Saturday, 13 August 2016

Week 53 Review

I love you AFG:Aquatic Foods - you're no longer my nemesis share!

I love you AMYT:Amryt Pharma - I always had faith you would turn it around!

Friday was awesome.

There was only one disaster share this week and that was KIBO:Kibo Mining. In my ISA it dropped 13% and in my standard account it did worse, dropping 17% as a result of me buying more to try and squeeze out some profit from my holiday money. I chose the wrong share to do that! I'm hoping they will give us the cutoff date for qualification for free gold mine shares, as I'd rather like the holiday ones to qualify before I sell them.

LOOK:Lookers was about to become my new nemesis share, but this week it climbed 10% and is saved from the title. It's still losing £616, but given this was losing over £1,000 not that long ago, I'm happy it seems to be recovering.

AMYT:Amryt Pharma has languished at a huge loss for ages, but I have so much faith in the management I kept buying more, gradually reducing my average price per share. This week the inevitable happened and it climbed 25% and into a potential profit of £411. Most of that appeared today, as a 1p rise is worth £272 and it climbed 1.25p today. Was this my biggest weekly riser? Not by a long way!

AFG:Aquatic Food was my nemesis share, but as it's climbed 31% this week it's now only making a 29% loss of £599. I need another week like this one to break even, but as a 1p rise gains £93 it only needs just over 6p. It's been beaten to the Share of the Week award though.

SXX:Sirrius Minerals keeps winning Share of the Week at the moment, and another 34% rise this week takes it to 85% altogether and keeps making me wish I'd bought more when they were cheap. I should have had faith that this would get off the ground. Amazingly, this still isn't Share of the Week!

I'm very happy to say, the Share of the Week is IOG:Independent Oil & Gas, which went up 72% this week and is now up 119% altogether. This is before any news of drilling, which had better not disappoint, as that would send it back down quicker then it climbed. In the meantime the naughty purchase with my holiday money is up 10% already. I just need to pick the right time to sell those...

Here's the summary of a completely amazing week

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £40,888.93
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £37,228.98 (-9%) +£509.60
Potential profits £2,326.65
Yr 2 Dividends £0
Yr 2 Profit from sales £2,077.75
Yr 2 Average monthly cash profit £9,003.60
Yr 2 Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 264.2%
Total Dividends £667.93
Total Profit from sales £5,918.01
Average monthly cash profit £533.54
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 15.7%

I was meant to liberate £898 from my account for my holiday, but accidentally spent it, along with £500 that I added from my account because I was going to then withdraw the other £500 along with the holiday money at the settlement date. So basically there's £1,400 in the portfolio that shouldn't be there and should actually be in my holiday account. That explains the gigantic increase in portfolio cost. It won't be there long, else I won't be going on holiday. I just had an incurable feeling IOG:Independent Oil & Gas and KIBO:Kibo Mining were about to soar. IOG:Independent Oil & Gas has, but KIBO:Kibo Mining hasn't - yet.

I sold my GVC:GVC Holdings shares and bought them back again to bed them in my ISA, and I sold my HMI:Harvest Minerals shares to pay for my holiday and buy more AFG:Aquatic Food (just in time!) which explains the £2,077 profit from sales. This has taken the average monthly profit to £533, and that's real rather than projected profit. Now we're past 1 year there's no need for projection. Given that I've extracted £2,077 this week, it's staggering that the portfolio value has gone up, and the potential profits only dropped by £516. It basically means the portfolio has gained £1,500 in a week.

The Year 2 figures look crazy, as there's only been 1 week and it's seen £2,000 profit, and this is a projected profit for the year based on performance so far. We'll see a gradual fall-back as the year progresses, but it's a happy place to start.

I must get that £1,400 back into my current account pretty sharpish though - so any profits will need to be small and quick. I won't sell all the shares, just enough to get the £1,400 back. I'll probably sell all the IOG:Independent Oil & Gas shares, as I also have that in my ISA, and it will allow me to keep some of my KIBO:Kibo Mining shares as I do already have some in my standard account. I think Monday could see me bank the 10% profit from IOG:Independent Oil & Gas, as an AIM share climbing this rapidly usually falls just as fast, and I can't risk my holiday money any longer.

Huge leap in the graph from both cost and value, but happy to say the value is steeper and the gap is narrowing. I am expecting a big dip next week when the holiday money is liberated, but hoping the gap between cost and value will narrow some more.

The SIPP looks like this at week 37

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £14,532.66
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £14,915.17 (+2.6%) +£123.53
Potential profits £1,068.90
Dividends £262.15
Profit from sales £2,349.86
Average monthly cash profit £302.23
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 25%

Portfolio cost should have gone up £160 from the monthly investment, but as Hargreaves Lansdown kindly upped the minimum cash balance to £20 this week, £10 of the monthly investment wasn't actually invested. A bit annoying seeing as the monthly charge is less than £5.

It wasn't a bad week, with gradual gains. The £4.61 profit was from selling CLLN:Carillion and re-investing in TRX:Tissue Regenix and OPTI:Optibiotix to increase my holdings while they're cheap. Everything left in my SIPP is now a long term holding, except WRES:W Resources which I'll dump as soon as there's a modicum of profit as I never should have bought it for my  pension in the first place.

Nice to see the green line rising slowly above the red line. Long may it continue!

The rather horrid trading portfolio looks like this after week 3

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £499.95
Cash £0.05
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £390.95 (-21.8%) +£0
Potential profits £0
Dividends £0
Profit from sales £0
Average monthly cash profit £0
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 0%

Well that's a thriller. No sign of anything improving for the SLP:Sylvania Platinum share price, despite platinum doing well - at least until Friday when it tanked 2%. My experiment to try and show how £500 could be used to generate wealth has hit a bit of a wall. Maybe it's because anyone can't make wealth from £500 and day trading is a mug's game - we'll wait and see...
The graph is a boring as the table

So all in all it's been a fantastic week and an unbelievable start to year 2. To hammer home what a week it's been, the portfolio value that earned a "Woohoo!" last week for going above £50,000 gets a "Woooohoooo!!" this week as it stands at £52,535.10, an increase of £2,500. Granted this will drop by £1,400 when I rescue my holiday money, so the challenge will be to get the value up by £900 next week so it doesn't drop below £52,000. All that needs is AMYT:Amryt Pharma to climb by 4p and job's a good-un...

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