Friday, 11 March 2016

Week 31 Review

The week started wonderfully well, then went a bit wrong in the middle before rebounding a bit today. Biggest disaster this week was TND:Tandem Group which dropped 32% and is making a £462 loss. RCI:Rapidcloud was best performer last week, but this week dropped 12% presumably as people took profits. Thankfully they were the only big losers, but quite a lot of little drops.

Best performer was a statistical anomaly with NTBR:Northern Bear climbing 14%. However the share price hardly moved, I just bought more shares at a much lower price and it reduced the loss percentage. APC:APC Technology climbed by 12% and is almost in profit, and MSLH:Marshalls zoomed up 12% today after a fantastic set of results, but is still down 5% from my purchase price and losing £60.

It's a complex picture this week, as there were sales and transfers of cash to muddy the waters

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £34,806.25
Portfolio value (share price) £33,211.89 (-4.1%) -£978.99
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £31,941.89 (-8.2%) -£997.99
Potential profits £1,500.84
Dividends £366.79
Profit from sales £1,988.25
Average monthly cash profit £323.39
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 11.1%

The portfolio cost went up a bit thanks to the sale of GLEN:Glencore and half my holdings in TSG:Trans Siberian Gold. The portfolio value crashed down partly because of cashing in £810 worth of profit and re-investing in shares that at best stood still, as well as transferring £474.52 out of the account into my SIPP. With all that going on, it's not too bad.

No dividends this week, but a spectacular increase in average monthly profit to over £300 and a projected annual return of 11.1%. That makes me very happy - thanks Glencore!

Here's the SIPP details

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £9,585.89
Portfolio value (share price) £10,070.58 (+5.1%) -£66.55
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £9,800.05 (+2.2%) -£118.93
Potential profits £310.73
Dividends £2.64
Profit from sales £500.25
Average monthly cash profit £143.42
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 18%

A combination of profits from sales from the share account, the £100 standing order from my bank account and a little top up from my bank account increased the portfolio cost by £633 and allowed me to buy more shares in CWR:Ceres Power Holdings. They are down by 4% which explains some of the decline in portfolio value, but at least the portfolio is still in profit. Potential profits dropping by £160 reveal that it's not been a great week, and although 7 of the 9 shares are in profit, they are only just.

No sales or dividends so the average profit sneaks down a bit more and will continue to do so unless a juicy dividend arrives, as I don't plan to sell anything

A mixed week. Partly happy I ticked up another £1,000 and got out of Glencore just before it tanked, and partly disappointed that the great run of the last three weeks came to an end and I'm back to needing £3,000 for my main accounts to break even. Still well chuffed with the average of £300 a month sale and dividend profit though. Let's see what next week holds...

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