Saturday, 25 February 2023

Week 394 Review - Still dropping to new all-time low

There's no let-up. Nearly everything dropped this week, including OPTI:Optibiotix losing 0.5p, the equivalent of £1,000. I was also stopped out of two of my last profitable shares as they have dropped more than 10% so I reluctantly took the profit. The deficit between cost and value widened by £2,206 to £117,171 and portfolio value dropped to £64,386.

PLUS:Plus 500 was the worst performer, dropping 8% to go from 2% profit to 6% loss. They did go ex-dividend though, so not as bad as it might have been.

RIO:Rio Tinto dropped 7% after rather underwhelming results, which was a surprise given the markets are meant to be forward looking. It wasn't a surprise so I had figured it would be in the price already, but no. They went from 2% profit to 5% loss.

EDV:Endeavour Mining dropped 5% and went past my -15% stop-loss. I didn't sell because the only reason they dropped below the threshold was going ex-dividend, but further falls next week will mean I need to sell.

WHR:Warehouse REIT also had a bad week, dropping 5%, but they didn't go ex-dividend.

Share of the Week is the only one that increased by 5% or more, with SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics going up 7% for no obvious reason. I think people are getting twitchy that a Croda deal will be announced soon. I hope so, they've had long enough!

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 30 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Cash £17.07

Portfolio cost £87,812.70
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £29,206.79 (-66.7%) -£751.98
Potential profits £0
Yr 8 Dividends £0
Yr 8 Interest £0.10
Yr 8 Profit from sales -£8,360.59
Yr 8 projected avg monthly profit -£1,210.94 (-25.3%) +£41.75
Total Dividends £11,768.92
Total Interest £0.10
Total Profit from sales £19,733.47
Average monthly cash profit £342.63
(7.1%) -£0.87
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 54% +0%

Very little happened. PLUS:Plus500 was my last profitable share and it fell to loss, so even the magic formula is letting me down. Most things fell in value except SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics mentioned as Share of the Week above, and CAPD:Capital which climbed 1%. Everything else fell except 2 that remained flat.

Relatively flat I suppose

Oh look - there's a thing - we seem to be following the trend line again!

The SIPP looks like this after week 378 overall and week 14 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Cash £5,090.97
Portfolio cost £86,853.29
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£28,897.02 (-66.7%) -£1,434.53
Potential profits £28.54
Yr 8 Dividends £28.05
Yr 8 Interest £0.52
Yr 8 Profit from sales -£9,820.16
Yr 8 projected avg monthly profit -£3,041.37 (-58.8%) +£410.27
Total Dividends £14,170.83
Total Interest £0.77
Total Profit from sales £10,613.59
Average monthly cash profit £272.32 (5.3%) +£5.36
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 38% +1%

Cash went up because I sold my CAML:Central Asia Metals shares when they passed the 10% drop in value virtual stop. Why Can't I ever hold a share that doesn't drop 10% once it gets into profit? I sold 1,834 shares for 261.5008p after paying 235.4117p so made £418.72 (9.5%) profit. I kept the proceeds to re-invest in the same company, hopefully at a lower price than I sold them for. Knowing my track record they will soar on Monday.

I was also stopped out of ANTO:Antofagasta after that dropped more than 10%. I sold my 69 shares for 1631.6741p after paying 1430.125p so made £110.34 (11.3%) profit. I decided not to re-invest in them immediately, and instead bought 70 shares in PSN:Persimmon for 1415p costing £1,007.40. Their dividend is due soon and they are high in my magic formula list. You can almost guarantee there will be a crash in house prices next week.

This left my only profitable share as III:3i Group, and I've only invested £366 in that so far as my monthly saving, but that £28 profit is my last ray of hope.

Absolutely everything dropped this week except SBTX:SkinBiotherapeutics which I've already mentioned as Share of the Week. The only other green share was FXPO:Ferrexpo which climbed 1%. Pretty desperate week.

Utterly pitiful

Heading back down towards the trend line, not even running parallel to it.

The trading account looks like this after week 344 overall and week 32 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£1,763.50
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission)£1,154.19(-34.6%)-£19.76
Potential profits£0
Year 7 Dividends£0.00
Year 7 Interests£0.01
Year 7 Profit-£1,157.99
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit-£156.72(-106.6%)+£5.05
Profit from sales-£930.69
Average monthly cash profit-£10.97-(7.5%)+£0.03
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

This was obliterated last week, so there are just tattered remains left. Everything fell in value, so what's new?

So glad I added that extra £1,000 - it's made all the difference!

It's a shame every move upwards in this chart is due to me realising losses and nothing to do with the situation getting any better.

Another week of misery. I can't believe how bad it is. At least I'm running out of shares that can cause me to realise more significant loss. Having said that, I'm amazed KIBO:Kibo Energy haven't gone bust. They will cost me £2,635 when they do. I'm convinced it's a when rather than an if.

Sunday, 19 February 2023

Week 393 Review - Disaster as 4D Pharma goes bust and new all-time low

The news I was dreading to hear. The rescue bid for DDDD:4D Pharma has fallen through and the shares have been cancelled. The assets will be sold off to pay debts and there will be nothing left for shareholders. I've lost around £18,000 and destroyed my performance averages for the last 8 years.

This just a week after the collapse of the PBX:Probiotix share price has left my entire portfolio in tatters.

Ironically, the loss of my DDDD:4D Pharma shares meant the deficit between cost and value improved by £15,925. Unfortunately, as I lost £18,000 it's still been a pretty bad week and most shares have fallen in value, despite the FTSE 100 reaching an all-time high.

The deficit between cost and value now stands at £114,965, but the overall portfolio value is only £66,038 despite a massive recent injection of cash. It's going backwards, and after dropping consistently for the last 2 years, that drop is now accelerating.

The biggest loser this week was the share I've just ploughed £9,000 into. JLP:Jubilee Metals fell 17% after an underwhelming production update, despite the issues affecting production already being known about, and despite them all having been resolved. My brilliant timing I'd saved so carefully for when the warrant seller should have finished selling, turned out to be utterly rubbish - again.

Despite only holding JLP:Jubilee Metals for a few weeks, I am already down by £1,700. I should really give up!

BLU:Blue Star Capital were being pumped last week, and I'm relieved I sold my short-term trade shares for a tiny profit as they were down 5% this week. That's 5% of the original purchase price of my tiny holding, so it was more like 15% of the current share price.

WHR:Warehouse REIT was one of the few magic formula shares to go up this week, and climbed 5% to recover last week's losses and go just 1% down altogether, which is all commission.

Share of the week is PBX:Probiotix Health which climbed 9% as it recovered from the collapse over the last 2 weeks. It's still 67% down though. I tried to buy some but it's no longer available for on-line trading even on AJ Bell, which is odd given I had no problem buying before the lock-in period ended. As a result I've abandoned buying any more as they are too difficult to get rid of. I have 100k which is a nice holding once they recover. I'll have to wait for them to list on AIM before I sell any.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 29 of year 8.

Weekly Change

Portfolio cost£87,812.70
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission)£29,958.77(-65.9%)+£1,591.78
Potential profits£22.00
Yr 8 Dividends£0
Yr 8 Interest£0.10
Yr 8 Profit from sales-£8,360.59
Yr 8 projected avg monthly profit-£1,252.69(-26.1%)-£1,112.97
Total Dividends£11,768.92
Total Interest£0.10
Total Profit from sales£19,733.47
Average monthly cash profit£343.50
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance54%-14%

There's a lot going on here. Cash is down because I spent the money I was saving for PBX:Probiotix on JLP:Jubilee Metals instead. I had to when the price dropped as it's way over-done. I bought 22,159 shares at 9.59p costing £2,130.

Prior to that I baled out of my disastrous short-term trade in IQAI:IQAI and sold them for 2.93p losing £68.88 (13.6%). That was a lesson in never trying to make a fast buck on something I know nothing about. It did however liberate £436 that I could spend on JLP:Jubilee Metals.

The portfolio value actually went up if you remove the big loss from the calculation thanks to PBX:Probiotix recovering 9% and the purchase of additional shares being more than the residual value of DDDD:4D Pharma that was lost..

I lost £7,411 when I wrote off DDDD:4D Pharma, but the portfolio cost only dropped £4,783 because of the JLP purchase. There was also the loss on IQAI which resulted in losses of £7,480 altogether. This made a right mess of my Year 8 stats which will no doubt stay negative for the rest of the year, and wiped off £83 a month from my long-term profit. Miraculously I'm still making an average of 7.2%, although given my current portfolio value is down by 65% and well below the injection line, the 7.2% is a bit meaningless, unless of course my shares recover...

However - much joy and celebration to beat down the gloom of losing thousands - I got 1p interest!

Big drop in the cost line from writing off DDDD:4D Pharma, with value relatively flat. Injection line went up £1,000 as I got paid my first pension payment and don't need it to subsidise my 20% drop in working hours until April.

Rather depressing that it took realising a massive loss to get the deficit above the trend line.

The SIPP looks like this after week 377 overall and week 13 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£91,214.81
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£831.74
Yr 8 Dividends£28.05
Yr 8 Interest£0.52
Yr 8 Profit from sales-£10,349.12
Yr 8 projected avg monthly profit-£3,451.64(-66.7%)-£3,425.49
Total Dividends£14,170.83
Total Interest£0.77
Total Profit from sales£10,084.63
Average monthly cash profit£266.96(5.2%)-£119.21
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance37%-17%

I had far more shares in DDDD:4D Pharma here than in my ISA so lost £10,281 which more than halved my long term profits. The drop in sell value of -£1,493 includes losing the value of the DDDD:4D Pharma share value as there were no purchases to counter the losses.

Potential profits only dropped £40 which compared to everything else felt pretty good.

Not a nice sight

As with the ISA, the reduction in deficit caused by realising the loss gets us above the trend line.

The trading account looks like this after week 343 overall and week 31 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£1,763.50
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission)£1,173.95(-33.4%)-£258.72
Potential profits£0
Year 7 Dividends£0.00
Year 7 Interests£0.01
Year 7 Profit-£1,157.99
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit-£161.77(-110.1%)-£141.98
Profit from sales-£930.69
Average monthly cash profit-£11.00-(7.5%)-£12.90
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

Have you ever seen a more damning illustration of how crap I am at share trading? I had 2 lots of DDDD:4D Pharma and I lost the lot, as well as JLP:Jubileee Metals tanking when I have 2 lots of that as well. Based on Year 7 I'm losing over £100 a month, and my long term profit over 6.5 years is now a loss of £11 a month. Absolutely rubbish.
This chart is all over the place now. The key thing is that the cash injection line is way above both the cost and value lines, which is quite bad.

Realising this loss has rocketed the deficit to just £589 so it makes this chart look great. That's a nice positive to end my worst ever week since I started.

There is a tiny speck of hope I'll get something back from DDDD:4D Pharma if they can sell the IP for enough to pay the debts, but if there is anything it will be a pittance, and I'm not holding out any hope so have written off the whole lot. If I do get anything back it will be a bonus. I've never had anything back from any other share that's gone bust though, so I don't see why this will be any different.

Saturday, 11 February 2023

Week 392 Review - Dreadful week sees a new all-time low

Lots of shares dropped in value this week, especially on Friday when one passed my 10% virtual stop loss so I sold up when I really didn't want to. The deficit between cost and value increased by £3,998 to a record £130,890 and my portfolio value is a pathetic £67,895. The relentless misery is almost too much to bear.

PBX:Probiotix Health has been a predictable disaster. The bid price is now at the 5p I'm targeting to buy, but the offer is still 8p so I'm hanging fire for now. It means my holding has lost 75% of its value in a few weeks, and this week accounted for 15% of that and contributed most to the £3,998 drop, especially as OPTI:Optibiotix stayed flat so didn't skew the weekly figures.

IQAI:IQAI is a new one I bought as a speculative trade, but I should have known that with my record of trading it would be a disaster, because it is down 13%, most of which is massive spread. I bought it because I thought it was about to do a big break-out, but it stopped just after my purchase. I tried the same with BLU:Blue Star Capital and that almost went pear-shaped too, but I saw the light and sold them for £27 (2.7%) profit. It could have been a very costly mistake as I bought £1,000 worth which  I need to save for buying PBX:Probiotix. I really want to sell IQAI next week even if at a loss, because I need to be ready to strike with all my £2,000 when PBX drops to 5p.

III:3i Group is my monthly saving share, and I bought another 9 shares for 1638.55p this week costing £116.77, so naturally they immediately dropped to 1626 which contributed to the 6% drop this week.

PAGE:Page Group also dropped 6% and from profitable to loss

FXPO:Ferrexpo had a mini rally recently, but slipped 5% this week to go 71% down.

SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics have also been on a mini rally, but gave it all back this week, dropping 5%

The only share that was up by any margin, and therefore Share of the Week, is BLU:Blue Star Capital, which climbed 13% in anticipation of the launch of Satoshipay's new Pendulum tokens. It might save BLU from all the other rubbish they are invested in.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 28 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Cash £1,713.33

Portfolio cost £92,596.63
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £28,366.99 (-69.4%) -£1,997.23
Potential profits £1.48
Yr 8 Dividends £0
Yr 8 Interest £0.09
Yr 8 Profit from sales -£880.39
Yr 8 projected avg monthly profit -£139.72 (-3.0%) +£23.07
Total Dividends £11,768.92
Total Interest £0.09
Total Profit from sales £27,213.67
Average monthly cash profit £427.07
(9.1%) +£0.14
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 68% +0%

Portfolio cost went up a bit because of the IQAI:IQAI purchase I mentioned earlier. Potential profits went down £238 to just £1 thanks to nearly all the profitable shares dropping, and having to sell CWR:Ceres Power when it passed my virtual stop loss. I sold my 238 shares for 458.43p making £87.45 (8.7%) profit. That's not to be sneered at given how badly everything else is doing, but I really wanted to hold these long term.

They are however a big risk, so rather than save my cash to buy back into them, I bought 10 shares in GAW:Games Workshop, which is one of my top magic formula shares. They cost 9194.75p making a total of £929.03, and are 2% down thanks to commission.

I also made the £27 profit from day-trading BLU:Blue Star Capital, so profits from sales went up by £115, or at least I reduced my Year 8 losses by £115. That only improved my long term performance by 14p a month.


Back to familiar territory below the trend line and following it downwards. Must be getting on for 2 years of this now. There won't be anything left soon!

The SIPP looks like this after week 376 overall and week 12 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£101,496.61
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£871.75
Yr 8 Dividends£28.05
Yr 8 Interest£0.33
Yr 8 Profit from sales-£67.32
Yr 8 projected avg monthly profit-£26.15(-0.5%)+£9.39
Total Dividends£14,170.83
Total Interest£0.58
Total Profit from sales£20,366.43
Average monthly cash profit£386.17(7.5%)-£0.83
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance54%+0%

Cost went up from my monthly investment in III:3i Group mentioned in the intro, and I received a £28 dividend from NUM:Numis Corp. Potential profits were hammered by £244 as all my profitable shares dropped in value.

Similar story to the ISA

Almost identical story to the ISA, so even the magic formula shares can't drag this one above the trend line.

The trading account looks like this after week 342 overall and week 30 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,783.77
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission)£1,432.67(-48.5%)-£29.67
Potential profits£0
Year 7 Dividends£0.00
Year 7 Interests£0.01
Year 7 Profit-£137.01
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit-£19.79(-8.5%)+£0.68
Profit from sales£89.59
Average monthly cash profit£1.90(0.8%)+£0
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

JLP:Jubilee Metals has failed to leap upwards after the warrants where exercised, so I was completely wrong on that one, as per usual. No prospect of selling anything in this disaster area for a while now.

My attempt to re-vitalise the account has failed utterly

I'm amazed the trend line is still pointing upwards, but I'm doing my very best to drag it down again.

I'm not surprised my portfolio has crashed to it's worst ever deficit this week, as the decimation of PBX:Probiotix was predictable, and I'm just relieved I managed to sell the shares I bought on the market for 20p rather than the current 5p I would have got. I just hope I can capitalise on the situation by buying a large amount for virtually nothing before the next trading update which should show them making a profit and cause an instant re-rate. I can only trade them on AJ Bell, because for some reason Hargreaves Lansdown don't allow them to be traded online. Surprising, given that they often use the same market when buying my OPTI:Optibiotix shares. I'm hoping to be buying my PBX shares next week, as most people are seeing them in their accounts and able to sell them, so the price should drop into my price range next week.

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Week 391 Review - ISA has a profitable share for the first time in ages

Generally a good week, with a few exceptions. The 0.5p increase in OPTI:Optibiotix contributed most of the £1,361 narrowing of the gap between cost and value to £126,892, and overall portfolio value stands at £71.620.

The biggest faller was CEY:Centamin, which dropped 8%. I don't understand what's going on. They have been falling for a month now, and yet gold is doing really well, and they are doing well too. My holding is now 11% down, so only 4% above my virtual stop-loss. I've had these for almost 2 years and have £78 of dividends. I would have sold after about a month when they originally tanked, but it was before my 15% virtual stop-loss system started. I may have to sell them next week if they drop to 99.5p from their current 104.3p.

JLP:Jubilee Metals was almost flat, but I bought some in my trading account and the spread is very wide, so they dropped 6% as soon as I bought them.

BLU:Blue Star Capital rose inexplicably and are now falling just as inexplicably. They dropped 5% this week to go 74% down.

ASHM:Ashmore Group climbed 5% and went into profit by 2% which is great news for a recently purchased magic formula share.

SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics also climbed 5%. It was a lot more mid-week, but they dropped back at the end of the week. There's no reason for the rise, other than people getting twitchy about how soon a Croda deal will be announced.

NUM:Numis Corp was a disaster when I first bought it, whizzing past my virtual stop loss when I wasn't looking. Fortunately they recovered 6% this week, but are still 20% down. If the momentum continues then I'll impose my 15% virtual stop loss, although may be a bit more generous because they are not starting from zero.

PAGE:Page Group has been another successful magic formula share, this week climbing 8% and going 5% into profit.

Share of the week is CWR:Ceres Power, which I only bought last week, but which has risen 17% and is already £165 in potential profit. I hope they announce the joint venture soon, and we could see a real re-rate. I have set a virtual stop-loss at 7% so these will be profitable even if they drop from here.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 27 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Cash £2,033.40

Portfolio cost £92,161.34
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £29,928.93 (-67.5%) +£793.58
Potential profits £240.02
Yr 8 Dividends £0
Yr 8 Interest £0.09
Yr 8 Profit from sales -£995.63
Yr 8 projected avg monthly profit -£162.79 (-3.5%) +£6.26
Total Dividends £11,768.92
Total Interest £0.09
Total Profit from sales £27,098.43
Average monthly cash profit £426.93
(9.1%) -£1.09
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 68% +0%

Cash dropped by £2,000 as I invested half of it in some more JLP:Jubilee Metals shares. I bought 15,921 at 12.53p costing £1,999.85. I thought they would put on a spurt this week, but was wrong. Despite lots of big buys, the price dropped slightly so they are down 4%.

I'm saving the last £2,000 for PBX:Probiotix when the big sell-off is complete. They are appearing in accounts now. I can slle them in my AJ Bell account, but can't sell them in Hargreaves Lansdown yet. There have been a few big purchases to offset the falls, but once the majority of retail shareholders get access to their stock, the price will plummet.

Potential profits increased by £240, in fact I can't remember the last time I was able to report a potential profit on this account, so I allowed myself a little celebration. Most of the potential profits are in my AJ Bell share account, but 94p is in my ISA thanks to PLUS:Plus 500 climbing 1%.

Pretty flat looking

Unfortunately still below the trend line

The SIPP looks like this after week 375 overall and week 11 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Cash £134.02
Portfolio cost £101,379.84
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£38,041.68 (-62.5%) +£542.40
Potential profits £1,115.89
Yr 8 Dividends £0
Yr 8 Interest £0.33
Yr 8 Profit from sales -£67.32
Yr 8 projected avg monthly profit -£35.54 (-0.8%) +£3.55
Total Dividends £14,142.78
Total Interest £0.58
Total Profit from sales £20,366.43
Average monthly cash profit £387.00 (7.5%) -£1.03
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 54% -2%

My pension transfer came through so I bought some more shares.

First I added 345 shares of CAML:Central Asia Metals to my existing holding. They were bought at 289.6235p and cost £1,011.15. That takes my holding to 1,834 costing £4,365 and making £868 (20%) potential profit.

I now see why people buy more shares when the price goes up. It means the cost of the commission and spread is immediately subsumed by the potential profits, and although they dropped a little, they never go into the red. With this in mind I may start doubling my holding in existing profitable magic formula shares rather than keep buying new ones.

This did make me consider my virtual stop-loss rule though. The more a share gets into profit, the more I should allow it to drop without selling.  I don't want to be forced out of a share by a blip, so by extending that blip the more the price goes up, I reduce the risk of being stopped out but still prevent myself ending up with a loss.

So if the price increases by 11-25% I'll set the trailing stop-loss 10% below that. However, if it goes above 25%, then between there and 50% I'll let it drop 20% before selling. Between 51% and 75% I'll let it drop 30%, and between 75% and 100% I'll let it drop 40%. Anything above 100% I'll allow a 50% drop.Note that the drop is based on my original share price, not the current share price.

My other purchase was a bit of a stab in the dark based on my hopes that gold will continue to climb in price. I bought 51 shares in EDV:Endeavour Mining at 1942.548p costing £1,007.60. They are a gold miner with a gigantic pot of cash. Unfortunately they are already down by 4%, but it's early days.

Portfolio value climbed £542 mainly thanks to OPTI:Optibiotix, but potential profit only climbed by 91p. Long term performance is now well below my 10% target so I could do with something spectacularly profitable to sell.

Slight rise in injection and cost, and slightly more of a rise in value for a change.

Almost back on the trend line, but we need to be well above it.

The trading account looks like this after week 341 overall and week 29 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £20.24
Portfolio cost £2,783.77
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,462.34 (-47.5%) -£39.81
Potential profits £0
Year 7 Dividends £0.00
Year 7 Interests £0.01
Year 7 Profit -£137.01
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit -£20.47 (-8.8%) -£9.37
Dividends £60.10
Interest £0.01
Profit from sales £89.59
Average monthly cash profit £1.90 (0.8%) -£0.84
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

I sold my SHG:Shanta Gold shares as they triggered my 15% stop-loss. The sale lost £65 which was 12.9%, so a little better than -15%.

I immediately re-invested in JLP:Jubilee Metals and included them in the share account purchase so the commission went with that part of the purchase and this one is commission free. I bought 3,469 shares at 12.53p costing £434.67. Let's hope these leap forwards to I can keep my main holding and sell these. The drop in price after I bought them meant the portfolio lost £39 in value.

This is becoming an odd shape now

Still below the trend line, a situation that must change soon if we're going to prevent it flattening.

So I've already spent most of my pension lump sum, or at least the amount I was willing to invest in shares. I only have the £2,000 left that I'm currently targeting at PBX:Probiotix, but the share price has remained more resilient than I expected. It has halved, but I'm counting on it dropping to about 5p before I buy. That will get me around 40,000 to add to my existing 100,000. I won't lump them together to average the price down, but instead keep the dividend shares at their original float price, as I'll hold those longer term and flog the rest if they manage to make a profit. I need something to sell for a big profit soon as my performance stats are doing pretty badly recently.