Sunday, 2 March 2025

Week 499 Review - Bad week across most of the portfolio.

This week was just generally bad. A 0.5p rise in OPTI:Optibiotix mitigated the losses a little, but nearly everything was down, so the deficit between cost and value widened by £2,859 to £124,772 and the gap between injection amount and value widened to £52,168. The overall portfolio value dropped to £115,694.

The biggest loser was TLOU:Tlou Energy, with a 16% drop, although there has been no negative news, so it's likely part of the continuing slide until they start generating electricity.

PBX:Probiotix Health dropped 9% which was likely profit taking after the big rise last week.

AFC:AFC Energy and JLP:Jubilee Metals both fell 8%. AFC is being shorted I think, and JLP is still having institutions selling their stock as they close funds that were invested. POLR:Polar Capital also dropped 8% but there is no apparent reason.

BHP:BHP Group and RIO:Rio Tinto both dropped 6% in a week when most metals shares were bashed.

ATYM:Atalaya Mining dropped 5% presumably for the same reason as the two above, and also dropping 5% for no obvious reason were CWR:Ceres Power, FOUR:4imprint, IHP:Integrafin, IPX:Impax Asset Management and SCT:Softcat.

Only two shares grew by a decent amount this week. The first was UKW:Greencoat UK Wind climbing 6%, but my holding is still 27% down.

Share of the Week is recent investment BPM:BP Marsh & Partners, which rose 7% after an excellent trading statement, with my holding now only 3% down.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 31 of year 10.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£114,352.47+£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£0+£0
Yr 10 Dividends£109.23+£0
Yr 10 Interest£0.82            +£0
Yr 10 Profit from sales£327.55+£0
Yr 10 proj avg monthly profit£53.06(0.7%)-£1.77
Total Dividends£12,417.18+£0
Total Interest£7.62+£0
Total Profit from sales£17,602.85+£0
Average monthly cash profit£256.19(3.6%)-£0.52
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance35%+0%

Not much happened apart from a big drop in value, largely caused by JLP:Jubilee Metals and PBX:Probiotix Health.

I was hoping we'd be heading back up by now, but no.

Relieved to be just above the trend line, but going on the same direction.

The SIPP looks like this after week 483 overall and week 15 of year 10.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£126,008.33
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,462.69
Yr 10 Dividends£403.81
Yr 10 Interest£1.25
Yr 10 Profit from sales£2,375.87
Yr 10 proj avg monthly profit£785.62(11.4%)-£39.99
Total Dividends£16,520.46
Total Interest£14.15
Total Profit from sales£19,383.81
Average monthly cash profit£309.31(4.5%)-£0.17
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance42%+0%

I received £10 dividend from BPM:BP Marsh & Partners, £17 from GAW:Games Workshop and £24 from UKW:Greencoat UK Wind. Potential profits dropped £256 thanks to most shares dropping.

I decided to inject £450 into the account to go with the dividends and bought another 14,382 shares in JLP:Jubilee Metals at 3.41p costing £502.38. They had better turn around soon as I shouldn't be buying non-dividend paying shares in my SIPP, but I can't help myself at these prices, especially now we're going full steam on copper production. I hope to sell the shares along with my other cheap batch for 7.5p, which would get me a total of £2,456 profit and liberate £5,081 for magic formula shares.

I have targets on all my JLP SIPP shares. The first lot is 6p which would make £727 profit and liberate £2,082, then the ones above at 7.5p, then 8.8p making £1,931 profit and liberating £4,012, then 10p to make £1,173 profit and liberate £4,583, then 10.5p to make £1,703 and liberate £3,005, closely followed by 11.5p to make £522 profit and liberate £3,277. So if all goes to plan, I'll get a total of £8,515 profit and be able to buy £22,000 worth of magic formula shares. However, so far nothing has gone to plan!

Still much better than the ISA

Back down on the trend line.

We really, really need a production update from JLP:Jubilee Metals with some actual figures for copper, as nothing else is likely to shift the price. However, if that production is impressive, then maybe I can put my plans above into action.

Meanwhile my plans to sell some PBX:Probiotix Health were scuppered this week by it dropping to 10.5p, so I may as well stick with my original plan and wait for 13.5p.

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