Sunday, 24 November 2019

Week 224 Review - IQE crashes but portfolio almost breaks even

An almost completely flat week despite a 1p rise in OPTI:Optibiotix which was obliterated by a big crash in IQE:IQE. The portfolio value dropped by £129 which destroyed any hopes of a quick bounce after last week's disaster. The deficit between cost and value is now £30,573 and total portfolio value £74,583.

IQE:IQE gave a surprisingly negative trading statement, moving to a loss despite most of their customers showing increased profits. This caused the price to plummet by 30% in my ISA, 21% in my trading account and 17% in my SIPP. It's now losing £2,800 altogether, but I can't complain too much as I made £7,000 profit trading it a few years ago. I'm confident it will bounce back once income starts to flow from the new foundry, but it may be a long wait to get back into the black. There was sustained shorting attack again, so at some point surely they will give up and cash in their profits?

WRES:W Resources was the only other big loser, dropping 6%. It seems an odd time for them to be dropping, as production has started and revenues should soon start to flow. I think they are massively over-diluted and have crippling debts, but that's always been the case so I'm not sure why the drop this week. I only bought them with some spare dividend cash so anything positive would be a bonus and I'll get rid of them as soon as I can.

Share of the Week is MMX:Minds + Machines, which is the only share with an increase of more than 5%. They climbed 7% and are only 13% down. I still believe these are generating more cash than people realise from a very low cost base, so I'm anticipating a re-rate and a dividend before too long.

Flat isn't really good enough at the moment

At least it's snuck back onto the trend line, but it's not getting any shallower.

Here's the ISA and share account performance

Weekly Change
Cash £19.49
Portfolio cost £57,768.95
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £39,429.06 (-31.7%) -£232.80
Potential profits £0
Yr 5 Dividends £0.63
Yr 5 Profit from sales £-167.28
Yr 5 Average monthly cash profit -£48.18 (-1.0%) +£3.21
Total Dividends £1,342.93
Total Profit from sales £20,224.13
Average monthly cash profit £413.30 (8.6%) -£1.87
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection 13.3%
Compound performance 57%

The exposure to IQE:IQE is quite heavy in this account, so the drop exceeded the amount by which OPTI:Optibiotix climbed, but a £232 drop is pretty much flat.

Just on the right side of the trend line

The SIPP looks like this after week 208 and indeed at the end of year 4

Weekly Change
Cash £103.28
Portfolio cost £44,895.31
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£33,775.70 (-24.8%) +£204.03
Potential profits £392.97
Yr 4 Dividends £556.99
Yr 4 Interest £0.10
Yr 4 Profit from sales £2,004.18
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £200.00 (5.3%) -£3.92
Total Dividends £1,899.24
Total Interest £0.13
Total Profit from sales £12,549.10
Average monthly cash profit £291.77 (7.8%) -£1.41
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Performance/Injection 12.6%
Compound performance 50%

Less exposure to IQE:IQE here so the rise in OPTI:Optibiotix and the rise in MMX:Minds+Machines was enough to increase portfolio value by £204. The year finished on a nice even £200 per month profit, which at 5.3% is around half my target, but better than a building society. It's also 8.6% of the total injection amount, which is a bit closer to the target. I end the year with only 7 companies in the SIPP, 3 of which are in desperate trouble and probably doomed, one of which is in short term trouble, 2 of which are almost in the black, and one is making a profit.

Although the value is better than the ISA, and the trend line in a shallower decline, this account is below the trend line.

The trading account looks like this after week 174

Weekly Change
Cash £48.24
Portfolio cost £2,321.29
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,207.51 (-48%) -£100.30
Potential profits £0
Year 4 Dividends £13.20
Year 4 Profit £0
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £3.18 (1.6%) -£0.18
Dividends £47.92
Profit from sales -£64.29
Average monthly cash profit -£0.41 (-0.2%) +£0
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection -0.2%
Compound performance -1%

A big drop of £100 thanks to IQE:IQE and the account is in a pretty dreadful state.

Just as things were looking up, the performance is now the worst it has ever been.

The only ray of light in an otherwise fairly bleak situation is that there is now enough to apply for another transfer from my work pension to my SIPP. I've put in a transfer request for £2,100 which should arrive within the next 2 weeks. I now need to decide what to buy with it.

I suspect both SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics and OPTI:Optibiotix to have recovered enough over the next 2 weeks to miss out on the opportunity to top up cheap. I'm astounded that SBTX actually dropped on the day the RNS dropped confirming their massive deal with Croda. There was a slight recovery at the end of the week, but a feeble 2% rise on such amazing news is incredible. I want to buy SBTX with the SIPP money though, after selling my last batch and ploughing it into OPTI at what I incorrectly thought was a bargain.

I'm half tempted to buy IQE:IQE if it stays down around 43p, but there is a nagging doubt that their costs will remain so high that they don't make any profit and will stay down here for a long time. It's enough of a concern to put me off, although the way I made my profit from them in the past was buying in one of their dips.

I did mention TFW:Thorpe Lighting last week as a potential re-investment. They are well run, but is there a risk with it being a family firm that they will always be in the top jobs even if not necessarily the best man for the job?

I could contemplate getting back into gold, but the price is still a little high, or top up my old faithful CAML:Central Asia Metals. I could get 500 CAML for around £1,100 and use the other £1,000 for something a tad more risky. I've been watching SKIN:Integumen for a long, long time but am still uneasy about them, but I've also been watching D4T4:D4T4 Solutions and I'm tempted to put the £1,000 there as they are increasing profits every year and increasing dividends too.

That does make me think - maybe a new rule is in order for my SIPP. I could have a rule that only buy companies that pay a regular dividend in that account. Most of my current holdings don't pay a dividend, but there's no reason why I can't introduce the rule for new shares. I think I like that idea - it will stop me going mad with startups and focus on good companies. So I'm penciling in my suggestion above of half CAML and half D4T4. Let's see if I hold to that!

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Week 223 Review - One of the worst weeks ever

Just as things looked like they were turning around and gently recovering, this week hit with a bang. The portfolio collapsed by £10,217. £9,450 of this was down to a 9p drop in OPTI:Optibiotix, but nearly everything dropped, including all my biggest holdings. The deficit between cost and value increased to £30,444 and the overall value dropped to £74,712.

The biggest loser was OPTI:Optibiotix and I don't know what justifies a 9p drop. I'm particularly annoyed that the "bargain" 5,000 shares I bought last week for 62.3p I could now buy for 54p. Dreadful timing yet again. I didn't for a moment believe we would go back into the 50's. A 14% drop means my holdings are down by 21% and losing around £14.5K. I'm not happy!

JLP:Jubilee Metals did exactly what they always do. Absolutely brilliant results saw the price heading towards 5p and so a few hours later they anounced a discounted placing at 4p so the share price promptly plummeted. I was in profit for a couple of hours and now I'm 7% down on last week and back to an 8% loss.The only glimmer of comfort is that the results were very good, but my concern is the contempt in which they regard shareholders when they do placing after placing and never give anything back.

The prospects at JLP are so good that I would invest much more, but it's the lack of trust that will prevent me putting anything else in, as if you don't trust your management team then how can you put your money in their hands? I may be thinking very differently if income trebles and they decide to start paying a dividend. I appreciate money is required within the company to fuel growth, but at some point the shareholders need to see some return.

IQE:IQE had a 2nd bad week on the run, dropping 6% in my ISA just as it looked like they may get into the black. All their customers are reporting big profit increases, which should mean IQE will too. Despite this, a further 2% of shares have been lent out to shorters, so it's under renewed attack. I just hope they decide to close their shorts for Christmas!

SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics is doing exactly what I thought it would do and dropping off from the 20p resistance price. It fell another 5% this week so I'm glad I banked my profits. Unfortunately like a prize idiot I used the proceeds to buy more OPTI:Optibiotix instead of saving it for when these drop. My only hope is if my pension transfer in 2 weeks time could coincide with these getting down to my target price.

No shares climbed by 5% or more for the 2nd week in a row, which is in itself very disturbing. Share of the Week is TLOU:Tlou Energy which climbed 4% but is still 41% down and losing £1,113. I remain optimistic that these will come good, as their CEO knows what he's doing and has a proven track record.


What did I say about dragging the trend line flat - Pah!

Here's the performance, or lack of, for the ISA and share portfolios

Weekly Change
Cash £19.49
Portfolio cost £57,768.95
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £39,661.86 (-31.3%) -£5,579.17
Potential profits £0
Yr 5 Dividends £0.63
Yr 5 Profit from sales £-167.28
Yr 5 Average monthly cash profit -£51.39 (-1.1%) +£3.68
Total Dividends £1,342.93
Total Profit from sales £20,224.13
Average monthly cash profit £415.15 (8.6%) -£1.87
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection 13.4%
Compound performance 57%

I had to turn the sell value a deeper shade of red as it dropped by 10%. Massive decline in value and just generally very depressing.

Almost back to the injection line.

Back below the trend line which just keeps getting steeper.

The SIPP looks like this after week 207

Weekly Change
Cash £103.28
Portfolio cost £44,895.31
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£33,571.67 (-25.2%) -£4,581.64
Potential profits £362.97
Yr 4 Dividends £556.99
Yr 4 Interest £0.10
Yr 4 Profit from sales £2,004.18
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £203.92 (5.5%) -£4.08
Total Dividends £1,899.24
Total Interest £0.13
Total Profit from sales £12,549.10
Average monthly cash profit £293.18 (7.8%) -£1.43
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Performance/Injection 12.7%
Compound performance 50%

Just as depressing as the ISA, with a 10% drop in value and an additional £120 drop in paper profits. All rather sad.

A bigger buffer to the injection amount here.

The drop has gone further below the trend line than the ISA has.

Here's the trading account after week 173

Weekly Change
Cash £48.24
Portfolio cost £2,321.29
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,307.81 (-43.7%) -£56.36
Potential profits £0
Year 4 Dividends £13.20
Year 4 Profit £0
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £3.36 (1.7%) -£0.21
Dividends £47.92
Profit from sales -£64.29
Average monthly cash profit -£0.41 (-0.2%) +£0
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection -0.2%
Compound performance -1%

Everything lost money this week, but fortunately not very much. My recent good run came to an abrupt end.

Back on the trend line but not below it. Unfortunately, although the line is relatively flat, it has sunk a long way below zero.

I thought I'd try and cheer myself up by looking at some of may sells over the past few years and see whether I was right to sell.

OCDO:Ocado was my first sell, and I sold them based on the teaching of Robbie Burns as they had dropped by more than 15%. I bought them for 371p and sold them for 320 making a £92 loss. They are now selling for 1,152p and I would have made a £963 (200%) profit if I had kept them. Hmm - wasn't this exercise meant to cheer me up?

PTY:Parity Group was one of my earliest purchases as we used them at work for aptitude testing. I bought them for 7.5p and sold them for 8.31p making £7 (2.2%) profit because I wanted to get rid of them without taking a loss. They now sell for 8.75p so I could have made an extra £18 which isn't a lot.

ISG:ISG used to kit out offices. I say used to as they went bust. I bought at 168.8p and sold at 235p making £173 (32.6%) profit before they had a chance to go under. That makes me feel less sad!

REDD:Redde I bought for 158.51p and sold for 177.02p making £20 (4.8%) profit. They now sell for 106.4p so I would be sat on a £152 (38%) loss if I'd kept them. Phew!

STL:Stilo have taken themselves off the market so I would have lost my £837 investment, but I bought at 4.13p and sold at 5.1p so made £170 (20%) profit and dodged a bullet.

TFW:Thorpe Lighting are doing pretty well and selling for 272p. I bought mine for 194.76p but sold at 212.46p making £64 (6.4%) profit instead of the £362 (37%) I would be on now. They are a good, solid, well managed company and I regret selling. I'm seriously tempted to get back into these as they have fallen recently but revenues are still up.

BA.:BAE Systems I sold as I decided they were not very ethical. I sold mine at 498.975p after buying for 451.9p which was a £33 (5.9%) profit on a small investment. They now sell for 573p which would have got me £129 (21%) profit.

HLMA:Halma was my first "expensive" share and probably the one I regret selling the most, as it was a proper investment in a sound, well managed business. I sold mine for 871.4p after buying at 767.78p so made £74 (9.9%) profit. They now sell for 1,878.5p and I would have made £1,081 (138%) profit. Oh woe is me - what an idiot!!

GBG:GB Group was another investment driven by our use of their products at work. I only bought £500 worth for 246.55p and sold for 265.01p making £13 (2.5%) profit. The current sell price is 655p so if I had held on to them I would have £793 (157%) profit. Aaargh!

SHB:Shaftesbury are a property investment company in London. I sold them when the property market looked like it would take a dive. I bought mine at 887.96p and sold for 930.6p making £62 (3.5%) profit. If I had kept them they are selling at 934.5p and I'd have made nothing except dividends in the 4 years.

That's 10 of my earlier holdings and the first things I sold. In those days my portfolio was very small, so the relatively small profits seemed a lot. Now I realise that I sold out of quality companies to chase potential big growth companies and instead ended up with a load of toxic shares. I may review the next 10 if I get time next week.

I need to return to my first principles, as it appears I was a much better share picker when I first started than I am now, because I had strict rules and chose solid companies. If I had stuck to those rules I would have a very healthy, dividend-paying portfolio now instead of a massively volatile and potentially toxic portfolio.

Will I learn a lesson from today's review? We'll find out in 2 weeks time when I spend my £2K pension transfer...

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Week 222 Review - A downward dip, but a few more Optibiotix in the bag

It was a pretty flat week apart from a drop in OPTI:Optibiotix. That was mostly responsible for the fall of £2,335 in portfolio value which took the deficit between cost and value to £20,227 and reduced the overall portfolio value to £84,929.

The 2p fall in OPTI:Optibiotix was a very small percentage, but cost £2,000. Most of the rest of the drop was IQE:IQE which fell 7% in my ISA just as it looked like profit was around the corner.

SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics was the other big faller, dropping 5% and making me relieved I sold my SIPP holding last week.

Share of the week is WRES:W Resources, which climbed 3% and was the highest percentage gain. It was worth about £20 so not exactly enough to retire on. They have at least started producing concentrate now, so if some revenue figures start coming in we may see enough of a re-rate for me to sell the things.

Note the increase in cost, which will be explained in my SIPP review.

Nothing to worry about,

Here's the ISA and share accounts' performance

Weekly Change
Cash £19.49
Portfolio cost £57,768.95
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £45,241.03 (-21.7%) -£1,366.82
Potential profits £0
Yr 5 Dividends £0.63
Yr 5 Profit from sales £-167.28
Yr 5 Average monthly cash profit -£55.07 (-1.1%) +£2.98
Total Dividends £1,342.93
Total Profit from sales £20,224.13
Average monthly cash profit £417.02 (8.7%) -£1.96
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection 13.4%
Compound performance 57%

Cash dropped due to the monthly ISA charge, and a sizeable drop in value. Still nothing in profit.

Not a scary dip.

Still safely on the right side of the trend line

The SIPP looks like this after week 206

Weekly Change
Cash £103.28
Portfolio cost £44,895.31
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£38,153.31 (-15.0%) -£957.00
Potential profits £482.97
Yr 4 Dividends £556.99
Yr 4 Interest £0.10
Yr 4 Profit from sales £2,004.18
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £208.00 (5.6%) -£5.59
Total Dividends £1,899.24
Total Interest £0.13
Total Profit from sales £12,549.10
Average monthly cash profit £294.61 (7.9%) -£1.76
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Performance/Injection 12.7%
Compound performance 50%

Cash plummeted as I spent £3,319.46 on more OPTI:Optibiotix shares and paid the monthly SIPP charge. I know I said I would wait for SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics to drop, but when OPTI slipped below 63p I couldn't stop myself from getting some more. I have around £2,000 coming from my work pension in a few weeks, so I'll endeavor to buy SBTX with that (honest).

I bought another 5,309 shares at 62.3p which is still a complete bargain and averages down my SIPP price from just over 66p to 65.97p. It's like buying SBTX anyway, as it just increases the amount of dividend I get when OPTI sell off some of their shares.

It wasn't a great week, and even my 62.3p resulted in a loss on the new shares as they closed at bid price of 61p. The increase in portfolio cost meant my performance fell from 8.6% to 7.9% against cost, but just 0.1% against the injection amount.

There are only 2 weeks left of year 4, so it's looking like a below average year for profits, with just 5.6%. That's still better than any building society though.

The cost bounces back up and is around £1,000 higher thanks to the profit from the SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics sale the other week and the CAML:Central Asia Metals dividend. Value doesn't go up as the cash was included last week.

Third week of dipping for this account, but the right side of the trend line.

Here's the trading account after week 172

Weekly Change
Cash £48.24
Portfolio cost £2,321.29
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,364.17 (-41.2%) -£11.31
Potential profits £0
Year 4 Dividends £13.20
Year 4 Profit £0
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £3.57 (1.8%) -£0.24
Dividends £47.92
Profit from sales -£64.29
Average monthly cash profit -£0.41 (-0.2%) +£0
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection -0.2%
Compound performance -1%

A small drop this week as everything except CAML:Central Asia Metals lost ground. I'm doing more trading in my SIPP than I am in this account!

I'm not going to flatten out the trend line very fast at this rate.

Things are really moving at JLP:Jubilee Metals. Last week there was an announcement that they have purchased the rights to sell all the chrome from what used to be Hernic and is now called Inyoni. It cost $16m but should return a lot more. It also included access to another million tons of PGM-rich tailings, so the monthly income from Inyoni and Windsor is really stepping up. Production is imminent at Kabwe too, so we may be on the verge of a significant breakout. Results are due next week or the week after, and for once I'm looking forward to them.

I bought my shares for an average of 4.41p and we currently have a bid price of 4.4p and an offer price of 4.6p. I very nearly used the £3,300 cash to buy more of these at 4.3p. I had the screen up and was hovering over the buy button. I decided against it because they are still very, very high risk despite the fact things may be going well. I decided 104,545 shares was enough of a risk and so went back to my old faithful OPTI:Optibiotix instead.

There's talk of JLP getting to 7p quite soon which would put them at £2,667 paper profit. There's also talk of them getting to 10p by Christmas, which would give me £5,803 paper profit. That would be a review point as this company has a Chairman I don't like and a habit of shooting themselves in the foot. The problem is, if the cash comes in at the rate they think it might, and if metal prices recover, they could be at 38p by next year. That's paper profit of £35,000 so I just need to ask myself how risk averse am I feeling?

They are talking to global producers about "dealing with" their tailings dumps. They have the technology to extract the metals, and the end result is they clean up the polluted sites, so on environmental grounds this would seem an ethical investment. I may decide to sell enough to get my original investment back, and hold the rest for the long term. I've never managed to do that yet, but there's always a first time.

OPTI:Optibiotix sold a million or so SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics shares this week in order to ensure they have contingency to meet the supply requirements of major retailers in UK and USA. There are launches planned for January 2020 and they include TV adverts, so our products will finally start to get some brand recognition. The spring is coiling tighter and tighter, and I can't wait for it to let go.

I guess I should review my OPTI:Optibiotix holding stats again after the recent purchase, and calculate how much the value changes for each 1p change in share price. My total holding is now 105,332 shares. This is significant as it means I can sell the 3,965 in my standard share account to pay for my Antarctic holiday without dropping below 100,000 shares. The total cost of the shares is £69,515.60 at a weighted average price of 65.99p, so any more I can buy below that price is a bonus.

My shares are currently in the red by £5,298 but each penny change is worth £1,053 so I need a 6p increase to get back into profit. The broker target is 97p which would give me paper profit of £32,620, and a 6p dividend for SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics (which I consider to be around what we could expect) would give £6,319. It's nice to dream of what might be. Let's see if any of it comes true...

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Week 221 Review - Small tick upwards and some new metrics

Week 221 got off to a great start, but pulled back a bit towards the end. Last week's losses were won back as the difference between cost and value improved by £1,244. The deficit between cost and value is now £17,891 and portfolio value plus cash is £87,283.

There were no significant losers this week which is a rare treat.

JLP:Jubilee Metals is on a real march, with everything coming together and anticipation of an announcement of maiden profit possibly as soon as next week. The shares climbed 5% and my holding is now only 1% down and losing just £51. I'm glad I hung on in there, as this may end up making me some money. I have 104,545 shares, so if we move from increments of 0.1p to increments of 1p then each penny is worth £1,000 and would be the equivalent of OPTI:Optibiotix in the magnitude of rises and falls.

My IQE:IQE holding is around the same size as my JLP:Jubilee Metals holding in terms of cost, so a climb of 7% was excellent this week. All their customers are announcing excellent results, so that should filter down to profits. Add to that the new foundry significantly improving capacity for production, and we may get back over 100p. My ISA holding is only 1% in the red now, but my SIPP is still 44% down.

Share of the Week is SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics which climbed 13% and I feel a bit bad that I celebrated this by selling a load on Friday. My remaining ISA holding is still down, but by only 4% now.

There are so many shares on the cusp of getting back into profit. If next week is kind then there could be more green on my spreadsheet than I've seen for a few years.

A dip in cost following the sale, as I've not re-invested yet. Value plus cash creeps up a bit.

Moving in the right direction. Can it last?

Here's the ISA and share portfolios

Weekly Change
Cash £23.24
Portfolio cost £57,768.95
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £46,607.85 (-19.3%) +£1,160.32
Potential profits £0
Yr 5 Dividends £0.63
Yr 5 Profit from sales £-167.28
Yr 5 Average monthly cash profit -£58.05 (-1.2%) +£4.84
Total Dividends £1,342.93
Total Profit from sales £20,224.13
Average monthly cash profit £418.98 (8.7%) -£1.90
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection 13.5%
Compound performance 57%

I added £20 cash as there wasn't enough in the account to cover the ISA charges. I could do with selling something to get my year 5 profit in the black. The loss was incurred when I sold AMYT:Amryt Pharma because Harry Stratford stepped down as Chair. They are now selling for 117p as opposed to the 100p I got, so I would have made £68 profit instead of £165 loss. However, I wouldn't have been able to buy a load of OPTI:Optibiotix shares at 46.7p which are up 35% which is worth £480. Only problem is I've vowed never to sell any OPTI:Optibiotix shares because I want the dividend to be my retirement income. 5% of my target share price of £6 in 5 years time is dividend of 30p a share. That would give me £30,000 tax free income a year, which would be nice!

I have two new metrics!

I realised that I've been very tough on myself  with my average monthly performance figures as I'm basing them on the cost of the portfolio. As the cost increases with re-investment, it gets increasingly difficult to hit the 10% target. I still want to keep that target, but for ease of mind I've added another percentage based on the injection amount, which doesn't go up when profits are re-invested. That's showing an average of 13.5% per month. I feel a lot better now!

The other new metric is a straightforward compound performance based on total profit plus dividends minus fees divided by the total injection amount. 57% is a nice return for just over 4 years. I suppose you could still work that out by multiplying 13.5 by 4 and a bit, but it's nice to see it spelled out.

Slow and steady.

Dragging that trend line flatter!

Here's the SIPP after week 205

Weekly Change
Cash £3,437.97
Portfolio cost £41,575.85
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£35,790.85 (-13.9%) +£66.97
Potential profits £407.97
Yr 4 Dividends £556.99
Yr 4 Interest £0.10
Yr 4 Profit from sales £2,004.18
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £213.59 (6.2%) +£71.59
Total Dividends £1,899.24
Total Interest £0.13
Total Profit from sales £12,549.10
Average monthly cash profit £296.37 (8.6%) +£16.44
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Performance/Injection 12.8%
Compound performance 50%

A complex picture this week. Cash is up from the proceeds of the SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics sale. I sold all my 16,983 shares at 19.1p after paying 14p which gave £842 (35%) profit. I bought these in the fire sale after taking a small loss on CAML:Central Asia Metals because I couldn't bear to see them so cheap. In theory I should put the proceeds back into CAML because I want to get it up to 10% of my portfolio. However, I think traders are playing around with SBTX like they have been with OPTI, and 20p has proved a resistance point several times before. I'm going to do what I've never managed before and keep the cash in anticipation of a SBTX dip. My target to buy back in is 16p. If the anticipated news comes in and the price rockets, I still have my ISA holding and a vast holding courtesy of my OPTI shares so I'm hoping it's a sound strategy. Having said that, if there is news of a big deal next week I may howl quite loudly.

Although the sell value has come down a lot, if you take into account the cost also reducing, then the rest of the portfolio is up by £66 this week. Profits are down by £400 due to the sale, but as that yielded £842 then potential profits would have been up £442 this week, all of which was SBTX.

Year 4 performance has been enhanced greatly from projected average of 4% a month to 6.2% and my long-term average improved by 0.6% from 8% to 8.6% which I really needed to do as I was way off target.Looking at the new metrics, the performance based on the injection amount went up by 0.8% to 12.8% and the compound performance went up 3% from 47% to 50%.

Quite a nice way to narrow the gap, but it will widen again when the cash vanishes and the cost goes back up.

I had to overhaul these performance charts as I realised I was including cash in the value. This chart had a big rise for this week which was completely wrong. Most of the time it doesn't matter as there's very little cash in the account, but it was really obvious this week. Now this is only including the shares value, whereas cash is still included on the top chart.

Here's the trading account after week 171

Weekly Change
Cash £48.24
Portfolio cost £2,321.29
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,375.48 (-40.7%) +£17.46
Potential profits £0
Year 4 Dividends £13.20
Year 4 Profit £0
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £3.81 (2.0%) -£0.28
Dividends £47.92
Profit from sales -£64.29
Average monthly cash profit -£0.41 (-0.2%) +£0.01
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection -0.2%
Compound performance -1%

Small rises for a few of the stocks but a quiet week really. The new measures are very similar to the ones based on cost as the cost and injection are almost identical. The plan is for the injection to reduce in this one as I withdraw profits. That might make the figures meaningless, especially if it goes below £0 but that's a long way off based on current performance.

Creeping up but still a way off selling anything. CAML:Central Asia Metals is only 17% down so that's the most likely candidate, although IQE:IQE can move very quickly when it wants, but has 31% to make up.

Still looking better, but a long way in the red.

That's all for this week. I can't wait for next week as there's all sorts of things could be happening with JLP:Jubilee Metals, IQE:IQE, SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics and OPTI:Optibiotix, and I have a big pile of cash should any opportunities arise. I hope the opportunity is to buy back into SBTX, but if that rockets I'll still be happy and spend it on something else - possibly £2,500 back into CAML:Central Asia Metals where it was robbed from in the first place, and £900 on something exciting.