Friday, 16 June 2017

Week 97 Review - Buffer is re-instated

A really good week with some stunning rises that even a typically feeble Friday couldn't undo. The portfolio value increased by £1,697 to £65,130 and re-instated a decent buffer of £3,453.

No double-digit losers yet again. The worst performer was frustratingly OPTI:Optibiotix which dropped 4% following news of a 3-year deal to supply LPLDL® to HLH Biopharma. The first of many deals and guaranteed income, so what happens? The share price drops! Sometimes my patience is tried to the very extreme!

There were loads of non-movers this week and very few losses, but OPTI:Optibiotix at nearly 30% of my holding has quite a big negative effect when it drops. Fortunately the rest of the team were in much better spirits.

AMYT:Amryt Pharma continued to rise, climbing another 7% and now making paper profits of £1,938 (31%).

TLOU:Tlou Energy is worth a mention, as it's been lagging lately but gained 9% this week and despite me selling a big chunk a while ago, the remainder are still up by 18% but that's only £98 profit.

First double-digit riser should have been Share of the week, as with a 25% rise on the back of a great trading statement, CWR:Ceres Power are now £594 (33%) up.

Share of the Week shouldn't be a surprise. I was worried when it got to 70p that there would be a trace back, and I know a lot of people sold. This week IQE:IQE increased in value by a staggering 37% in my ISA and is now making £3,271 (167%) profit. In my SIPP the later purchase is up by £1,785 (67%). The more I look at the potential sales the more excited I get. If only they would switch to the main market, they might get taken more seriously by the big institutions, and then anything could happen.

The gap is almost back to the most it's ever been.

The share and ISA portfolios look like this

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £43,339.81
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £44,650.22 (3%) +£1,432.35
Potential profits £6,792.95
Yr 2 Dividends £486.29
Yr 2 Profit from sales £2,401.06
Yr 2 Average monthly cash profit £274.43 (7.6%) -£6.24
Total Dividends £1,154.22
Total Profit from sales £6.241.32
Average monthly cash profit £326.01 (9.0%) -£3.40
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)

Back into the black, a whopping increase in potential profits slightly marred by OPTI:Optibiotix deepening in loss, but not enough to spoil the party.

Volatile? You betcha!

The SIPP looks like this after week 81

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £17,853.50
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £20,159.01 (12.9%%) +£278.84
Potential profits £3,484.99
Yr 2 Dividends £294.95
Yr 2 Profit from sales £1,596.81
Yr 2 Average monthly cash profit £275.13 (18.5%) -£9.83
Total Dividends £708.15
Total Profit from sales £3,946.67
Average monthly cash profit £243.61 (16.4%) -£3.04
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)

Same story as the main account, with big jump in profits off-set by deepening OPTI:Optibiotix loss (for now...)

Good good good good good!

I hate this bit - horrid trading account after week 47

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £486.05
Cash £79.63
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £321.65 (-33.8%) -£13.90
Potential profits £0
Dividends £0
Profit from sales -£22.85
Average monthly cash profit -£2.11 (-5.2%) +£0.04
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)

What a waste of space. Move along please, nothing to see here...


The end appears to be even more nigh for AFPO:African Potash following today's AGM when they agreed to issue another 221 million shares to buy out 21% of Advanced Agricultural Holding. This was announced back in March, but then in April they announced the reverse takeover of Onshore Energy Ltd, a company of which Executive Chairman Chris Cleverly is a director and shareholder. All this acquisition, but no sign of revenue generation?

Guess what else happened today? Corporate Advisor Peterhouse Corporate Finance resigned with immediate effect. I wonder why?

I think ShareProphets are planning a legal action against the company, and I'm almost tempted to join in, but I think I'll just add it to my list of hard-learned lessons along with the AFG:Aquatic Food disaster. I'll have a £700 hole in my performance stats if they go bust, but it will also reduce my paper deficit by £700.

JLP:Jubilee Platinum announced Hernic is at full production this week. The share price tweaked by a mere 3% so I don't hold out much hope that these are going to re-rate soon. All the good news that could possibly come has come, and yet here we sit making a £207 loss. I think we're stuck in the 4p arena until there's so much cash they can announce a dividend, or something radical happens with Tjate.

KIBO:Kibo Mining didn't drop in value this week after an RNS to say the various licenses are imminent. I think this one could go mad once they come, and I'm still satisfied it will do well - but where are the free Katoro Mining shares?

OPTI:Optibiotix announced the first LPLDL® deal this week. They already had a deal to supply 100,000 capsules to HLH Biopharma, so it's not surprising they got in first with a longer term contract. The question is, how quickly will the other interested parties sign contracts now? We're told that when they do, the house brokers can start estimating some revenue. Could that finally free the share price from this 60-70p range? We shall see...

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