Saturday, 30 October 2021

Week 325 Review - A bad week saved by Optibiotix

A week of multiple small losses saved by a 2p rise in OPTI:Optibiotix. In the end there was a reduction in the deficit between cost and value of £2,110. However, given the rise in OPTI was worth £3,200 the rest of the portfolio lost £1,100. The deficit narrowed to £39,053 and overall value increased to £111,108.

Biggest faller was JLP:Jubilee Metals losing 27% of my purchase price and making me very happy I sold a few the other week before the drop. They are still 268% up though, and I think they may be at 20p by the end of the year if they can demonstrate copper production is ramping up.

The other big loser was PLUS:Plus500 which is facing a class action in Israel for a policy of pausing trading when markets are ultra volatile. It smacks of disgruntled punters unable to cash in profits, but I find this is a regular state of affairs with all brokers - I often can't buy or sell when I want to because of "market volatility". It understandably spooked a lot of investors, so a 6% drop isn't as bad as it could have been. This holding is 19% down on my purchase price though.

Share of the Week is a tricky one as nothing increased by as much as 5%. Both WHR:Warehouse REIT and OPTI:Optibiotix climbed 3% so I think the award goes to OPTI in the hope it continues next week.

It's been a very slow creep upwards for a few weeks now. Just a shame the downward moves are that much more drastic.

Still well below the trend line.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 13 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £20.79

Portfolio cost £70,491.00
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £53,283.26 (-24.4%) +£1,057.85
Potential profits £3,748.40
Yr 7 Dividends £22.16
Yr 7 Profit from sales £2,245.07
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £753.24 (20.6%) -£62.77
Total Dividends £1,365.31
Total Profit from sales £26,369.01
Average monthly cash profit £365.94
(10.0%) -£1.13
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 62%

JLP:Jubilee Metals dropped and caused the £387 reduction in potential profit, but overall value up by £1,057 thanks to OPTI:Optibiotix. Long term performance still on target at 10%

Same pattern as the overall portfolio

Quite a long way below the trend line.

The SIPP looks like this after week 309 overall and week 49 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £661.63
Portfolio cost £76,354.78
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£55,784.75 (-26.9%) +£746.25
Potential profits £376.05
Yr 6 Dividends £1,094.34
Yr 6 Interest £0
Yr 6 Profit from sales £8,265.19
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £811.40 (21.1%) -£12.69
Total Dividends £3,161.42
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £23,724.63
Average monthly cash profit £365.75 (9.5%) -£0.53
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 57%

Quite a lot happened this week. First I had a couple of dividends, with £7.36 from SMS:Smart Metering Systems and £15.27 from CMCL:Caledonia Mining. I also sold all my Blackrock World Gold fund, as I didn't want that as well as the new iShares fund in my AJ Bell account. That made a small profit of £24.91 (6.6%) which isn't bad for 3 months. Unfortunately it appears the auto-purchase applies to the tax relief that comes from the injection, and when £30 appeared in my account it was automatically invested, so I'm stuck with 1.23 units coting £30, and that explains why the portfolio cost only reduced by £330 and not the £360 I spent originally.

Potential profits are up £23 thanks to small rises in both CAML:Central Asia Metals and WHR:Warehouse REIT and overall value up by £746 which disguises many small drops throughout the portfolio. Year 6 only has 3 weeks to go and annual performance is fantastic, with long term performance not bad either, just 0.5% below target. Given that target is a percentage of the portfolio injection amount, which keeps going up as I add more transfers, I'm very happy with it.

Same as the other charts

Much closer to crossing the trend line than the ISA.

The trading account looks like this after week 275 overall and week 15 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,098.64 (-53.7%) -£23.96
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £15.73 (7.9%) -£0.05
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

Yet another drop thanks to DDDD:4D Pharma losing yet more ground. What an absolute disaster that share has been. I made £2,366 profit from my original holding, but since buying back, my paper losses are £10,516 on an investment of £16,641 across my 3 accounts. If these don't turn around then they could be my most catastrophic investment ever and wipe out about half of all my profits over the last 7 years. My track record with pharma companies has been pretty dreadful.

The up-tick was all too brief

Still below the trend line.

My pension transfer of £2,200 has gone out of my work pension account so will land in my SIPP around the middle of the week. I still haven't decided what to do with it. I'll add it to the £500 cash so will have £2,700 to spend.

If OPTI:Optibiotix stays around 50p I may buy a load more. If CAML:Central Asia Metals stays below 250p I may buy a load more. I may still buy magic formula shares PAF:Pan African Resources and SSE:SSE and use the leftover £700 for more OPTI or CAML

PAF:Pan African Resources has been on a small climb recently compared to other gold miners, and they have a dividend ex-date on 2nd December so they are a temping prospect. I need to do more research on SSE:SSE, as they are at a 10-year high and a lot of smaller energy companies are going out of business, so now might not be a good time to buy. Maybe a compromise would be to get PAF and put the rest into OPTI and/or CAML.

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Week 324 Review - Flat week but some Jubilee Metals profits banked to buy more Optibiotix

This would have been a completely flat week, but I got frustrated and wanted to boost my morale so I sold some more of my JLP:Jubilee Metals shares to bank some profit, and spent the proceeds buying more OPTI:Optibiotix, because it can't be long before some significant announcements. The impact was to widen the deficit between cost and value by £620 to £41,163, but the portfolio value increased by £726 to £108,921.

The worst performer was HUM:Hummingbird Resources which dropped 10% after a rather tepid quarterly trading update. Fortunately it climbed 15% last week, so it's still up on a few weeks ago, but down 50% since I bought them.

That was the only poor performer. TLOU:Tlou Energy had a great week as it signed a PPA with the Botswanan power generation company. That boosted my ISA by 5%, but my SIPP holding went up by 13% of the original purchase price. I thought the PPA signing would have caused a bigger increase, but my SIPP is left 13% down and my ISA is 61% down.

POLY:Polymetal had a good week climbing 6%, so my ISA holding is only down by 5% of purchase price whereas my SIPP is down 19%.

JLP:Jubilee Metals wins Share of the Week climbing 13% of purchase price and giving me a nice big profit when I sold some.

The week is showing as flat as cost went up slightly but value didn't.

This shows a real decline cause by cashing in some profits and widening the deficit.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 12 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £20.79

Portfolio cost £70,491.00
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £52,225.41 (-25.9%) -£550.24
Potential profits £4,135.43
Yr 7 Dividends £22.16
Yr 7 Profit from sales £2,245.07
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £816.01 (22.3%) +£233.01
Total Dividends £1,365.31
Total Profit from sales £26,369.01
Average monthly cash profit £367.07
(10.0%) +£9.33
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 62%

I sold 6,000 shares in JLP:Jubilee Metals at 17.5001p and made £779.81 (288.6%) profit, which massively boosted year 7 projected performance and also improved long term performance by £9 a month to take us to the 10% target. Potential profits only lost £544 because JLP had risen nicely before I sold it and reduced the impact on the portfolio. The figures suggest I would have been up by around £200 if I hadn't sold anything.

Flat green line and little up-tick for red.

In increase in the deficit so back down to where we were the week before last.

The SIPP looks like this after week 308 overall and week 48 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £254.99
Portfolio cost £76,684.78
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£55,038.50 (-28.2%) -£2.72
Potential profits £352.33
Yr 6 Dividends £1,071.71
Yr 6 Interest £0
Yr 6 Profit from sales £8,241.18
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £824.09 (21.5%) -£9.87
Total Dividends £3,138.79
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £23,700.62
Average monthly cash profit £366.28 (9.5%) -£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 56%

I received a £30 tax rebate and will do so every month I continue to pay in my £120 regular saving. Cash also went up thanks to a £35.08 dividend from IGG:IG Group and £48.00 from CAML:Central Asia Metals. I like it when my magic formula shares generate cash! Happy to say lots are ex-dividend so there's more to come over the next few weeks.

Aside from that, there was a tiny drop in potential profits and a practically non-existent change of £2 in portfolio value.

Still a sorry site, but no big drop this week.

Flat as a pancake but still below the trend line.

The trading account looks like this after week 274 overall and week 14 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,122.60 (-52.7%) -£67.69
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £15.78 (8.0%) -£0.06
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

There were falls for everything except IQE:IQE and an especially big one for HUM:Hummingbird Resources, so not surprising most of last week's gains have gone.

Still well below the injection line.

Also below the trend line which is getting steeper.

Another week goes by with no significant news from either OPTI:Optibiotix or DDDD:4D Pharma. I nearly bought a bit of both, but decided OPTI is the one more likely to do something first, and I always feel a bit better after I buy some more. My intention is to keep a core holding of 150,000 shares in OPTI and sell the rest for some profit. I have 165,543 shares so I can play with 15,543 of them and aim to return at least £13,000 when I sell them, which would give me around £3,500 profit.

I have enough to do another pension transfer, which should come into my account the week after next. I'm transferring £2,200 and also selling my Blackrock gold fund, as I've switched my gold fund to AJ Bell and the iShares Physical Gold fund, so no point in hanging on to Blackrock. That will liberate £360 so I'll hang onto that and add it to the £2,200.

My initial plan was to add to my magic formula shares and get SSE:SSE and PAF:Pan African Resources, as they are both high in the rankings and both pay a great dividend. I may still do that, but if CAML:Central Asia Metals is still this price when the cash comes through, I may put the whole lot into that, as I feel bad that I sold so many recently - apart from the £2,159 profit and ability to get loads of magic formula shares. The price is below what I sold them all for so I figure I should buy some back. Let's see what things look like in 2 weeks when the cash arrives...

Saturday, 16 October 2021

Week 323 Review - The best week for ages but Optibiotix flat

This was a really good week across most of the portfolio, especially the metal producers. OPTI:Optibiotix didn't move, so the fact that the portfolio increased by £1,596 is impressive. That narrowed the deficit to £40,542 and increased total value to £108, 195.

CEY:Centamin and CMCL:Caledonia Mining both rose by 5% as metal prices started to increase.

IGG:IG Group also climbed 5% following the big dip caused by panic over a CMCX:CMC Markets trading statement that caused their price to drop 25%. I think people are realising that IGG won't have the same dip in profits.

WHR:Warehouse REIT is my newest share, only bought last week, and the 6% increase this week took it 4% into profit. It's nice to see a little more green on my spreadsheet.

Blackrock World Gold Fund had another £120 injection from my regular savings, and also climbed 10% to also go 4% into profit. I have cancelled this regular saving now, as I decided I wanted to spread my SIPP across different providers to reduce risk of one going under. I moved my monthly saving to my AJ Bell account instead. Unfortunately their pension transfer service is rubbish, so I'll have to carry on using Hargreaves Lansdown for those until AJ Bell get their act together and allow online transfers.

CAML:Central Asia Metals had another good week and rose 10% to go 29% up.

HUM:Hummingbird Resources had an even better week after announcing strong drilling results and climbed 15%, but they are still 40% down.

Share of the Week for the second week in a row is JLP:Jubilee Metals which joined the other metal producers in doing well, but rose 23% of my original very low purchase price.

The up-tick looks depressingly small on this chart.

Just above the 12 month low but well below the trend line.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 11 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £52.50

Portfolio cost £69,679.47
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £51,964.12 (-25.4%) +£711.46
Potential profits £4,679.67
Yr 7 Dividends £22.16
Yr 7 Profit from sales £1,465.26
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £583.00 (15.9%) -£58.30
Total Dividends £1,365.31
Total Profit from sales £25,589.20
Average monthly cash profit £357.74
(9.8%) -£1.11
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 61%

The increase of £711 is less than last week's loss, so still come ground to make up. JLP:Jubilee Metals is responsible for the £382 increase in potential profits.

A slightly underwhelming increase.

Miles below the trend line which will steepen as the lows from a year ago vanish off the left of the chart.

The SIPP looks like this after week 307 overall and week 47 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £141.91
Portfolio cost £76,684.78
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£55,041.22 (-28.2%) +£776.70
Potential profits £380.68
Yr 6 Dividends £988.63
Yr 6 Interest £0
Yr 6 Profit from sales £8,241.18
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £833.96 (21.7%) -£18.13
Total Dividends £3,055.71
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £23,700.62
Average monthly cash profit £366.30 (9.5%) -£1.20
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 56%

Cash dropped as I used some to buy my first regular saving in the AJ Bell account, and portfolio cost climbed because I also bought my last Blackrock World Gold shares in my main SIPP. My AJ Bell investment was 4 units of iShares Physical Gold at 2509.668p costing £101.89. I decided to go for a physical gold fund rather than gold miners as I really just want to track the price of gold. 

The Blackrock purchase was 5.36 units at 2238.805970p costing £120. That took my holding to 15.79 units at an average of 2279.924p costing £360. It's currently 4% up and making £14 potential profit. Given the small size and moving my gold fund to AJ Bell, I'll probably sell them and put the cash into something else.

Potential profits are up £157 mainly thanks to CAML:Cental Asia Metals, but also WHR:Warehouse REIT which is making £38 potential profit now.

Long term performance dropped another 0.1% but I have nothing to sell so I think it will probably drift below 9% over the next few months, especially when I add another £2,000 transfer in a few weeks.

Barely any increase at all really.

Still a long way to go to get above the trend line, and even further to turn it around.

The trading account looks like this after week 273 overall and week 13 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,190.29 (-49.9%) +£108.07
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £15.84 (8.0%) -£0.06
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

A nice big rise thanks to an excellent week for HUM:Hummingbird Resources and an OK week for DDDD:4D Pharma, getting back above the 50% deficit figure.

A great recovery but still below the injection line.

Almost touching the trend line. Could this be the turning point?

As I said a few weeks ago, OPTI:Optiobiotix and DDDD:4D Pharma both urgently need news to shift the share price. Let's hope it comes next week.

Week 322 Review - Some recovery but Optibiotix drops

I thought this was going to be a good week, as there were some recoveries in many of my shares, but a 2p drop in OPTI:Optibiotix wiped out all those gains so I ended up losing £1,899 to extend the deficit between cost and value to £42,138 and the overall portfolio value dropped to £106,933 and is getting perilously close to going under £100k.

Blackrock World Gold Fund had a good week, climbing 6% but it is still 3% down.

DDDD:4D Pharma is one of my largest holdings, so a 6% rise was most welcome, but they are still 45% down.

Share of the Week was JLP:Jubilee Metals which climbed by 9% which isn't a lot given they are now 259% up and any change is big compared to my purchase price.

The only good thing I can say is that the recent drop is less steep than in previous weeks!

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 10 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £52.50

Portfolio cost £69,679.47
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £51,252.66 (-26.4%) -£997.84
Potential profits £4,297.14
Yr 7 Dividends £22.16
Yr 7 Profit from sales £1,465.26
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £641.30 (17.5%) -£71.25
Total Dividends £1,365.31
Total Profit from sales £25,589.20
Average monthly cash profit £358.85
(9.8%) -£1.12
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 61%

JLP:Jubilee Metals improved potential profits by £153, but OPTI:Optibiotix caused almost £1,000 to come off the total value. Long term performance is still only just below target.

Only just above 12 month low on the performance chart and getting way too close to the injection line for comfort.

The SIPP looks like this after week 306 overall and week 46 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £244.30
Portfolio cost £76,462.89
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£54,042.63 (-29.3%) -£939.68
Potential profits £223.36
Yr 6 Dividends £988.63
Yr 6 Interest £0
Yr 6 Profit from sales £8,241.18
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £852.09 (22.2%) -£18.94
Total Dividends £3,055.71
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £23,700.62
Average monthly cash profit £367.50 (9.6%) -£1.20
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 56%

Very little change, with CAML:Central Asia Metals increasing potential profits by £45 and OPTI:Optibiotix undoing all the good in the portfolio to reduce value by £939. Long term performance a bit further behind target than the ISA but still not bad.

Way worst position than for more than 12 months.

The trading account looks like this after week 272 overall and week 12 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,082.22 (-54.4%) +£37.75
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £15.90 (8.0%) -£0.06
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

A rare increase in value thanks to the slight recovery in DDDD:4D Pharma, but still 54% down.

Still well below both the injection line and the steeply descending trend line.

That's the last of the holiday catch-up weeks. Need news for both OPTI:Optibiotix and DDDD:4D Pharma to try and salvage something from this mess.

Week 321 Review - More deep losses throughout the portfolio

I've been on holiday but took snapshots at the weekends so can still catch up, but seeing as the weeks were so bad I don't have very much to say. This week the deficit between cost and value widened by £1,920 and is now £40,239, with the total portfolio value down to £108,833.

JLP:Jubilee Metals was the biggest loser, dropping 21%, but all my metals companies did bad and JLP just exaggerates that because it's up by 250% since I bought them.

DDDD:4D Pharma had another bad week dropping 8% and was a significant contributor to the drop.

CAML:Central Asia Metals dropped 7%, although my holding is much reduced here these days. They are still up 16% and my only SIPP share in profit.

IES:Invinity Energy dropped 7% but the fact they haven't gone bust yet is still a massive bonus.

SMS:Smart Metering Systems hasn't been great as a magic formula share and dropped 7% this week.

POLY:Polymetal followed the other metals producers and dropped 5% to go 18% down. At least I've had a dividend from them now which helps ease the pain.

Share of the Week is the only one that gained more than 5% as ASY:Andrews Sykes Group climbed by 9%. They are still 14% down, but I'm a bit more hopeful about these now.

Another tick down but at least it's less steep than the recent ones

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 9 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £52.50

Portfolio cost £69,679.47
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £52,250.50 (-25.0%) -£1,071.08
Potential profits £4,144.13
Yr 7 Dividends £22.16
Yr 7 Profit from sales £1,465.26
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £712.55 (19.5%) -£79.10
Total Dividends £1,365.31
Total Profit from sales £25,589.20
Average monthly cash profit £359.97
(9.8%) -£0.88
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 61%

My first ISA dividend in years was £22 from POLY:Polymetal. Cash only increased by £18 due to monthly fees. The value dropped by £1,071 which isn't a huge amount, and £344 of that was down to reduced potential profit for JLP:Jubilee Metals. Long term averages are still looking good.

Pretty bad.

The SIPP looks like this after week 305 overall and week 45 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £244.30
Portfolio cost £76,462.89
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£54,982.31 (-28.1%) -£765.11
Potential profits £178.36
Yr 6 Dividends £988.63
Yr 6 Interest £0
Yr 6 Profit from sales £8,241.18
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £871.03 (22.7%) -£27.39
Total Dividends £3,055.71
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £23,700.62
Average monthly cash profit £368.70 (9.6%) -£2.32
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 56%

I decided to sell ASHM:Ashmore Group because of their exposure to Evergrande issues. They hold a lot of their bonds, so I got nervous and sold for a £104.42 (9.8%) loss. I know I should have stuck to my 12 month rule for magic formula shares, but I panicked.

I re-invested the proceeds plus some cash and bought 665 shares in WHR:Warehouse REIT which is next on my list of magic formula shares. They cost £1,011.29.

I had £44.05 dividends this week, with £18.90 from POLY:Polymetal and £25.15 from CEY:Centamin, but forked out for monthly fees. That meant I had to dip into £77 of cash to fund the new shares.

The loss didn't have much impact on long term performance and even year 6 is still healthy at 22%. The portfolio lost £765 and £90 came off potential profits as CAML:Central Asia Metals dropped again.

As with the other accounts there's no steep drop, but we're in a pretty bad state and it got worse this week.

The trading account looks like this after week 271 overall and week 11 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,044.47 (-56.0%) -£83.89
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £15.96 (8.1%) -£0.06
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

Yet another big drop as everything fell in value. 

Will it ever change direction?

Good job I was on holiday when all this was happening so I had something to take my mind off it.