Wednesday, 28 October 2015

My first dividends!

I didn't realise I had some dividend payments until I looked at my transaction history when I started writing this diary. There were a load of payments that had mysteriously appeared in my account, totaling £82.12. This felt like real interest at last.

Up till this point I had regarded dividends with some disdain. A few pence a share here and there - how could that be worth anything?

Well - quite easily when you get £80 out of the blue.

What was even more amazing was the £35.65 from Glencore. The share that was losing me most money finally gave something back. What puzzled me was that I thought they had withdrawn the dividend to pay off the debts - maybe that's the next one?

Now I've added a column for dividend yield into my spreadsheet. It doesn't impact the colours in the conditional formatting, but if I'm comparing two similar shares, then it will have an influence.

Meanwhile my stock searching found another must-have share, and as I was really close to my ISA limit, I decided to take another £1000 out of premium bonds, and transferred in £1080 to my account. That leaves £1300 available, except it's not available as that's how much I had put in my cash ISA this year.

So that's it - I have my seed fund and I'm not putting any more in. My remaining premium bonds will stay and I'll start building up my liquid savings again, especially as I need a new garden fence. From now on my share dealing will be restricted to money that I make from selling my existing shares.

The final purchase from my savings was this morning. SGRO:Segro provide warehousing and offices. Their chart is a little volatile, but generally heading upwards, they pay generous dividends, and they are confident of future growth this year, especially with internet shopping requiring more and more warehouses. I bought 225 shares at 451.26p and £5.08 stamp duty, costing £1032.37. In just one day they have gone up enough to cover the spread, so I need another 15p rise to pay the commission. My target is a whopping 1500p.

That brings the whole history up to date, and means I can start using this as a more traditional diary

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