Saturday, 28 October 2023

Week 429 Review - One of the best weeks ever.

One of the best ever weeks, with lots of gains across the portfolio, and 25% increases in both OPTI:Optibiotix and SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics narrowed the gap between cost and value by £17,081 to £75,442 and total portfolio value increased to £122,893.

The worst performer was BARC:Barclays, in a week when all the banks got hammered. They dropped by 11% and left my trading account in a right mess.

IES:Invinity Energy dropped 10%, I suspect as people took profits following the recent rises. I'd hoped they would settle down but looks like they will drift until the next news.

EDV:Endeavour Mining fell 6% which was a surprise given the price of gold has held up during the week. The drop wiped out all of last weeks gains. I'm of a mind to buy some more of these with my pension transfer. If I add another £1,000 that would take my total holding to £2,500 and I could switch my monthly investment to CEY:Centamin which is likely to stay cheaper for longer.

POLY:Polymetal also had a bad week, dropping 5%.

SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy fell 5% but that's not a surprise as it wobbles on the brink of destitution.

Better news for one of my larger holdings CAML:Cental Asia Metals, which climbed 5%. I'm definitely using some of my pension here and build my position towards £10k over time. If JLP:Jubilee Metals ever sorts itself out I'll re-invest profits here.

BLU:Blue Star Capital is up and down like a yo-yo and went up 6% this week.

RIO:Rio Tinto climbed 6%, possibly after positive news about a new joint venture.

PLUS:Plus 500 had a great trading update and went up 10%, but my holding is still 25% down. They have massive amounts of spare cash so I'm hoping for a special dividend.

OPTI:Optibiotix went up 6.5p which accounts for the vast majority of this week's rise, My most expensive holding bought in the 90p range is still down by 64%, but my best holding bought for 9.55p is up by 235%. I could cash in over £8,000 profit if I sold my cheaper shares, but I'm not going to.

Share of the Week is SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics, which also went up 25% and wins the prize because I'm so happy about the £5k premium bonds I sold to invest in SBTX. That holding is up by 24% after being 1% down last week, and they are making £1,185 potential profit. My other holdings are losing £700, so it means I'm actually up overall on this company. I'd like to think it could climb another 10p before settling, but I won't take profits as this is a long term investment.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 13 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£98,482.35+£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£4,802.41+£2,655.30
Yr 9 Dividends£115.69+£0
Yr 9 Interest£1.59+£0
Yr 9 Profit from sales£0+£0
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£38.48(0.7%)-£1.24
Total Dividends£12,027.12+£0
Total Interest£3.52+£0
Total Profit from sales£17,298.53+£0
Average monthly cash profit£293.60(5.0%)-£0.04
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance41%+0%

Cash dropped due to AJ Bell fees, there's a massive increase in value, and potential profits up thanks to OPTI:Optibiotix and SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics. My only other profitable share is GAW:Games Workshop, which went up 1%. Long term returns are at 5% which is half my target. I need to make about £28,000 profit to get back to my 10% target. 

That's almost halved the gap between injection amount and value. 

That's more like it. A comfortable gap above the trend line.

The SIPP looks like this after week 413 overall and week 49 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£97,022.81
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£5,217.89
Yr 8 Dividends£478.10
Yr 8 Interest£5.22
Yr 8 Profit from sales-£9,597.85
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit-£818.67(-14.9%)+£16.93
Total Dividends£14,620.88
Total Interest£5.47
Total Profit from sales£10,835.90
Average monthly cash profit£255.21(4.7%)-£0.63
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance37%+0%

Cash went up thanks to a tax rebate, reduced slightly by AJ Bell fees. Similar story to the ISA, with value up by £8,643, but less of a contribution from SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics as my holding is much smaller. Potential profits up by £1,610 all thanks to OPTI:Optibiotix because my other profitable shares both dropped in value. Long term performance is worse here than my ISA so I'll need even more profits to get to 10%.

So close to the injection line!

Even higher above the trend line than the ISA, but will I ever get back to break even?

The trading account looks like this after week 379 overall and week 15 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£1,794.51
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£0
Year 8 Dividends£8.56
Year 8 Interest£0
Year 8 Profit£283.99
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£84.51(+56.5%)-£6.04
Profit from sales-£646.70
Average monthly cash profit-£6.61(-4.4%)+£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

In contrast to the good news on my other accounts, this one was a disaster, with BARC:Barclays falling 11% after their results. I was so close to getting into profit just a few weeks ago, but now they are 23% down. JLP:Jubilee Metals also fell 4% this week, so a big £64 loss overall.

That is a very sad sight.

The trend line is still upwards, but will flatten very quickly if I can't make up about £250 to get back on it.

We were told OPTI:Optibiotix is close to signing a deal on the microbiome modulators back in August, the assumption being the people who need to sign it were on holiday, and we would get news in September. It's now nearly November and we've heard nothing, so I do start to worry there's a hitch. As far as I'm aware, if this contract isn't signed then I don't think there are any others in the pipeline, and if we want to see the share price re-rate, there has to be movement on the 2nd generation products, as they hold promise of significantly greater revenue than our 1st generation products.

There's also been silence from PBX:Probiotix. I'm gutted that we're still not incorporated into VSL, as I was expecting that a year ago. There's just no sign of any meaningful new markets. Even if there were signs, it's impossible to trade the shares on Aquis so unless they list on AIM I can't see the share price moving. 5p is a crazy price for what we have. We should at least have remained at the IPO price, but it's going to take a 300% rise for me to get back to break even.

So although this has been a great week, I'm still worried that the share prices on my microbiome companies will drift again unless there's news with revenue attached.

The less said about JLP:Jubilee Metals the better!!

Monday, 23 October 2023

Week 428 Review - Dreadful week but losses not too great.

Another really bad week across the majority of the portfolio. OPTI:Optibiotix remained unchanged but the rest of the portfolio lost £653 as the deficit between cost and value widened to £92,524 and total value dropped to £105,722.

Worst performer was CWR:Ceres Power which has possibly been my worst timed investment ever. It had been creeping up when I bought them, and I took that as a sign of recovery, but they plummeted 19% this week and are 31% down in just a few weeks since I bought them.

BLU:Blue Star Capital fell 11% but I've pretty much written these off so it doesn't matter.

APAX:Apax Global Alpha dropped 7% so have gone from amber to orange as they are now 16% down.

IES:Invinity Energy fell 7% for no reason and are 82% down. I've not written these off, but they need some really big orders to start making a profit.

WHR:Warehouse REIT are one of my magic formula shares and I thought were a nice sensible option, but dropped 7% this week to go 35% down.

ANTO:Antofagasta are another magic formula share which fell 6% to go 13% down.

PAGE:Page Group are yet another magic formula share. They fell 6% to go 18% down, when they were nearly in profit a few weeks ago.

BARC:Barclays are in my trading account so bound to be cursed. They dropped 5% to go 13% down when they looked like going onto profit a few weeks ago.

CEY:Centamin fell 5% despite the price of gold going up and are 29% down.

My other gold shares fared much better, with POLY:Polymetal increasing 5%, although these are still 79% down until they can shed their Russian assets and re-list in UK.

Share of the Week is EDV:Endeavour Mining, which behaved like a proper gold mine share and climbed 6%. My recent, albeit small, holding is now 10% in profit.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 12 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£98,482.35+£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£2,147.11+£8.80
Yr 9 Dividends£115.69+£32.85
Yr 9 Interest£1.59+£0
Yr 9 Profit from sales£0+£0
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£39.72(0.7%)+£12.94
Total Dividends£12,027.12+£32.85
Total Interest£3.52+£0
Total Profit from sales£17,298.53+£0
Average monthly cash profit£293.64(5.0%)+£0.34
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance41%+0%

Drop in value of £366, but increase in potential profits of £8 thanks to a very small improvement for GAW:Games Workshop. £32 dividend was from CAML:Central Asia Metals. Dividends alone are keeping the year 9 performance in profit.

Not enough of a drop to cause immediate concern

Getting a bit close to the trend line for comfort

The SIPP looks like this after week 412 overall and week 48 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£97,022.81
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,607.54
Yr 8 Dividends£478.10
Yr 8 Interest£5.22
Yr 8 Profit from sales-£9,597.85
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit-£835.60(-15.2%)+£29.99
Total Dividends£14,620.88
Total Interest£5.47
Total Profit from sales£10,835.90
Average monthly cash profit£255.84(4.7%)+£0.77
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance37%+0%

A great week for dividends, with a whopping £95 from CAML:Central Asia Metals and a healthy £37 from IGG:IG Group. Portfolio value hardly dropped at all and potential profits fell £8 thanks a mix of risers and fallers. 

Very flat

Not flat enough!

The trading account looks like this after week 378 overall and week 14 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£1,794.51
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£0
Year 8 Dividends£8.56
Year 8 Interest£0
Year 8 Profit£283.99
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£90.55(+60.6%)-£6.97
Profit from sales-£646.70
Average monthly cash profit-£6.63(-4.4%)+£0.01
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

Everything dropped in value so much misery here.

Down to lowest value fro a few months

Horribly dropped off a cliff.

I keep announcing dreadful weeks, but the portfolio has been relatively resilient. It's as bad as mid summer at the moment, when things are supposed to be better after September. I guess world events aren't exactly conducive to a stable market. One day something might happen to get the portfolio back on track.

Saturday, 14 October 2023

Week 427 Review - Yet another dreadful week as Jubilee Metals crashes

A desperately bad week just about saved by a 1p rise in OPTI:Optibiotix, but despite that being worth nearly £2,500 the deficit between cost and value only reduced by £426, meaning I lost around £2,000 elsewhere. The deficit is now £91,870 and portfolio value is £106,201.

As I mentioned last week, I'm changing the way I report on percentage rises to give the figure based on the price change during the week, rather than compared to my original purchase price. That removes the gigantic changes on small movements when a share has done well compared to original price, or not registering enough of a change on shares that are doing really badly. It also means there is the same percentage change across all my purchases of the same company when I split them.

My purchase of JLP:Jubilee Metals shares last week in anticipation of a big rise after results turned out to be a disaster. Results were as expected, but the share price dropped 16% and I lost about £2,000 across my holding.

My other purchase of CWR:Ceres Power also turned out to be a disaster, as they promptly fell 11%, proving my timing is in fact cursed.

ASHM:Ashmore Group results were distinctly luke warm, but I thought that was already in the share price. They still fell another 9%.

BLU:Blue Star Capital fell 5% but I've given up hope of these ever doing anything.

SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy also fell 5% and I've definitely given up hope with them.

The highest riser was KIBO:Kibo Energy which climbed 11%, but I'm never letting it anywhere near Share of the Week because it's utterly dysfunctional and doomed to just keep the CEO in a nice fat salary while never producing anything whatsoever.

EDV:Endeavour Mining had a good week, climbing 9% and allowing my new SIPP holding to go into profit by 3%.

Share of the Week goes to CEY:Centamin which is having a bit of a turn around and climbed 10%. In 2 months time I'll have got up to £1,000 with my monthly savings in EDV, and I reckon I'll then switch it to here. Rather than try and pick new magic formula shares without availability of the stats I need, I'm just going to consolidate my holdings in the ones I already have.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 11 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£98,482.35+£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£2,138.31+£178.39
Yr 9 Dividends£82.84+£55.25
Yr 9 Interest£1.59+£0
Yr 9 Profit from sales£0+£0
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£26.78(0.5%)+£21.26
Total Dividends£11,994.27+£55.25
Total Interest£3.52+£0
Total Profit from sales£17,298.53+£0
Average monthly cash profit£293.30(5.0%)-£0.13
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance41%+0%

Cash went up by £55 thanks to dividends from PAGE:Page Group (£45) and CAPD:Capital (£9), both in which I'd be happy to increase my holding.

Portfolio value dropped by £326 despite the rise in OPTI:Optibiotix. This was due to the big drops in JLP:Jubilee Metals as I have £10k worth in this account, and ASHM:Ashmore Group and CWR:Ceres Power are also both in this account and dropped heavily. Potential profits are only up by £178 because GAW:Games Workshop dropped almost back to loss and most of my OPTI holding in this account was purchased at a higher price so is not yet in profit.

Year 9 projected profit is just based on dividends alone, but I don't have enough dividend-paying shares for that to become meaningful. I really need to sell something. The intention was to sell some JLP:Jubilee Metals, but that seems a long way off now.

Nothing too alarming.

Above the trend line but only just. Encouraging that it's now pointing upwards.

The SIPP looks like this after week 411 overall and week 47 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£97,022.81
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,616.22
Yr 8 Dividends£345.65
Yr 8 Interest£5.22
Yr 8 Profit from sales-£9,597.85
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit-£865.59(-15.8%)+£18.82
Total Dividends£14,488.43
Total Interest£5.47
Total Profit from sales£10,835.90
Average monthly cash profit£255.07(4.7%)-£0.62
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance37%+0%

Cash dropped by the amount I spend on my monthly investment. I bought 15 shares at 1550.6121p costing £235.25 taking my average price to 1547.926p. Happy to say with the price at 1656p these are £16 in profit. My main holding is still 17% down and making £174 loss, although there have been £33 in dividends.

Sell price is up £840 as I didn't have as big losses here as I did in the ISA. Only 5 more weeks of year 8 to go before I can wave goodbye to the painful reminder of my gigantic DDDD:4D Pharma loss which will end up about £800 a month on average over the year. Long term performance of 4.7% is half my target, and would be even worse without the OPTI:Optibiotix dividend in PBX:Probiotix shares.

It would be nice to one day get above the injection line.

As with the ISA, still above the trend line which is still pointing upwards.

The trading account looks like this after week 377 overall and week 13 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£1,794.51
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£0
Year 8 Dividends£8.56
Year 8 Interest£0
Year 8 Profit£283.99
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£97.52(+65.2%)-£8.12
Profit from sales-£646.70
Average monthly cash profit-£6.64(-4.4%)+£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

Half of my holdings are JLP:Jubileee Metals, so this account was hammered. BARC:Barclays also dropped 1% this week and is now 8% down, so just as I thought I might be able to sell, it's not looking so likely. I suspect it's going to take a long time to make the £647 profit I need to get back into the black on this account after the DDDD:4D Pharma disaster.

I was happy with flat, but less happy now.

Oh dear - that's going to have a very bad effect on the trend line. My recovery seems to be over.

I thought things were meant to pick up after the summer holidays? They seem to be getting worse, with most of my magic formula shares down by about 30%, and they are meant to be the best companies I could find. This isn't working out anything like I had hoped.

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Week 426 Review - Truly dreadful week across the whole portfolio

An absolutely dreadful week, with nearly everything losing value, and losses this week were twice the gains from last week. The deficit between cost and value widened by £7,253 to £92,297 and overall value dropped to £105,729 which is less than last week despite adding another £5,000.

OPTI:Optibiotix was the worst performer, dropping 2.5p which is 26% in my cheapest shares and 2% in my most expensive. That contributed around £6,000 of the losses. The re-rate of this share still seems a long way away.

Next worst performer was another of my biggest holdings CAML:Central Asia Metals, which dropped 12% in one holding, and dropped as soon as I bought some more.

GAW:Games Workshop dropped 7% and is almost loss-making after being 20% up a few weeks ago.

UKW:Greencoat UK Wind plunged 6% just when I thought there was some chance it would get into profit.

EDV:Endeavour Mining was meant to be a nice safe gold miner, but dropped 5% in one of my holdings and is 24% down in my main holding.

Nothing came anywhere near a 5% rise so there is no Share of the Week. Only one share went up, and that was IES:Invinity Energy, and that only climbed 1% but is still 79% down.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 10 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£98,482.35+£5,118.02
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£1,959.92-£570.28
Yr 9 Dividends£27.59+£11.64
Yr 9 Interest£1.59+£0.34
Yr 9 Profit from sales£0+£0
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£5.52(0.1%)+£3.35
Total Dividends£11,939.02+£11.64
Total Interest£3.52+£0.34
Total Profit from sales£17,298.53+£0
Average monthly cash profit£293.43(5.0%)-£0.61
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance41%-3%

Quite a lot happened here this week.

After a pitiful £100 win on the premium bonds, I decided that although valuable as a quick source of cash, they are not doing well enough to justify having so many, so I cashed in £5,000 and added them to my AJ Bell ISA along with the £100 winnings. I may in time put some back, but for now I wanted to take advantage of some low prices.

First I bought 29,109 shares in JLP:Jubilee Metals at 7.18p costing £2,099.98. This was because a significant institutional investor increased their holding substantially last week, and results are due out next week. Knowing my track record, the results will be a disaster, but I decided to go with the institutional investor. We'll find out if it was a mistake on Wednesday. My total holding cost around £16,000 so this is now one of my top shares, unfortunately not on performance.

Next I bought 347 shares in CWR:Ceres Power at 286.2946p costing £1,008.36. I've held these several times before and made £1,575 profit from selling them. They have had a torrid time lately, but look to be on the brink of several big contracts and have moved to the main market and are now part of the FTSE250. I decided now was a tame to have a dip back in.

Finally I had to buy more of my favourite company CAML:Central Asia Metals because their share price has been utterly hammered, yet they have tons of cash, no debt, one of the biggest dividends around, and are looking to buy another mine. I bought 1,175 shares at 170.1895p costing £2,009.68. That takes my total holding to 2,600 costing £5,022 which has been my target investment amount for a while. I'm tempted to try and double it though.

Aside from that, everything dropped horribly but I got 34p interest and an £11 dividend from WHR:Warehouse REIT.

Although the green line points up, it's nowhere near as far as the orange and red lines go up.

A more accurate reflection of the true performance as we drop towards the trend line.

The SIPP looks like this after week 410 overall and week 46 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£96,787.56
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,330.66
Yr 8 Dividends£345.65
Yr 8 Interest£5.22
Yr 8 Profit from sales-£9,597.85
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit-£884.41(-16.1%)+£21.27
Total Dividends£14,488.43
Total Interest£5.47
Total Profit from sales£10,835.90
Average monthly cash profit£255.69(4.7%)-£0.45
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance37%+0%

No purchases here, but my monthly £250 appeared in cash ready for buying EDV:Endeavour Mining next week. It means there will be a rally in share price until the day I buy and then a crash, as traditionally happens.

96p interest and a £32 dividend from APAX:Apax Global Alpha were the only highlights as everything sank. I've now had 8% dividends from APAX since buying them.

Not as low as a few weeks ago but so far below the recent spike.

As with the ISA, dropping towards the trend line, but still above it.

The trading account looks like this after week 376 overall and week 12 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£1,794.51
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£0
Year 8 Dividends£8.56
Year 8 Interest£0
Year 8 Profit£283.99
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£105.64(+70.6%)-£9.61
Profit from sales-£646.70
Average monthly cash profit-£6.66(-4.5%)+£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

Everything dropped a little this week, but not by much.

Seems to have flattened off a bit.

Worryingly below the trend line and getting further from it.

I'm thinking of changing the way I calculate percentage changes each week. Rather than calculating the change based on my purchase price, I'll record the change based on last week's price. I just need to remember to take a snapshot each week so I can compare the price at the end of the week. It gets around the ridiculous price rises and drops of some of my holdings that are over 100% up based on them being bought so cheaply. I've taken a snapshot of this week's bid prices so will switch to the new format next week.

Sunday, 1 October 2023

Week 425 Review - A flat week but Optibiotix sneaks up a little

A generally flat week with a lot of slightly falling shares, but a 1.5p increase in OPTI:Optibiotix reduced the deficit between cost and value by £3,138 to £85,043 and increased total value to £107,608.

Worst performer was CAML:Central Asia Metals which dropped 7%, but that was mainly due to dividend ex-date. However it did send my profitable holding into the red.

Nothing else rose more than 5%, so OPTI:Optibiotix gets Share of the Week after climbing 16% in my cheapest holding to go 184% up, but in my most expensive holding it went up just 1% and is still 70% down.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 9 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£93,364.33+£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£2,530.20+£282.99
Yr 9 Dividends£15.95+£0
Yr 9 Interest£1.25+£0
Yr 9 Profit from sales£0+£0
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£2.17(0.0%)-£0.27
Total Dividends£11,927.38+£0
Total Interest£3.18+£0
Total Profit from sales£17,298.53+£0
Average monthly cash profit£294.04(5.4%)-£0.69
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance44%+0%

Very little happened apart from the OPTI:Optibiotix boost.

Still quite a long way from the high reached a few months ago, and that's with an extra £5k injected.

Happy to be above the trend line which is pointing upwards

The SIPP looks like this after week 409 overall and week 45 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£96,787.56
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,966.37
Yr 8 Dividends£313.16
Yr 8 Interest£4.26
Yr 8 Profit from sales-£9,597.85
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit-£905.68(-16.6%)+£24.17
Total Dividends£14,455.94
Total Interest£4.51
Total Profit from sales£10,835.90
Average monthly cash profit£256.14(4.7%)-£0.24
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance37%+0%

I got a £62 tax rebate and £36 dividends which was made up of £13 from CEY:Centamin, £16 from EDV:Endeavour Mining and £5 from ANTO:Antofagasta. Similar rises in value and potential profits to the ISA thanks to OPTI:Optibiotix.

Still pretty awful

As with the ISA, comfortably above the trend line and dragging it steeper upwards.

The trading account looks like this after week 375 overall and week 11 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£1,794.51
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£0
Year 8 Dividends£8.56
Year 8 Interest£0
Year 8 Profit£283.99
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£115.25(+77.1%)-£11.52
Profit from sales-£646.70
Average monthly cash profit-£6.68(-4.5%)+£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

JLP:Jubilee Metals dropped this week, but BARC:Barclays had a great week and is almost in profit, so there was a small £4 rise in value. Will I get to sell BARC soon?

I do believe we're sneaking upwards. It will take a long time to recover from DDDD:4D Pharma going bust though.

Not going up as fast as the trend line so really need a boost.

There was meant to be new coming from OPTI:Optibiotix weeks ago on microbiome modulators and Sweetbiotix, but absolutely zilch. There have been some good murmurings with various pundits though, so hopefully a tickle of interest will at least stop us sliding any lower. Ideally we need to get back to the 40p zone we his a few months ago and hang around there for a bit.

I hoped to get £2k transferred from my pension, but the bond prices seems to have dropped and I don't quite have the minimum amount to allow the transfer, as I have to keep £200 in the account. I'll keep watching in case it creeps past the minimum amount, else I'll have to wait another month. Shame, as I was intending to splash out on more JLP:Jubilee Metals shares, as the current price is crazy. It should be at least double considering the amount of cash being generated, and institutional investors have been increasing their holding.