Sunday, 1 December 2019

Week 225 Review - Promising start ends up deepening loss

The week started off quite well and was £2,000 up by Wednesday, but it didn't last and a 2p drop in OPTI:Optibiotix was enough to drag the whole portfolio down by £2,011. The deficit between cost and value widened to £32,584 and the portfolio value dropped to £72,572.

Worst performer was SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics which dropped 13% despite last week's great news. I think people were expecting figures to show instant profits, and the potential 2 year wait for product development has caused a big sell-off. There's one thing for sure - if it stays at 16p until my pension transfer arrives next week, I'll be putting the whole lot in here and throwing away my "dividend-paying shares only" rule before I even managed to start it.

IQE:IQE recovered 7% of its value after last week's big crash. I'm still massively under water in all my accounts and suspect I will be until 5g starts rolling out, when maybe these will start making some profit.

Share of the Week is IKA:Ilika which climbed 13%, but it's done that before and sunk again when it became clear there isn't anyone in the company with a remotely commercial brain. There's just a glimmer of hope that their joint venture with Toyota may bear some fruit, which seems to be what sparked off this rise.

That orange line has a magnetic quality about it.

Almost exactly following the trend line - downwards!

Here's the ISA and share accounts

Weekly Change
Cash £19.49
Portfolio cost £57,768.95
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £38,369.08 (-33.6%) -£1,059.98
Potential profits £0
Yr 5 Dividends £0.63
Yr 5 Profit from sales £-167.28
Yr 5 Average monthly cash profit -£45.35 (-0.9%) +£2.83
Total Dividends £1,342.93
Total Profit from sales £20,224.13
Average monthly cash profit £411.46 (8.5%) -£1.84
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection 13.2%
Compound performance 57%

Another drop of over £1,000 and still no shares in the black. A grim picture.

Almost back to the dreaded injection line.

Back touching the (downward pointing) trend line.

The SIPP looks like this after week 209 as we start year 5 and re-set the annual figures to zero.

Weekly Change
Cash £103.32
Portfolio cost £44,895.31
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£32,822.71 (-26.9%) -£952.99
Potential profits £392.97
Yr 5 Dividends £0
Yr 5 Interest £0
Yr 5 Profit from sales £0
Yr 5 Average monthly cash profit £0 (0%) +£0
Total Dividends £1,899.24
Total Interest £0.17
Total Profit from sales £12,549.10
Average monthly cash profit £290.38 (7.8%) -£1.39
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Performance/Injection 12.5%
Compound performance 50%

I hadn't noticed 4p interest that arrived a few weeks ago which is why the cash and overall interest are up. It should have been included in the year 4 figures so I've left year 5 as £0. The drop was slightly less than £1,000 which is a small saving grace.

As usual this account is a little better behaved than the ISA

It may be better behaved, but it's further below the trend line.

The trading account looks like this

Weekly Change
Cash £48.24
Portfolio cost £2,321.29
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,209.48 (-47.9%) +£1.97
Potential profits £0
Year 4 Dividends £13.20
Year 4 Profit £0
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £3.01 (1.6%) -£0.17
Dividends £47.92
Profit from sales -£64.29
Average monthly cash profit -£0.41 (-0.2%) +£0
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection -0.2%
Compound performance -1%

This account is up on the week - albeit by less than £2. No real change in the figures and still no chance of selling anything.

Well below the trend line and in very poor shape.

I should get my pension transfer by the end of the week. My plans to put half in D4T4:D4T4 Solutions has been scrapped after their interim results that had some red flags. They are doing what MAIS:Maistro did and transitioning to a SaaS model, which is fair enough, but they are claiming this is a reasonable explanation for dropping H1 income by 40%. I'm all for having an H2 weighted income stream as long as H1 compares favourably with last year's H1, but a 40% drop rang enough alarm bells for me to keep watching from the sidelines.

CAML:Central Asia Metals are still low enough for me to consider buying them, and meet my new dividend paying rule. However with SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics dropping to my buy target of 16p I will get those if the money comes through in time and suspend my new rule. It's more of a guideline really...

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