Sunday, 28 February 2016

Week 29 Review

Things seemed to go rather well this week. Biggest riser was RCI:Rapidcoud, with a 38% rise halving my paper losses. I'm definitely not complaining, but normally on that sort of increase you'd expect something to either say "we don't know why it's happened" or some news that would justify it. LLOY:Lloyds Bank is up 15% after decent results, AA:Alcoa surged 14% and is almost in profit and GLEN:Glencore ended up 11% higher but still not quite in profit. Maybe results in the coming week will rectify that - or will they? No double digit losses this week, with DOTD:Dotdigital being the worst performer, losing 8% despite rising profits on the first half. Maybe now is the time to top up!

With new money in, sales, and transfers from one account to another, it will take a bit of effort to decipher the summary.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £34,427.40
Portfolio value (share price) £32,718.60 (-£1,498.49) +£846.47
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £31,546.02 (-£2,881.39) +£919.69
Potential profits £1,886.02
Dividends £366.79
Profit from sales £1,177.44
Average monthly cash profit £225.09
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 8%

The portfolio cost reduced by £546.97, which was the cost of the SHG:Shanta Gold shares that I sold, then transferred the cash into my SIPP.

Another great week, with the portfolio sell value going up by around £900 following last week's £1,000 gains. The paper loss is really coming down now, but I'm still a fair way from pre-Christmas when it almost fell bellow a £2,000 loss on the sell value.

Best share for potential profits is GVC:GVC Holdings, which is up at £510.12 profit but has a long way to go yet. Next best is TSG:Trans Siberian Gold on £422.41 then TON:Titon Holdings on £388.61.

No dividends this week, and the sales profit goes up by what I made selling SHG:Shanta Gold. This lifts the average monthly profit by £9.48 and the % return on portfolio cost goes up to 8%, but that's against a slightly smaller portfolio cost.

The SIPP looks like this

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £8,951.94
Portfolio value (share price) £8,987.50 (+£35.56) +£120.81
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £8,809.47 (-£142.47) +£97.75
Potential profits £230.59
Dividends £0
Profit from sales £500.25
Average monthly cash profit £165.68
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 22.21%

Lots of addition to the portfolio cost from the tax money and sales of Shanta Gold. Getting close to my target of £10,000 so must keep the discipline of waiting to transfer the money from my share account next time I sell something, instead of getting distracted by a shiny new share.

Potential profits dropped a little, but four of the shares are now in profit. HGM:Highland Gold is best with £119.10 then LLOY:LLoyds which is now in profit of £55.96.

Still no dividends, and no sales this week. Monthly profit has dropped as a result, and the % return of portfolio cost has dropped by 8% but that's partly because of the increase in portfolio cost, and 22% is still bonkers.

So, two brilliant weeks on the trot - can next week come anywhere close? Tuesday is an important day with GLEN:Glencore and TW.:Taylor Wimpey giving their annual results. Hope it will be good news and enough to take them both into profit. There's also the mystery of the RCI:Rapidcloud surge in share price - will there be any news or explanation?...

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