Sunday 28 July 2024

Week 468 Review - Another fantastic week for Optibiotix, and some recovery from SkinBioTherapeutics.

It looks like last week was just a pause to catch breath. This week almost matched 2 weeks ago, with a reduction of the deficit between cost and value of £14,108 to £86,178 and reduction of deficit between injection amount and value to £18,964. Total portfolio value now stands at £134,963.

After a 17% rise last week, SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy dropped 18% this week presumably due to profit taking. They are now 71% down.

PBX:Probiotix Health keeps dropping. It only lost 0.5p this week, but that was 17%. I can't see anything lifting this back to 20p.

CEY:Centamin has been great lately, but for some reason dropped 8% despite results being really good. I don't understand sometimes. My holding is still 11% in profit, and 18% if you include dividends.

Happy to say that it's all good news after that.

AJB:AJ Bell and NG.:National Grid both went up 5% which puts AJB on 46% potential profit and NG. at 2% profit.

AAL:Anglo American Mining recovered 6% of last week's losses and is now only 5% down.

PAF:Pan African Resources went up 7% and my two holdings are up by 63% and 59%.

IES:Invinity Energy went up 9% meaning my original holding is still down 86% but my recent holding went into profit.

IGG:IG Group are flying, and went up another 10% this week to go 13% up in my account.

FXPO:Ferrexpo recovered from a drop last week by climbing 15%, but my holding is still 87% down.

CWR:Ceres Power also reversed last week's bad drop by climbing 18% and are only 1% down.

OPTI:Optibiotix went on another surge after a positive broker note, and climbed 26%, which accounted for most of this week's gains.

Share of the Week is OPTI spin-off SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics, which announced the closure of it's convertible loan after issuing the last lot of shares to a new institutional investor. That millstone being lifted caused the shares to climb 41%, and removes what has been a horrible drain on the share price. We just need a Croda deal announcement and this should re-rate.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 52 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£104,996.72+£50.15
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£3,654.55+£2,175.48
Yr 9 Dividends£311.06+£14.56
Yr 9 Interest£4.87+£0
Yr 9 Profit from sales£579.31+£42.85
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£67.14(1.1%)+£3.56
Total Dividends£12,222.49+£14.56
Total Interest£6.80+£0
Total Profit from sales£17,877.84+£42.85
Average monthly cash profit£274.44(4.3%)-£0.05
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance39%+0%

I got a £14 dividend from WHR:Warehouse REIT, and I did a bit of selling. I desperately wanted to get some more JLP:Jubilee Metals while they are so cheap, because directors have been buying this week. It's very unusual for them to bother with shares, so it suggests they think something significant is coming.

Although I bought my shares in IES:Invinity Energy just a few weeks ago, with the hope they would rise enough to mitigate my other expensive holding, I decided that may not happen so I sold my 2175 shares at 25.41p and made £42.85 (8.4%) profit. This liberated £547 so I could buy 8,691 shares in JLP at 6.328p costing £554.97. That takes my main JLP holding to 169,046 shares at an average of 6.68p costing £11,384. They are losing £705 at the moment but I'm hoping copper production news will sort that out.

Portfolio value rocketed by £7,785 and potential profits by £2,175, all of which was OPTI:Optibiotix as it's the only profitable share in my ISA.

The sale didn't do much to improve my performance, and with this being the last week of year 9 we can step back to see how it went. Not very well really, with an average of £67 a month only 1.1%. Dividends were almost as much as profit, which isn't meant to be what this account is about.

Long term performance has been drifting slowly downwards, and is now at £274 a month which is only 4.3% against a target of 10%. Given the portfolio value is also down by 42.5% it's a fairly bleak picture. The upshot is that I know I keep buying growth companies too early when they still have a decade of work to turn a profit. I need to find a better way to pick them. Maybe a ranking system like with my magic formula, but what criteria to rank them on? 5-year sales growth is probably more relevant than 5-year earnings per share growth, and keep the debt to equity check. Dividend a waste of time and ROI probably not much use for these. The key interest is their rate of growth, even if not yet profitable, but that's tricky to measure. Maybe sales vs sales 1 year ago would give a good indication of current form taken alongside the 5-year form. One to ponder.

About halfway back to the injection line and the joint highest value of the year, although I've added a load of cash since then.

This shows more accurately that there's another £6k or so to catch up on the peak from 9 months ago and probably another £6k after that to get to the peak from 12 months ago. 

The SIPP looks like this after week 452 overall and week 36 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£113,536.79
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,696.58
Yr 9 Dividends£924.61
Yr 9 Interest£4.04
Yr 9 Profit from sales£4,883.71
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£681.68(10.8%)+£7.90
Total Dividends£15,559.49
Total Interest£9.97
Total Profit from sales£15,719.61
Average monthly cash profit£287.44(4.6%)+£1.48
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance40%+1%

I did a spot of buying and selling, got a £21 dividend from III:3i Group, value soared by £6,280 but potential profits by just £159 as OPTI:Optibiotix is still making a loss in this account.

I sold my 283 shares in SMDS:Smith (DS) because I think they'd gone as high as they were likely to before the merger with International Paper, they are way down my magic formula ranking, and I was fed up of getting about 50 RNS emails every day with pre-merger holding details. I sold them for 451.1383p after paying 370.2801p a few weeks ago, making £199.69 (19.1%) profit.

After refreshing my magic formula spreadsheet with more recent data, a company had caught my eye and I really wanted to invest. IHP:Integrafin manage a system that Financial Advisors use to manage people's investments. They came out 3rd in my magic formula rankings, with dividend yield of 4.44% (rank 117), ROI of 32.9% (rank 15), total debt to equity ratio of 1.73% (rank 16) and 5-year earnings per share growth of 8.72% (rank 71). So it appears low debt and good ROI are the main factors, with pretty average dividend and OK growth.

I bought 316 shares at 372.9387p costing £1,196.33. Very happy to say they closed the week at 383p which covers spread and commission so they are £2 in profit.

The profits boosted my year 9 performance by £7 a month to £681, which is above my 10% target. Long term I'm still a long way off, with only 4.6%. That's mostly thanks to the massive losses I suffered then DDDD:4D Pharma went bust.

The value has almost reached the injection amount! It would be such a relief to get above that, and no longer worry that I would have been better off having it under the mattress.

A long way off the performance from 9 and 12 months ago, as there have been so many injections of cash, but I think the recent purchases are performing much better now I'm switching this account to the magic formula strategy.

If OPTI:Optibiotix can just get to 39p I'll be able to make £1,000 profit and liberate £6,000 for magic formula shares. If they can get to 41p then I'll sell my AJ Bell SIPP shares and make £414 profit and liberate £2,500 for magic formula shares. It will still leave me with around 200k OPTI shares, but most will be in the ISA. Ideally I need to find a way of increasing the number of shares in the ISA so I can sell all the ones in the SIPP, but I can't bring myself to reduce any further. I have 121k in my ISA so I need to buy 79k which would cost £24,095. There's nothing likely to generate that sort of cash other than a premium bond win.

The trading account looks like this after week 418 overall and week 2 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£30.70
Year 9 Dividends£0
Year 9 Interest£0
Year 9 Profit£0
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£0(+0%)+£0
Profit from sales-£602.54
Average monthly cash profit-£5.36(-3.1%)+£0.01
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

JLP:Jubilee Metals dropped 3%, but SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics climbed 41%, taking the value up £42. SBTX is only 17% down now. My target sell price is 23.5p which would be around 60% profit and give me £500 to spend on something else. If I can sell JLP sooner then I won't need as much, as the JLP profits will contribute towards the £500.

I just wish I could make the £602 needed to get long term performance back to positive. The DDDD:4D Pharma collapse really screwed up everything!

A very small improvement. It needs JLP:Jubilee Metals to take off if it's going to make any sort of  real recovery.

At least we're back on the trend line, which looks like it will start getting steeper as the highs from 10-12 months ago disappear.

So, we've had two completely brilliant weeks in the last three, but they were both generated by tipsters and brokers, so not really built on anything concrete. It's certain the price will drift again if there's not real news to back the rise up. Unfortunately I see no evidence of anything coming soon.

Week 467 Review - Big drops across the portfolio but Optibiotix holds last week's gains.

A pretty poor week, with most shares down. I guess it could have been a lot worse after such a big rise last week. The deficit between cost and value widened by £1,438 to £100,287 and deficit between injection amount and value widened to £33,501, with total portfolio value standing at £120,426 after a £2,000 injection.

All the mining shares did pretty badly, but ATYM:Atalaya Mining dropped 14%, which is pretty devastating after buying them so recently. I'm hoping this is a blip and they will bounce back when copper heads north again, but the drop seems way over-done.

CWR:Ceres Power is up and down like a mad thing and dropped 11% this week to go 16% down altogether.

FXPO:Ferrexpo has been rising nicely lately, but dropped 9% this week to go 89% down.

AAL:Anglo American Mining is another of my recent purchases and dropped 7% this week to go 10% down.

RIO:Rio Tinto looked like it was about to go into profit a few weeks ago, but dropped 7% this week and is 18% down.

CAPD:Capital had what I thought were pretty good results, but dropped 6% and is 16% down in my original holding. I bought some more this week and they are 6% down already.

ASHM:Ashmore Group dropped 5% and are now 39% down.

SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy went up 17% which would have made it Share of the Week, but it's still a bit close to junk status to deserve that title. It is however only down by 64% now, which is pretty good considering I thought they were going bust when Uskmouth fell through.

IES:Invinity Energy went up 5% and I have to report on this now, as one holding is only down by 3%.

SMDS:Smith (DS) had another good week, climbing 6% to go 18% into profit.

AJB:AJ Bell are fantastic and went up another 7% to go 39% up overall.

Share of the Week is my most recent purchase ALU:Alumasc Group, which had brilliant results shortly after I bought them early in the week, and went up 9%, so in the first week of holding my shares are 7% up.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 51 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Cash £79.33 +£0
Portfolio cost £104,946.57 +£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
£52,516.64 (-50.0%) -£890.34
Potential profits £1,479.07 -£69.60
Yr 9 Dividends £296.50 +£0
Yr 9 Interest £4.87 +£0
Yr 9 Profit from sales £536.46 +£0
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit £63.58 (1.0%) -£1.68
Total Dividends £12,207.93 +£0
Total Interest £6.80 +£0
Total Profit from sales £17,834.99 +£0
Average monthly cash profit £274.49 (4.3%) -£0.64
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance 39% +0%

A drop of £890 is better than I expected after last week's massive gains. The reduction in potential profits was down to a small drop in JLP:Jubilee Metals. OPTI:Optibiotix was flat after a late Friday recovery from what looked like a down week.

A not unexpected flattening off.

Really need another £10k before the trend line can start to flatten

The SIPP looks like this after week 451 overall and week 35 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£113,405.55
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,537.13
Yr 9 Dividends£903.22
Yr 9 Interest£4.04
Yr 9 Profit from sales£4,684.03
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£673.78(10.7%)-£14.04
Total Dividends£15,538.10
Total Interest£9.97
Total Profit from sales£15,519.93
Average monthly cash profit£285.96(4.5%)+£0.20
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance39%-2%

Lots happened. My £2,000 transfer came through, but I also added some cash to go with dividends and tax rebates to buy some shares.

The first transfer purchase was CAPD:Capital which I really like despite them being a little too far down in my magic formula rankings, and I want to sell the ones in my AJ Bell dealing account and still have some for longer term. I bought 1,123 shares at 96.818p costing £1,099.22. As I said before, they dropped 6% which was distressing.

The other share I mentioned last week - ALU:Alumasc. Before buying I thought I'd add them to my magic formula spreadsheet and see how they performed, as they weren't established enough to qualify when I first set it up. I was very pleasantly surprised to see them ranked 34th, which given I'm targeting top 30 is near enough for me. I bought 562 shares at 195.45p costing £1.110.38. As I mentioned above, they climbed 9% and are 7% up when you take away spread and commission.

I'd had some dividends and tax rebates, so added some chase to bring it up to £500 and bought 126 shares in IPX:Impax Asset Management because they are top of my magic formula rankings and their price keeps dropping. They were 394.6496p per share and ended the week at 404.5p, so the timing was good and my weighted average is reduced to 460.86p. Their total cost was £502.26.

I had a £38 dividend from NG.:National Grid and £9 from IPX:Impax Asset Management, and potential profits went up £25 thanks to the SIPP being more diverse. As with the ISA, a drop of £504 was less than I was expecting, so quite relieved.

I wish the value was going up at the same rate as the cost!

Above the trend line but not by enough.

The trading account looks like this after week 417 overall and week 1 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£30.70
Year 9 Dividends£0
Year 9 Interest£0
Year 9 Profit£0
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£0(+0%)+£0
Profit from sales-£602.54
Average monthly cash profit-£5.37(-3.1%)+£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

The drop in JLP:Jubilee Metals reduced both value and potential profit, and I really wish I'd sold them when I had a chance to make a decent profit.


Super grim.

I do tend to be late writing these when it's a down week, as there's little motivation to type. Looking forward to catching up on the following week though, as that was mega!

Saturday 13 July 2024

Week 466 Review - Amazing week as Optibiotix soars 62%.

What a week! A Midas share tip for OPTI:Optibiotix sent it crazy, resulting in a narrowing in  the gap between cost and value of £19,797 to £98,848 and reduction of the gap between injection amount and value to £32,154, with total portfolio value going back above £100k to £119,523.

The biggest loser by far was PBX:Probiotix Health, which dropped 25% after uninspiring results and is now 85% down. This is going to continue to be a disaster for some time now, as there was absolutely nothing in the investor presentation that suggested an increase in sales of any magnitude.

AFC:AFC Energy gave up 7% of last week's gains and I suspect will remain volatile for a while.

IES:Invinity Energy has been on a mini surge, climbing 7% this week. My recent purchase is only 7% down now, but my original holding is still 87% down. I need it to get from 22p to 62p for the two holdings to cancel each other out and allow me to sell without a loss and liberate £1,800. However, if it does get to 62p then that suggests things are going well and I may hold them a bit longer.

TRX:Tissue Regenix have really woken up lately, and went up 8% this week so my holding is only 49% down and I can change its colour from crimson to orange/red.

CWR:Ceres Power went up 9% for no particular reason. It seems to bounce in a 30% range quite frequently. My holding is down by 5% now.

FXPO:Ferrexpo have been climbing steadily as it appears production and sales are getting back to normal. It would have been a great buy at the lowest point, but one Russian missile could end everything. My holding is still 88% down despite the 14% rise this week.

SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy has definitely returned to my normal share list and went up 33% this week so my holding is only 70% down. Considering I'd given it up as a basket case. that's quite a relief.

Share of the Week by a mile is OPTI:Optibiotix which rocketed up by 62% after a Midas share tip. Slightly galling that it's taken the Daily Mail to help me reduce my losses, but I'll take anything at the moment.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 50 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Cash £65.34 +£0
Portfolio cost £104,946.57 +£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
£53,406.98 (-49.1%) +£10,516.44
Potential profits £1,548.67 +£1,131.42
Yr 9 Dividends £296.50 +£0
Yr 9 Interest £4.87 +£0
Yr 9 Profit from sales £536.46 +£0
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit £65.26 (1.0%) -£1.34
Total Dividends £12,207.93 +£0
Total Interest £6.80 +£0
Total Profit from sales £17,834.99 +£0
Average monthly cash profit £275.13 (4.4%) -£0.59
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance 39% +0%

Massive increase in value of £10,516 and potential profits increased by £1,131, with all of that down to OPTI:Optibiotix, as JLP:Jubilee Metals stayed flat.

Up to the highest level for about 6 months, although there has been a cash injection since then.

Blasted above the trend line. Just need the momentum to continue like it did 12 months ago.

The SIPP looks like this after week 450 overall and week 34 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Cash £529.59
Portfolio cost £110,693.69
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£64,067.41 (-42.1%) +£9,280.71
Potential profits £3,511.80
Yr 9 Dividends £855.58
Yr 9 Interest £4.04
Yr 9 Profit from sales £4,684.03
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit £687.82 (11.3%) -£11.92
Total Dividends £15,490.46
Total Interest £9.97
Total Profit from sales £15,519.93
Average monthly cash profit £286.16 (4.7%) +£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance 41% +1%

I got a £39 dividend from PLUS:Plus 500 and £28 from PSN:Persimmon, and I also did my monthly investment which has now switched to EDV:Endeavour Mining. I bought 13 shares at 1793.8313p costing £235.87.

Massive increase in portfolio value, but a small drop in potential profits as my OPTI:Optibiotix holding is still making a loss, and the 7% drop in AFC:AFC Energy offset small gains elsewhere. My cheapest OPTI holdings are down by 27% and 32%, but I will probably sell both when they move into profit as I transfer the SIPP holdings to dividend-paying companies. I have 121,610 shares in my ISA and 106,046 in my SIPP, so I would be almost halving my holding, but I need to be strict with my new strategy.

As with the ISA, a sharp up-turn

The trend line isn't as steep in the SIPP so I have a much better chance of dragging it flat.

The trading account looks like this after week 416 overall and week 52 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Cash £63.39
Portfolio cost £2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
£1,391.20 (-32.9%) +£0
Potential profits £56.30
Year 8 Dividends £25.36
Year 8 Interest £0
Year 8 Profit £328.15
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit £29.46 (+17.0%) -£0.58
Dividends £85.46
Interest £0.03
Profit from sales -£602.54
Average monthly cash profit -£5.39 (-3.1%) +£0.01
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

Everything stayed flat in this last week of year 8. I ended up with a 17% performance on the year, which is my best ever. I only did 2 transactions all year, which shows what a rubbish trader I am. I made £283 (57.3%) on OPTI:Optibiotix and £44 (9.7%) on BARC:Barclays. I could have made about 25% on JLP:Jubilee Metals if I hadn't got greedy and tried to claw back all my long term losses on one trade. I clearly haven't learned anything though, as I could make 11% profit if I sold one of my JLP holdings now, but I know I won't do it until it hits my target 11.5p.

Long term performance is still negative, so I do need to target making over £612 profit in year 9, which is almost twice what I was able to make in year 8.

I still need copper production news from JLP:Jubilee Metals and a Croda deal for SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics.

Sitting on the trend line. Will it be above or below next week?

I really don't know if the rise in OPTI:Optibiotix will be sustained, or just start drifting back down like it has for the last 12 months. I'm just relieved that I don't have to report losses greater than portfolio value any more. That should really be my minimum goal.

I have a £2,000 pension transfer coming through next week. It the moment I'm thinking of CAPD:Capital and ALU:Alumasc. I already own CAPD in a dealing account but will sell that as soon as in profit if I also hold it in my SIPP, and I've been watching ALU for years, and they have a good dividend, so it's about time I invested. I want to increase my CAML:Central Asia Metals holding, but will do that from the proceeds of sales of AFC:AFC Energy and JLP:Jubilee Metals when they get into profit.

Week 465 Review - Yet another bad week and portfolio value drops below £100k.

After going up by a miserly £79 last week, we were back on normal form this week, with the deficit between cost and value widening by £1,787 to 118,645 and deficit between injection amount and value of £52,019. Total portfolio value dropped below £100k to £99,658. Despite all that, it's been a brilliant week for most of my shares.

SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy is back into the price range where I report on movements now, but dropped 10% this week after recent strong gains to go 78% down.

OPTI:Optibiotix had a dreadful week, dropping another 6% and being responsible for most of my losses.

FXPO:Ferrexpo are one of my 90% loss shares so I don't normally report on movements, but the 15% increase this week after an encouraging production update is worth a mention. They are now 90% down, so could soon come back into the range where I report on them regularly.

AJB:AJ Bell went up 5% and is now 31% up, and NG.:National Grid also went up 5% and are only 3% down.

IPX:Impax Asset Management climbed 6% but are still 21% down.

CEY:Centamin climbed 7% to go 20% up, and EDV:Endeavour Mining also went up 7% so my smaller holding is just in profit.

IES:Invinity Energy went up 8%, but my recent holding is still 14% down and my long term holding 90% down.

PSN:Persimmon climbed 9% and are 1% in profit.

CWR:Ceres Power zoomed up 10% and are only 13% down.

Share of the Week is AFC:AFC Energy, which went up 11% and one of my holdings is 3% up.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 49 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£104,946.57+£0
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£417.25-£378.16
Yr 9 Dividends£296.50+£0
Yr 9 Interest£4.87+£0.73
Yr 9 Profit from sales£536.46+£0
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£66.60(1.1%)-£1.66
Total Dividends£12,207.93+£0
Total Interest£6.80+£0.73
Total Profit from sales£17,834.99+£0
Average monthly cash profit£275.72(4.4%)-£0.62
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance39%+0%

A tiny amount of interest, and cash is down due to monthly fees. Most of the drop was down to OPTI:Optibiotix.

And so the relentless decline continues

Below the trend line and dragging it steeper down.

The SIPP looks like this after week 449 overall and week 33 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£110,457.83
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,524.28
Yr 9 Dividends£787.60
Yr 9 Interest£4.04
Yr 9 Profit from sales£4,684.03
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£699.74(11.5%)-£23.96
Total Dividends£15,422.48
Total Interest£9.97
Total Profit from sales£15,519.93
Average monthly cash profit£286.14(4.7%)-£0.78
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance40%+0%

Cash went up because I added my monthly investment money, although there were also monthly fees. Although portfolio value dropped a little, potential profits went up £416 thanks to this account having more sensible shares.

Relatively flat for a while

Maybe not quite that flat. More like a steady decline.

The trading account looks like this after week 415 overall and week 51 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£56.30
Year 8 Dividends£25.36
Year 8 Interest£0
Year 8 Profit£328.15
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£30.04(+17.4%)-£0.60
Profit from sales-£602.54
Average monthly cash profit-£5.40(-3.1%)+£0.01
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

A small drop in JLP:Jubilee Metals makes me very sad I didn't sell some a few weeks ago.

I guess it was too good to be true that the nice rise would have continued.

Right back down to the trend line, but at least it's still pointing upwards - for now.

I'm a week late writing this as it was so depressing. I'm much more excited about writing the next one, as it's spectacular!

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Week 464 Review - A flat week just about ending the run of losses

The run of down weeks has ended, but only just, as the deficit between cost and value narrowed by just £79 to £116,857 and deficit to injection is now £50,211. Total portfolio value stands at £101,216, perilously close to dropping below £100k.

AFC:AFC Energy dropped 11%, but in my ISA the value of my holding only dropped by 2% as my retail offer at 15p was processed. Hopefully there will only be a short spell of profit taking so the price can head back up to the 20p area.

SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics dropped 11% and there seems no hope of a recovery in the near future.

CORE:Solidcore Resources has almost dropped enough for me to stop reporting big movements, with an 8% loss this week taking the holding to 87% down. I really need them to re-list in UK now they have no Russian assets.

IPX:Impax Asset Management has been very volatile and dropped 5% this week.

PAF:Pan African Resources had a bad week, dropping 5% despite gold staying flat. I suspect people are taking profits after the recent rise. My holding is still over 50% up.

PAGE:Pagegroup also dropped 5% for no apparent reason and are now 16% down.

ATYM:Atalaya Mining haven't been doing very well since I bought them, but a 5% rise this week means they are only down by 1% now.

CEY:Centamin are back above 120p after a 5% increase, taking my holding to 12% up.

SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy are in my junk share category so I haven't been reporting changes, but an increase of 111% this week after strong annual results means they are now only 75% down, so back in the fold of non-junk shares as long as they don't drop again. I still refuse to allow them the accolade of Share of the Week.

The Share of the Week accolade goes to SMDS:Smith (DS) this week, which went up 17% after news that the merger with International Paper is still on track. My holding is 11% up now. It remains to be seen what I end up with after the merger.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 48 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Cash £68.45 -£480.45
Portfolio cost £104,946.57 +£480.45
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
£44,186.55 (-57.9%) +£66.17
Potential profits £795.41 +£320.71
Yr 9 Dividends £296.50 +£0
Yr 9 Interest £4.14 +£0
Yr 9 Profit from sales £536.46 +£0
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit £68.26 (1.1%) -£1.45
Total Dividends £12,207.93 +£0
Total Interest £6.07 +£0
Total Profit from sales £17,834.99 +£0
Average monthly cash profit £276.34 (4.4%) -£0.60
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance 39% +0%

Cash went down by £480 as I got my 3,203 shares in AFC:AFC Energy at 15p costing £480.45 with no commission charges on this transaction.

Portfolio value crept up a faction, and potential profits went up £320 thanks to a small rise in JLP:Jubilee Metals.


Struggling to get above that trend line

The SIPP looks like this after week 448 overall and week 32 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£110,457.83
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,107.80
Yr 9 Dividends£787.60
Yr 9 Interest£2.81
Yr 9 Profit from sales£4,684.03
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£723.70(11.9%)-£21.38
Total Dividends£15,422.48
Total Interest£8.74
Total Profit from sales£15,519.93
Average monthly cash profit£286.92(4.7%)-£0.51
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance41%+0%

Very little happened this week. I got a £14 dividend from AJB:AJ Bell, but the portfolio value only changed by £1 and potential profits dropped mainly thanks to AFC:AFC Energy.


Same as ISA

The trading account looks like this after week 414 overall and week 50 of year 8.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£73.36
Year 8 Dividends£25.36
Year 8 Interest£0
Year 8 Profit£328.15
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£30.64(+17.7%)-£0.62
Profit from sales-£602.54
Average monthly cash profit-£5.41(-3.1%)+£0.02
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

The rise in JLP:Jubilee Metals was mostly offset by the drop in SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics. I'm getting a bit tired of waiting for JLP:Jubilee Metals to go up again so I can sell my profitable holding. Given we're on week 50 of year 8 I will probably wait until year 9 starts, as year 8 already has a healthy 17% return, so it would be nice to get year 9 off to a good start.

Hoping the downward movement will stop now.

Still just above the trend line.

It's looking like no news is coming out of OPTI:Optibiotix in the near future, and seems likely nothing will happen with Sweetbiotix until at least 2025, so I need to re-think the amount I have invested in this company as it could be doing much better elsewhere. My cheap ISA holding is 29% up, but it would only liberate £1,559 so I don't think it's worth cashing in. My cheapest SIPP holding is down 56%, so I don't really fancy taking that loss. I'm trapped in a share that's going nowhere, and where I'm starting to lose faith in the spin coming out of the CEO, as he's done nothing but raise costs and retain utterly miserable revenues. There have been promises of great things, but none have come to pass. I'm starting to think he is delusional, which is a horrible thought given I've sunk £100k into the company and so far lost over half of it. I suppose it's easier to keep the faith when you're backed into a corner and have no choice but to believe so you can cling on to some sliver of hope.