Sunday, 2 October 2022

Weeks 371-373 Review - Yet another record low while on holiday but it could have been much worse

I was away from Internet for 3 weeks so unable to take a weekly snapshot, but over the three weeks nearly everything fell in value to a new records low. Thankfully a small rise in PBX:Probiotix reduced the impact, and given the economic turmoil while I was away, I'm actually quite relieved the losses were not much bigger.

The deficit between cost and value widened by £838 to £108,561 and overall value dropped to £71,555. Generally a complete and utter disaster, and I'm really quite fed of writing that every week for well over a year.

EMG:Man Group was the biggest loser, falling 15% and going into loss. I don't really understand why, as I would have thought hedge funds can ride out these sorts of markets pretty well, but it appears the market doesn't agree.

BLU:Blue Star Capital dropped 8%, possibly because one of it's investments Guild eSports is having a spot of bother. I really don't care about that, as it's Satoshipay that will make or break this investment.

FXPO:Ferrexpo dropped 7% after a recent rally, presumably as the Ukrainian situation isn't getting any better.

SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics fell 7% for no particular reason other than nothing has happened for ages and people are bored.

CAML:Central Asia Metals dropped 6% and has gone into loss, but this was partly due to going ex-dividend. I wish I had some cash to buy more but my pension transfer isn't going to hapen this month as it's been hammered and won't reach the £2,200 I need.

TRX:Tissue Regenix dropped 5%, which is disappointing as I thought this one had turned around.

Share of the (3) Week(s) is PBX:Probiotix Health, which is the only one to increase by 5% or more, rising 5% on anticipation of results. It was actually higher but fell when the actual results were posted.

There may have been more volatility over the last 3 weeks, but I don't know, so just made a gradual drop to where we are now so the timeline stays consistent.

At least we're back on the trend line, but if we don't go above it soon I'm going to run out of monay.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 9 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Cash £10.17

Portfolio cost £82,003.25
Portfolio sell value (bid price-commission) £29,697.94 (-63.8%) -£189.22
Potential profits £471.51
Yr 8 Dividends £0
Yr 8 Interest £0.02
Yr 8 Profit from sales -£995.63
Yr 8 projected avg monthly profit -£481.17 (-13.0%) +£237.89
Total Dividends £11,768.92
Total Interest £0.02
Total Profit from sales £27,098.43
Average monthly cash profit £447.70
(12.1%) -£3.68
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 87% +0%

Potential profits increased thanks to the rise in PBX:Probiotix, and I got 2p interest which was thrilling.

I had to lower the bottom of the axis, which is very sad.

The SIPP looks like this after week 357 overall and week 45 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £308.15
Portfolio cost £95,946.61
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£40,880.46 (-57.4%) -£636.91
Potential profits £512.56
Yr 7 Dividends £10,753.58
Yr 7 Interest £0.01
Yr 7 Profit from sales -£3,290.88
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit £703.92 (14.8%) -£48.73
Total Dividends £13,957.97
Total Interest £0.21
Total Profit from sales £20,433.75
Average monthly cash profit £405.62 (8.5%) -£3.25
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)
Compound performance 59% +0%

I got some tax rebates so cash up by £266, and my regular investment went on another 47 EMG:Man Group shares costing £122.47 just before their price plummeted. Potential profits up thanks to PBX:Probiotix, although thanks to the lock-in I can't sell them until January when the price will no doubt plummet as everyone sells. My plan is to sell my actual holding of these a few days before they can =be sold, so I can buy them back much cheaper when the price crashes. No doubt something will screw up my plans us usual.

The dividends were £16.44 from APAX:Apax Global Alpha and £10.01 from EMG:Man Group.

The trading account looks like this after week 323 overall and week 11 of year 7.

Weekly Change
Cash £0.10
Portfolio cost £1,849.21
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission) £658.85 (-64.4%) -£12.35
Potential profits £0.00
Year 7 Dividends £0.00
Year 7 Interests £0.01
Year 7 Profit -£71.73
Yr 7 projected avg monthly profit -£28.26 (-18.3%) +£10.59
Dividends £60.10
Interest £0.01
Profit from sales £154.87
Average monthly cash profit £2.88 (1.9%) -£0.03
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees
/ Months)

Down yet again, but 1p interest - woohoo!

I had a nice holiday.

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