Friday, 20 November 2015

Week 15 Review

My perception is that this week has been generally upwards, but a few shares have tanked, so it may be a false perception. Let's see what the facts say.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £29,613.42
Portfolio value (share price) £27,709.80 (-£1,801.21) +£219.28
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £26,762.36 (-£2,851.06) +£196.89
Dividends £131.54
Profit from sales £342.88
Overall profit -£2,376.64
(Portfolio sale-cost+dividends+profit from sales)

Although profit from sales is less than last week, it's because I accidentally included dividends from sold shares in the profit. Those have been taken out so there has been no actual change as I've not sold anything this week. For a similar reason the overall profit was missing dividends from current stock and so was a little out. Those have been adjusted this week so it should reconcile properly from next week.

Nice to see another £33 dividends arriving this week, and the overall position up by a few hundred quid. Doesn't quite cancel last week's £700 loss, but at least things are heading in the right direction.

Seven stocks are in profit at the end of the week, and another seven are up but losing commission. If I can get half the portfolio in the green over the next few weeks I'll be happy for Christmas. It would also be wonderful to get the loss on paper down below £2000.

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