Sunday, 3 May 2020

Week 247 Review - Pause for breath or reversal of recovery?

I notice a trend when it's been a down week, I tend to write the blog late. Most shares were either flat or slightly up this week, but OPTI:Optibiotix fell 2p which was enough to negate all the gains and result in a loss of £1,657. Given that OPTI fell by £2,200 it was reasonably good elsewhere. The drop widened the deficit between cost and value to £31,773 and reduced the overall portfolio value to £79,769.
 Amazingly there were no big losers for the 4th week in a row. When I think back to the long list of huge falls during the Covid-19 slump, that's a welcome relief.

JLP:Jubilee Metals climbed 5% in my ISA and 7% in my trading account, but is increasing much slower than I had hoped given the cash that's flowing in. Miners all seem to be down, so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. My ISA holding is still 30% down but my trading account is 8% up.

RDT:Rosslyn Data rarely does anything, but this week climbed 7%. It appears they have teamed up with a company called Achilles to identify supply chain risk as a result of Covid-19. It would be nice to get a bit of the bubble here, but my holding is still 74% down so I'm not holding my breath.

Share of the Week for the second week in a row is SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics which climbed 8% in my ISA and 10% in my SIPP. I would have been really happy with that, if it weren't for the SIPP holding being 34% up on Wednesday. I tried to sell at 20p so I could take advantage of any drop, but I acted minutes too late. The sale was refused despite the bid price being 20p when I placed it. By the end of the week it was down to 16.5p and I had once again failed to trade anything successfully. Maybe I should give up and just hold what I have!

Hopefully just a little blip

Still the right side of the trend line

The ISA and share accounts look like this

Weekly Change
Cash £11.73
Portfolio cost £59,827.79
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £41,622.69 (-30.4%) -£993.18
Potential profits £0
Yr 5 Dividends £0.63
Yr 5 Profit from sales £-167.28
Yr 5 Average monthly cash profit -£21.85 (-0.4%) +£0.58
Total Dividends £1,342.93
Total Profit from sales £20,224.13
Average monthly cash profit £374.48 (7.5%) -£1.52
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection 11.4%
Compound performance 54%

A drop of less than £1,000 is actually a reasonable week compared to March.

Still above the dreaded orange line

Still above the trend line, but no sign of it getting much flatter.

The SIPP looks like this after week 231

Weekly Change
Cash £36.44
Portfolio cost £49,176.17
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£36,552.94 (-25.7%) -£705.87
Potential profits £239.14
Yr 5 Dividends £0
Yr 5 Interest £0.03
Yr 5 Profit from sales £0
Yr 5 Average monthly cash profit -£12.75 (-0.3%) +£0.58
Total Dividends £1,899.24
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £12,549.10
Average monthly cash profit £261.45 (6.4%) -£1.14
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Performance/Injection 9.8%
Compound performance 44%

A much smaller drop, mainly thanks to SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics doing so well, and increasing potential profits by £213. Unfortunately if I had sold at 20p I would have made £750 profit which would have really helped my performance stats, and I could have bought a load more SBTX when they dropped. Never mind eh.

Pretty similar to the ISA

At least the left hand side of the trend line is almost positive.

The trading account looks like this after week 197

Weekly Change
Cash £0.09
Portfolio cost £2,490.21
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £1,545.27 (-37.9%) +£41.34
Potential profits £53.69
Year 4 Dividends £13.20
Year 4 Profit £120.77
Yr 4 Average monthly cash profit £14.16 (6.8%) -£0.35
Dividends £47.92
Profit from sales £56.48
Average monthly cash profit £2.30 (1.1%) -£0.01
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
 / Months)
Performance/Injection 1.2%
Compound performance 5%

JLP:Jubilee Metals increased potential profit by £45 but the loss in TRMR:Tremor meant value only increased by £41. How far do I let JLP rise before cashing in? I must remember this is a short term trading account so I don't want to wait too long. I have my ISA holding for the long term gains. I guess I should bear in mind that I lost £84 selling JLP when I first set up this account, as I wanted to transfer the shares to my ISA. 3.3p would cancel out that loss, but then I'd want at least 25% on top of that. I really need to hang on for 4p before selling.

It's looking a bit better, but I'd love the chance to take some money out and drop the orange line a few hundred quid.

Could this be the first line to flatten out?

The virtual magic formula holding is down 19.81% compared to 20.96% last week, so is recovering slowly. PLUS:Plus500 would have been a top investment, having climbed 45%. CARD:Card Factory would have been worst performer, down 56%. ITV:ITV is down 48% and VTY:Vistry Group down 46%. It would have been a very bad time to invest £30,000, unlike now.

Speaking of investing in the SIPP, Legal & General have now taken 5 weeks and I still haven't had my pension transfer, despite Hargreaves Lansdown sending them a message asking for a 2-day turnaround. We had to make the request again from scratch in order to up the transfer amount from £2,000 to £2,800, so it could take 10 days from then. However, I really don't know how long it's going to be, and every day is seeing the shares I want to buy get more expensive. I'm pretty angry! You would think that they might feel a tad guilty about taking so long the first time and process this quicker, but I suspect they are doing everything in their power to hold on to capital in these troubled times. It's really shoddy customer service and re-enforces my determination to prevent them managing my money.

I was thinking about the debacle that cost me around £600 when they sold my gold fund against my will and re-invested it in a general stock fund, just before the gold price soared. What would have happened if I had my pension with them for 20 years? I could have had £30,000 in that gold fund, and selling at the bottom of the market could have cost me an absolute fortune. It's utterly despicable. The whole point of investing is it's long term, and you only lose money if you sell at the wrong time. For them to think it's acceptable to sell against the will of the customer at what is just about the worst time possible, eliminates all trust I have in their ability to manage my money. Now I have it all in a bonds fund and take it out as fast as I'm allowed. That turned out quite well in the recent crash, as the fund was unaffected.

There were no new OPTI:Optibiotix deals announced last week, but hints a few weeks ago that there are some imminent announcements, and lots of speculation about goods going on sale in Walmart and Costco. Let's hope we get some news next week so the recovery can continue.

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