Friday, 17 March 2017

Week 84 Review

A great week that saw the gains hang in there and the combined portfolios go into profit. I thought it was the first time, but a review of my graph shows that week 59 was in profit - but that's the only week. There were gains of £680.83 over the week so the £212 deficit was wiped out and the combined portfolios are now £468.83 in profit.

Biggest loser this week was another anomaly, with JLP:Jubilee Platinum dropping 48%, but only due to purchasing so many new shares and driving up the average purchase price. The real dip was more like 5%.

IKA:Ilika was the only double-digit loser this week, and that was all thanks to today. They ended up 11% down on last week after a trading statement suggesting the expected licence fees won't come through in time for the annual results. They will however be in next year's results so the drop seems way over-done.

Share of the Week is the only double-digit riser, with IQE:IQE seemingly unstoppable, climbing another 13%. Not only does that make it Share of the Week, but with JLP:Jubilee Platinum taking a temporary blip, it also becomes Star Share, with paper profit of £1,878.24 compared to £1,594.48 for Jubileee. CAML:Central Asia Metals is 3rd with £1,230.84.

Nemesis Share is still KIBO:Kibo Mining with losses of £991.84 followed by AFG:Aquatic Food on £972.40 and AFPO:African Potash on £717.14. OPTI:Optibiotix was Nemesis Share for so long, but thanks to buying on the many dips, that's only losing £157.77 now.

Here's the performance of the ISA and share accounts

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£43,056.99
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission)£40,908.87(-5.0%)+£484.83
Potential profits£3,278.09
Yr 2 Dividends£357.10
Yr 2 Profit from sales£3,404.23
Yr 2 Average monthly cash profit£505.79
Yr 2 Avg annual % of current portfolio cost14.1%
Total Dividends£1,025.03
Total Profit from sales£7,244.49
Average monthly cash profit£422.14
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost11.8%

Portfolio cost went up a bit, but that was new money injected or cash lying around in the account, as today's sales at a loss cancelled out the profits earlier in the week by £5.45, but at least I got rid of WRL:Wentworth Resources! As a result the overall performance slips just a little, but £400 losses are removed and £77 profits increased.

Oh yes! I feel happy as a pig in poo.

The SIPP looks like this after week 68

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£16,776.69
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission)£19,329.57(+15.2%)+£182.70
Potential profits£3,085.25
Yr 2 Dividends£0
Yr 2 Profit from sales£842.07
Yr 2 Average monthly cash profit£141.11
Yr 2 Avg annual % of current portfolio cost10.1%
Total Dividends£413.19
Total Profit from sales£3,191.93
Average monthly cash profit£224.72
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost16.1%

Quite quiet, with increased profits accounting for virtually all the £182 gain in value, and small dip in performance due to no sales or dividends.

I think "stable" is the best word to describe that, which is nice.

The trading account looks like this after week 34

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£986.03
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission)£867.40(-12%)+£13.94
Potential profits£0
Profit from sales£61.57
Average monthly cash profit£7.85
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost9.85%

KIBO:Kibo Mining remains unchanged, but REDS:RedstoneConnect climbed a tiny bit. Still no sign I'll be able to have any fun with this for a while.

Heading in the right direction but very slowly.

A good end to the week, with OPTI:Optibiotix not doing its usual Friday slump and AMYT:Amryt Pharma holding up well. Surely next week will see the announcement of maiden platinum concentrate production at Hernic so JLP:Jubilee Platinum can really take off. I'm also desperate for news on the reverse takeover of OPRA:Opera into Katoro Mining, as I think that will get KIBO:Kibo Mining to wake up.

The main priority next week is to keep the combined portfolio in profit, rather than another 1-week wonder like week 59.

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