Sunday 6 October 2024

Week 478 Review - More misery as Optibiotix and Jubilee Metals both drop yet again.

Absolute total misery. Things are meant to buck up in September, but nearly everything fell in value this week, and most notably OPTI:Optibiotix and JLP:Jubilee Metals, my two largest holdings continue to slide. My deficit between cost and value widened by £3,733 to £127,324 and deficit between injection amount and value is now £58,887. Portfolio value dropped to £102,040 and is dangerously close to slipping below £100k despite a load of recent injections of cash.

AFC:AFC Energy was the worst performer, dropping 17% for absolutely no reason at all. These are now 44% down after being in profit not that long ago.

SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy slipped another 10% to go 78% down.

TLOU:Tlou Energy has been a dreadfully timed purchase, as it's clear the production of electricity is still a lot further away than I thought when I bought back in. They dropped 8% to go 31% down in just a few weeks.

OPTI:Optibiotix continue to slide relentlessly, dropping another 7% this week. There's no sign of any positive news and everything is going tits up with PBX:Probiotix Health where we either sack the CEO and half the board or allow dodgy dealings to dilute 25% of the company from us. I'm down over £84,000 on OPTI, £17,000 on PBX, and £4,800 on SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics. That's a paper loss of £105,000 just on microbiome shares, after already losing £18,700 when DDDD:4D Pharma went bust. There is no prospect of any upside anywhere. I've never felt so bad about owning shares in these bloody companies!

FXPO:Ferrexpo are very volatile. They dropped 6% and are now 91% down so I don't need to report on them any more.

JLP:Jubilee Metals went up last week for the first time in ages, and I hoped the big seller was gone. However they are still selling, and results this week were underwhelming, with a huge drop in earnings per share due to recent placings. They dropped 6% this week.

GSK:GSK are still being rubbish and dropped another 5% to go 11% down.

CMCL:Caledonia Mining did really well last week, and went up another 5% this week to make me very happy. They are now 12% in profit.

PAF:Pan African Resources went up 7% and one holding has turned purple as it's now up by 102%.

Share of the Week for the 2nd week in a row is CWR:Ceres Power, climbing another 12% to go 27% up. I really hope this isn't a short-term spike, as I'd like one ISA share to be capable of staying in the black.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 10 of year 10.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£111,188.18+£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£415.02+£202.42
Yr 10 Dividends£20.65+£20.65
Yr 10 Interest£0.34            +£0.23
Yr 10 Profit from sales£149.75+£0
Yr 10 proj avg monthly profit£65.10(1.0%)+£1.02
Total Dividends£12,243.14+£20.65
Total Interest£7.14+£0.23
Total Profit from sales£18,027.59+£0
Average monthly cash profit£270.07(4.0%)-£0.41
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance36%+0%

Big drop in portfolio value as usual. I got £9 dividend from CAPD:Capital and £11 from WHR:Warehouse REIT, and potential profits went up another £202 thanks to CWR:Ceres Power.

Still the relentless decline

I can now safely say the rise a few months ago was nothing more than a blip.

The SIPP looks like this after week 462 overall and week 46 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£115,565.66
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£5,244.00
Yr 9 Dividends£1,089.12
Yr 9 Interest£6.35
Yr 9 Profit from sales£5,670.64
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£618.12(9.7%)-£6.77
Total Dividends£15,724.00
Total Interest£12.28
Total Profit from sales£16,506.54
Average monthly cash profit£289.65(4.5%)+£0.05
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance40%+0%

Cash increased due to monthly investment cash being paid in, the usual big drop in portfolio value, but the usual increase in potential profits, this week by £209. Lots of dividends, with £13 from AAL:Anglo American Mining, £31 from APAX:Apax Global Alpha, £10 from CAPD:Capital and £32 from CEY:Centamin. One more bad week and I'll be down by over 50%.

Very familiar story.

Blip blippety blip.

The trading account looks like this after week 428 overall and week 12 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£0    
Year 9 Dividends£0
Year 9 Interest£0
Year 9 Profit£0
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£0(+0%)+£0
Profit from sales-£602.54
Average monthly cash profit-£5.23(-3.0%)+£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

Absolute carnage, with a big drop in JLP:Jubilee Metals showing I was completely wrong thinking things had turned around last week. In fact they are much worse, and it's looking like a long wait for any reversal. I'm dreading news that they are placing a load more shares to buy more copper reserves - it's going to happen at some point, which is probably one of the reasons for all the selling.

Nearly 6 months of continual decline.

If things don't turn around next week I'll have to adjust the chart axis as we'll go bellow £1,000 in the red.

I have at least written this update on time, and also completed the 2 previous weeks that I couldn't bring myself to write. Suffice to say I'm extremely miserable, and wish I'd adopted my new strategy a long time ago so I didn't have any crappy microbiome shares in my SIPP. I should be getting a £2,000 pension transfer this week, but Legal & General have become incredibly slow at processing the transfer requests recently. They always send me a questionnaire afterwards, so I think this time I'll complete it and have a moan. 

I was planning to get N91:Ninety One with half the transfer, but they have gone up 15% in the last few weeks so I may have missed my chance. Having said that, they are still half what the were a few years ago and with a P/E ratio of 10, so although I've missed out on 15% I may still get them in time. Knowing my luck they will plummet the day after I buy them.

My other target purchase is POLR:Polar Capital Holdings, which I've held in the past. They pay a great dividend. They've had a bit of a drop recently, but are fairly stable with P/E ratio of 13, so no worries about buying back into them.

I'm also due my monthly investment in FOUR:4imprint where I'll buy another 4 shares. They are fractionally below what I've already paid for them, whereas a few weeks ago they were well below. As usual my monthly investment target surges just before I buy them then drop just after! I normally get the same share for 4 months to take me to £1,000, but these are leaving quite a lot of change and I'll be well under that, so I'll continue buying them for a 5th month to make sure I invest over £1,000.

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