Sunday, 10 April 2022

Week 348 Review - Recovery stalled but not by much

Generally not a bad week, but a small drop in OPTI:Optibiotix resulted in the deficit between cost and value widening by £2,318 to £77,123 and overall value dropping to £102,830.

There were no shares that dropped by 5% or more this week.

SMS:Smart Metering Systems has been very slowly recovering, and is up 5% this week and only 13% down since I bought it. There is hope that by my 12 month review point in August, they will have paid nice dividends and at least be in the black. I will be selling them as they have fallen well down the magic formula list, mainly due to lower earnings.

BLU:Blue Star Capital continue to be very volatile, but increased by 9% this week after good news from one of their eSports companies. They are 36% down and could get into profit this summer as one decent RNS about SatoshiPay is likely to cause a spike.

CAML:Central Asia Metals have always been one of my favourite companies and I feel bad about how often I sell them, but it's great to be back invested and there was good news on production and dividend this week resulting in a big climb. I'm not exactly sure how much as I cocked up the snapshot last week, but they are now 14% up and making £153 potential profit. I hope this time I'm strong enough to keep these for the giant dividend and resist the temptation to sell.

Share of the Week is JLP:Jubilee Metals which climbed a magnificent 44% of my purchase price and are now 277% up and making £2,415 potential profit. I still have nagging doubts about whether they will ever pay a dividend and not find a way to screw the shareholders, but plan to hold long and strong if I can just avoid temptation to sell some.

The drop wasn't enough to put us back below the injection line

Still well below the trend line though

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 36 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £18.30

Portfolio cost £82,598.82
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £46,417.78 (-43.8%) -£1,040.09
Potential profits £2,415.29
Yr 7 Dividends £10,425.77
Yr 7 Profit from sales £3,664.29
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £1,692.41 (45.9%) -£48.82
Total Dividends £11,768.92
Total Profit from sales £27,788.23
Average monthly cash profit £488.69
(13.3%) -£1.46
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 89%

Potential profits up £380 thanks to JLP:Jubilee Metals, and cash down £7.50 because I forgot to take off last month's ISA fee so there are 2 lots of £3,75 this month. Portfolio down just over £1,000 thanks to a drop in OPTI:Optibiotix.

Still just above the injection line

Well below the trend line which nothing seems able to reverse

The SIPP looks like this after week 332 overall and week 20 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £33.80
Portfolio cost £94,670.00
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£55,293.91 (-41.6%) -£1,264.63
Potential profits £207.67
Yr 7 Dividends £10,557.68
Yr 7 Interest £0
Yr 7 Profit from sales £297.22
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £2,333.94 (53.2%) -£126.64
Total Dividends £13,762.07
Total Interest £0.20
Total Profit from sales £24,021.85
Average monthly cash profit £481.35 (11.0%) -£1.67
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 70%

Potential profits up mainly thanks to CAML:Central Asia Metals, but also a small rise in iShares Physical Gold Fund. Cash down by monthly fee and value down mainly due to OPTI:Optibiotix.

As with the ISA, just above the injection line thanks to last week's huge "dividend"

Also as with the ISA, well below the trend line which is still dropping after over a year.

The trading account looks like this after week 298 overall and week 38 of year 6.

Weekly Change
Cash £259.74
Portfolio cost £2,374.14
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £807.30 (-66.0%) -£13.30
Potential profits £0.00
Year 6 Dividends £0.00
Year 6 Profit £0.00
Yr 6 projected avg monthly profit £0.00 (0%) +£0
Dividends £60.10
Profit from sales £937.88
Average monthly cash profit £14.51 (7.3%) -£0.05
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

DDDD:4d Pharma continues to slide, so yet another drop in value.

Above the lowest low but not by much

Miraculously still above the trend line making me hope we've bottomed out.

Basically this was another week of the same dismal slide that's been happening almost every week for over a year. It's very hard to keep up any sort of enthusiasm to write the same sob story every week. Every bit of good news has just been a blip and reversed in a few weeks. I know that one day the news will be so good we'll see a re-rate, certainly for OPTI:Optibiotix and DDDD:4d Pharma. The problem is, these are by far my biggest 2 holdings and they are both being mercilessly hammered and have been for over a year. I'm just tired of waiting for the day when these shares live up to my expectations. I'm still confident it will happen, but the journey hasn't been a pleasant one. Others will time their investment much better than mine, and good luck to them. I clearly got over-excited way too early when a "wait and see" approach would have been far more lucrative. We live and learn!

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