Tuesday, 17 November 2015

So nearly a perfect day

Why is it that just when you think everything is coming up rosy, something slaps you in the face with a haddock?

After weeks of misery watching practically everything slide, today saw a huge bounce-back with blue all over the monitor - at least - NEARLY all over the monitor!

AFPO:African Potash up 11.3% after a miserable few weeks.
HLMA:Halma up an incredible 7.5% (57p) after a strong 6-month report.
SSX:Sirius Minerals up 5.7%
UTV:UTV Media up 2.6%
SGRO:Segro up 2.4% after a recent slide
BDEV:Barratt Developments, RDW:Redrow, TW.:Taylor Wimpey all up over 2% reversing their recent slide
BA.:BAE Systems up 2% and continuing their revival

For the first time since I bought the shares, BAE Systems, Halma and Redrow are in profit

I now have 8 shares in profit - the most ever, and another 7 that are past the spread and only the commission charge prevents them being in profit.

You'd think I'd be dancing in the street!


AFG:Aquatic Food also put out a trading statement. It's not that bad - still making good profits, but despite only 1,368 shares being traded, the price dropped 19.4%

What's that all about??

£200 wiped off my portfolio and completely undoing all the gains made everywhere else

Oh woe, doom and misery!

I'm still a bit shell-shocked. I'm also confused. The share has ended up with a spread of 50%. I thought it was mental at 30% but this is ridiculous. Who's ever going to buy it? Are they trying to stop people buying it? Is such a massive drop on a not-too-bad trading statement an attempt to shake people out of the share? If it is then it wasn't very successful as only 1,368 were sold and they were all in one trade. Given there are 109,930,000 shares in issue I really don't understand how one sell can have that much effect.

OK - rant over - I'll be optimistic and hope there's been some sort of mistake and the bid price will right itself tomorrow - that will erase some of the damage. I should focus on the positives - I have £200 worth of profit if I sell my top 8 shares now - which I won't - but it's great to see so many in the green for the first time.

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