Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Week 56 Review

A late review this week as I was away in Scotland at the weekend, but managed to jot down Friday's prices before they changed on Monday

Worst share this week was SXX:Sirrius Minerals, which has been Share of the Week many times recently, but this week dropped 39% making me wish I'd taken the profit and waited for the drop, but trying to predict that sort of thing is pretty tricky and probably not worth trying.

The only other double digit loser was ALM:Allied Minds which fell 10% and messed up the performance of my pension

ARL:Atlantis Resources also changed 10% but in the right direction, and is now £22 in profit after being well in the red a few weeks ago.

Share of the Week goes to KIBO:Kibo Mining, which is up 13%. This means I should really sell the ones I got with my holiday money - but with all the free gold mine shares on the horizon, I can't possibly. The overdraft will have to save me until I get confirmation of qualification for the free shares, then I will sell, or maybe bed into my ISA...

Here's the portfolio overview

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £40,289.13
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £36,826.22 (-8.2%) +£107.38
Potential profits £2,112.73
Yr 2 Dividends £105.48
Yr 2 Profit from sales £2,205.13
Yr 2 Average monthly cash profit £2,503.16
Yr 2 Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 74.6%
Total Dividends £773.41
Total Profit from sales £6,045.39
Average monthly cash profit £522.98
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 15.6%

No new shares this week, and no increase in potential profits, so all the £107 increase in value was reduction of loss. All in all very quiet.

The projected year 2 monthly profit drops by £834 as it starts to correct itself after the whacky start. More meaningfully, the 56 week monthly average drops just £9.51 and is still over 15% at £522.

The trend lines are still diverging, but not as much as before as the losses are gradually reducing.

Here's the SIPP after week 40

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £14,773.51
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £15,906.14 (+6.6%) +£104.57
Potential profits £1,516.67
Dividends £262.15
Profit from sales £2,349.86
Average monthly cash profit £279.57
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 22.7%

Again, no new shares this week. The potential profits were up an impressive £183, but losses deepened so the overall portfolio is only up by £104. With no sales or dividends the cash profit declines by £7 but is still over 22%

The gap widens some more but the trend lines are still parallel so it needs a bit more to get the green line diverging.

Here's the rather disappointing trading portfolio

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost £499.95
Cash £0.05
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £404.38 (-16.4%) +£13.43
Potential profits £0
Dividends £0
Profit from sales £0
Average monthly cash profit £0
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost 0%

SLP:Sylvania Platinum is sneaking up, but I didn't expect to be holding a stock for 6 weeks when I started this experiment. Still a long way to go before I can sell though.

I do believe that trend line is looping upwards. There could yet be hope this venture will work out.

One thing to note is that the trading account is actually part of my standard share account, as I couldn't set up a second share account. I realised that as this is a closed fund - only ever having the original £500 stake, it's daft not to incorporate it into my ISA. So, when I sell these shares I will hold off from buying any replacements until I transfer the cash to my ISA and play with it there where there's no tax.

This weekly review is a bit odd as I'm writing it on a Tuesday - and what a Tuesday! The combined portfolios increased in value by about £950 today. My share and ISA portfolio paper loss is down to around £2,100 which is around the pre-Brexit position. Two double-digit risers today were ARL:Atlantis Resources up 10.4% and EMH:European Metals up 11.4%. A great set of results from RDW:Redrow saw them up 8.9% but tragically this didn't replicate across the other house builders.

TLOU:Tlou Energy rose 7.8%, KIBO:Kibo Mining up 6.1%, CWR:Ceres Power up 8.9% after announcing a deal with British Gas, and AMYT:Amryt Pharma rose 8%, with that 1.5p being worth around £400 just by itself. It would have been a massive day if OPTI:Optibiotix hadn't dropped by 3p and wiped out some of the other gains. These are now so cheap I can barely resist buying some more - I'm almost tempted to take a loss on something for a chance to buy at this price!

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