year left, but long term performance only improved by 0.1% so it's going to take an awful lot to get that anywhere near 10%.

A nice tick up.

I guess touching the trend line is better than being below it.

The trading account looks like this after week 425 overall and week 9 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£0    
Year 9 Dividends£0
Year 9 Interest£0
Year 9 Profit£0
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£0(+0%)+£0
Profit from sales-£602.54
Average monthly cash profit-£5.27(-3.1%)+£0.01
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics went up 6% but it wasn't enough to offset the 6% drop in JLP:Jubilee Metals, so we're down by £32.

The relentless decline continues.

It's hard to look at, especially given the profit I could have sold one of my JLP:Jubilee Metals holdings for if I hadn't forgotten how trading accounts are meant to work.

It's nice to have a positive week for a change, and it's encouraged me to catch up on writing this, as I needed to publish the last 2 weeks of horror losses before I could do this one. Hopefully I can be motivated to keep up to date from now on. After all, it's St Leger day on Saturday!

Week 474 Review - Absolute disaster with huge losses across the whole portfolio

Such a depressing week. The biggest problem was caused by a 3.5p drop in OPTI:Optibiotix, which contributed £7,000 of my losses, but the total increase in the deficit between cost and value was £10,677, taking it to £115,911, with deficit between injection amount and value up to £48,489, and portfolio value down to £111,938 despite injecting £5,000.

Thirteen of my companies dropped in price by 5% or more. A few are down for a reason, but most just seem to be hit by bad sentiment.

IES:Invinity Energy were hit hardest, falling 46% after a profit warning. It doesn't really matter as they were virtually worthless anyway, and now they are down by 94% I no longer need to report price movements.

Next biggest loser was more serious, with OPTI:Optibiotix dropping 16%. That's after 2 weeks of 6% drops. Most of it was probably caused by a highly dilutive cash raise by spin-off PBX:Probiotix Health and the ensuing spat and threats of legal action. All that also caused PBX to slump by 13%, so a bit of a disaster all round. I'm now concerned that PBX is in the hands of a crooked CEO giving over 20% of the company to his mate for pretty much a 50% discount to share price when no cash was actually needed. It's a big worry.

FXPO:Ferrexpo dropped 13% with fears that Russia will actually take the land where they are based and nick all their assets. At least now this one is 92% down, I don't need to report price movements any more.

I bought back into TLOU:Tlou Energy this week, in an attempt to get back the £2k I lost when I sold them last time. I bought 57,803 shares at 1.73p costing £1,004.99. I've been in and out of these a lot over the years, and am down about £1,400 altogether, but they have completed the electricity transmission lines and almost completed the substation, so could be selling electricity this calendar year. I decided now was the time to try and at least get my losses back.

CAML:Central Asia Metals dropped a massive 9% as copper got absolutely trounced. AAL:Anglo American Mining and ATYM:Atalaya Mining didn't do much better, dropping 8% each.

IHP:Integrafin had gone green, but dropped 7% this week for no reason and are now 5% down.

PAGE:Pagegroup continue to be rubbish, dropping 6% to go 28% down.

CEY:Centamin dropped 5% despite the price of gold staying at $2,500 so I don't know what on earth is happening here.

GAW:Games Workshop is usually my most stable share, but dropped 5% this week but is still up by 7% altogether.

RIO:Rio Tinto joined the other miners and fell 5% to go 25% down.

One share managed a decent rise, and it was almost the only share to even go up at all. ALU:Alumasc Group has been soaring and is probably my best timed investment ever. They went up another 6% this week and are 38% up now, and win Share of the Week for a 2nd week in a row.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 6 of year 10.

Weekly Change
Cash £27.80 -£53.65
Portfolio cost £111,188.18 +£5,049.91
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
£49,974.16 (-55.1%) -£5,295.06
Potential profits £0 -£916.88
Yr 10 Dividends £0 +£0
Yr 10 Interest £0.11             +£0
Yr 10 Profit from sales £149.75 +£0
Yr 10 proj avg monthly profit £99.42 (1.5%) -£23.13
Total Dividends £12,222.49 +£0
Total Interest £6.91 +£0
Total Profit from sales £18,027.59 +£0
Average monthly cash profit £272.22 (4.0%) -£0.61
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance 36% -3%

I cashed in £5,000 of premium bonds in a fit of pique after winning nothing for two months in a row. It was mainly because I want to buy a load more JLP:Jubilee Metals on discovering the reason for the recent fall is an investment fund closing down and selling millions of JLP shares. Once that is finished I see no reason why the price shouldn't go back up to where it was heading last year, especially now copper production is ramping up.

I bought 55,402 shares at 5.478p costing £3,039.92, taking my ISA holding to 275,039 costing £18,575. It's by far my 2nd biggest holding after OPTI:Optibiotix. I also have 38,080 shares in my dealing account, 15,949 in my trading account and 57,654 in my SIPP, all of which I plan to sell as soon as they are in profit.

I mentioned the shares I bought in TLOU:Tlou Energy in the intro section, so that left me another £1,000 to invest. In order to increase the number of OPTI:Optibiotix shares I can sell in my SIPP, I bought another 4,792 at 20.868p costing £1,004.99. I've sidelined a similar number in the SIPP ready to sell so have a total of 27,083 I can sell, with another 78,963 I'll retain unless I can get some more in the ISA. After building up my holding over all these years I don't want it to go below 200,000 shares, but I do want to drastically reduce the number in my SIPP.

Huge drop in portfolio value as nearly everything crashed, and all £916 potential profits also wiped out as even my cheap OPTI:Optibiotix holding dropped to a loss.

Big increase in injection and cost, but value stays flat.

Absolutely devastating.

The SIPP looks like this after week 458 overall and week 42 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£113,848.03
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,851.10
Yr 9 Dividends£957.37
Yr 9 Interest£4.98
Yr 9 Profit from sales£4,897.75
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£585.51(9.2%)-£16.04
Total Dividends£15,592.25
Total Interest£10.91
Total Profit from sales£15,733.65
Average monthly cash profit£283.79(4.5%)-£0.78
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance39%-1%

Cash went up thanks to me monthly savings being added. Big drop in value and £637 wiped off potential profits, and that's mostly FTSE shares.

Not looking so promising any more

Just as devastating as the ISA

The trading account looks like this after week 424 overall and week 8 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£0    
Year 9 Dividends£0
Year 9 Interest£0
Year 9 Profit£0
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£0(+0%)+£0
Profit from sales-£602.54
Average monthly cash profit-£5.28(-3.1%)+£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

The JLP:Jubilee Metals slide continues, as this account dwindles towards nothing.

It's a very steady decline.

Horror show.

The only faint hope I have is that at some point the fund will stop selling their JLP:Jubilee Metals holding and we may get some recovery. The fact I've bought tons at this cheap price makes me feel a bit better.

Week 473 Review - Big holding drop yet again.

It was generally a fairly flat week, but most things were down a little. OPTI:Optibitox and JLP:Jubilee Metals both dropped yet again, so the deficit between cost and value widened by £3,316 to £105,233, the deficit between injection amount and value widened to £37,791 and total portfolio value dropped to £117,386.

OPTI:Optibiotix fell by 6% for the 2nd week in a row as they drift relentlessly on lack of any significant news.

AFC:AFC Energy fell another 5% and is now down 28% from being in profit not long ago.

IPX:Impax Asset Management has been a dreadful magic formula share despite being top of the rankings, and fell another 5% to go 21% down. I will of course be buying more the first chance I get.

There was some good news, with PBX:Probiotix Health climbing 1p which is 33%, however they are still 81% down and still a basket case so not deserving of Share of the Week.

Share of the Week goes to one of my best ever magic formula shares ALU:Alumasc Group, which went up another 6% and is now 31% in profit. Marvelous.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 5 of year 10.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£106,138.27+£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£916.88-£473.08
Yr 10 Dividends£0+£0
Yr 10 Interest£0.11            +£0
Yr 10 Profit from sales£149.75+£0
Yr 10 proj avg monthly profit£122.55(1.9%)-£35.73
Total Dividends£12,222.49+£0
Total Interest£6.91+£0
Total Profit from sales£18,027.59+£0
Average monthly cash profit£272.83(4.3%)+£0.62
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance39%+0%

Not much to say other than big drop in value and potential profits as OPTI:Optibiotix slides.

Looked promising about 5 weeks ago. Less so now.

Dropping relentlessly towards the declining trend line.

The SIPP looks like this after week 457 overall and week 41 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£113,848.03
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£4,488.56
Yr 9 Dividends£957.37
Yr 9 Interest£4.98
Yr 9 Profit from sales£4,897.75
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£601.55(9.5%)-£12.62
Total Dividends£15,592.25
Total Interest£10.91
Total Profit from sales£15,733.65
Average monthly cash profit£284.57(4.5%)-£0.41
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance40%+0%

I had a £24 dividend from UKW:Greencoat UK Wind and I've decided to keep them, despite them dropping massively down my magic formula ranking. Their dividend is so good that I'm willing to look aside from my magic formula rules for these.

Cash was also up a bit after a tax rebate, but big drop in portfolio value and also a drop in potential profits of £162.

A less serious decline than the ISA as I reduce the reliance on non-dividend shares

Still high enough to be dragging the trend line flatter.

The trading account looks like this after week 423 overall and week 7 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£0    
Year 9 Dividends£0
Year 9 Interest£0
Year 9 Profit£0
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£0(+0%)+£0
Profit from sales-£602.54
Average monthly cash profit-£5.30(-3.1%)+£0.01
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

Still dropping. Much misery.

Pretty much follows the relentless slide of JLP:Jubilee Metals.

The trend line won't be upwards for much longer.

Two weeks late writing this up as I'm fed up. Enough said.