Sunday 28 July 2024

Week 468 Review - Another fantastic week for Optibiotix, and some recovery from SkinBioTherapeutics.

It looks like last week was just a pause to catch breath. This week almost matched 2 weeks ago, with a reduction of the deficit between cost and value of £14,108 to £86,178 and reduction of deficit between injection amount and value to £18,964. Total portfolio value now stands at £134,963.

After a 17% rise last week, SAE:Simec Atlantis Energy dropped 18% this week presumably due to profit taking. They are now 71% down.

PBX:Probiotix Health keeps dropping. It only lost 0.5p this week, but that was 17%. I can't see anything lifting this back to 20p.

CEY:Centamin has been great lately, but for some reason dropped 8% despite results being really good. I don't understand sometimes. My holding is still 11% in profit, and 18% if you include dividends.

Happy to say that it's all good news after that.

AJB:AJ Bell and NG.:National Grid both went up 5% which puts AJB on 46% potential profit and NG. at 2% profit.

AAL:Anglo American Mining recovered 6% of last week's losses and is now only 5% down.

PAF:Pan African Resources went up 7% and my two holdings are up by 63% and 59%.

IES:Invinity Energy went up 9% meaning my original holding is still down 86% but my recent holding went into profit.

IGG:IG Group are flying, and went up another 10% this week to go 13% up in my account.

FXPO:Ferrexpo recovered from a drop last week by climbing 15%, but my holding is still 87% down.

CWR:Ceres Power also reversed last week's bad drop by climbing 18% and are only 1% down.

OPTI:Optibiotix went on another surge after a positive broker note, and climbed 26%, which accounted for most of this week's gains.

Share of the Week is OPTI spin-off SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics, which announced the closure of it's convertible loan after issuing the last lot of shares to a new institutional investor. That millstone being lifted caused the shares to climb 41%, and removes what has been a horrible drain on the share price. We just need a Croda deal announcement and this should re-rate.

Here's the ISA and shares portfolio after week 52 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£104,996.72+£50.15
Portfolio sell value
(bid price-commission)
Potential profits£3,654.55+£2,175.48
Yr 9 Dividends£311.06+£14.56
Yr 9 Interest£4.87+£0
Yr 9 Profit from sales£579.31+£42.85
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£67.14(1.1%)+£3.56
Total Dividends£12,222.49+£14.56
Total Interest£6.80+£0
Total Profit from sales£17,877.84+£42.85
Average monthly cash profit£274.44(4.3%)-£0.05
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance39%+0%

I got a £14 dividend from WHR:Warehouse REIT, and I did a bit of selling. I desperately wanted to get some more JLP:Jubilee Metals while they are so cheap, because directors have been buying this week. It's very unusual for them to bother with shares, so it suggests they think something significant is coming.

Although I bought my shares in IES:Invinity Energy just a few weeks ago, with the hope they would rise enough to mitigate my other expensive holding, I decided that may not happen so I sold my 2175 shares at 25.41p and made £42.85 (8.4%) profit. This liberated £547 so I could buy 8,691 shares in JLP at 6.328p costing £554.97. That takes my main JLP holding to 169,046 shares at an average of 6.68p costing £11,384. They are losing £705 at the moment but I'm hoping copper production news will sort that out.

Portfolio value rocketed by £7,785 and potential profits by £2,175, all of which was OPTI:Optibiotix as it's the only profitable share in my ISA.

The sale didn't do much to improve my performance, and with this being the last week of year 9 we can step back to see how it went. Not very well really, with an average of £67 a month only 1.1%. Dividends were almost as much as profit, which isn't meant to be what this account is about.

Long term performance has been drifting slowly downwards, and is now at £274 a month which is only 4.3% against a target of 10%. Given the portfolio value is also down by 42.5% it's a fairly bleak picture. The upshot is that I know I keep buying growth companies too early when they still have a decade of work to turn a profit. I need to find a better way to pick them. Maybe a ranking system like with my magic formula, but what criteria to rank them on? 5-year sales growth is probably more relevant than 5-year earnings per share growth, and keep the debt to equity check. Dividend a waste of time and ROI probably not much use for these. The key interest is their rate of growth, even if not yet profitable, but that's tricky to measure. Maybe sales vs sales 1 year ago would give a good indication of current form taken alongside the 5-year form. One to ponder.

About halfway back to the injection line and the joint highest value of the year, although I've added a load of cash since then.

This shows more accurately that there's another £6k or so to catch up on the peak from 9 months ago and probably another £6k after that to get to the peak from 12 months ago. 

The SIPP looks like this after week 452 overall and week 36 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£113,536.79
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£3,696.58
Yr 9 Dividends£924.61
Yr 9 Interest£4.04
Yr 9 Profit from sales£4,883.71
Yr 9 proj avg monthly profit£681.68(10.8%)+£7.90
Total Dividends£15,559.49
Total Interest£9.97
Total Profit from sales£15,719.61
Average monthly cash profit£287.44(4.6%)+£1.48
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)
Compound performance40%+1%

I did a spot of buying and selling, got a £21 dividend from III:3i Group, value soared by £6,280 but potential profits by just £159 as OPTI:Optibiotix is still making a loss in this account.

I sold my 283 shares in SMDS:Smith (DS) because I think they'd gone as high as they were likely to before the merger with International Paper, they are way down my magic formula ranking, and I was fed up of getting about 50 RNS emails every day with pre-merger holding details. I sold them for 451.1383p after paying 370.2801p a few weeks ago, making £199.69 (19.1%) profit.

After refreshing my magic formula spreadsheet with more recent data, a company had caught my eye and I really wanted to invest. IHP:Integrafin manage a system that Financial Advisors use to manage people's investments. They came out 3rd in my magic formula rankings, with dividend yield of 4.44% (rank 117), ROI of 32.9% (rank 15), total debt to equity ratio of 1.73% (rank 16) and 5-year earnings per share growth of 8.72% (rank 71). So it appears low debt and good ROI are the main factors, with pretty average dividend and OK growth.

I bought 316 shares at 372.9387p costing £1,196.33. Very happy to say they closed the week at 383p which covers spread and commission so they are £2 in profit.

The profits boosted my year 9 performance by £7 a month to £681, which is above my 10% target. Long term I'm still a long way off, with only 4.6%. That's mostly thanks to the massive losses I suffered then DDDD:4D Pharma went bust.

The value has almost reached the injection amount! It would be such a relief to get above that, and no longer worry that I would have been better off having it under the mattress.

A long way off the performance from 9 and 12 months ago, as there have been so many injections of cash, but I think the recent purchases are performing much better now I'm switching this account to the magic formula strategy.

If OPTI:Optibiotix can just get to 39p I'll be able to make £1,000 profit and liberate £6,000 for magic formula shares. If they can get to 41p then I'll sell my AJ Bell SIPP shares and make £414 profit and liberate £2,500 for magic formula shares. It will still leave me with around 200k OPTI shares, but most will be in the ISA. Ideally I need to find a way of increasing the number of shares in the ISA so I can sell all the ones in the SIPP, but I can't bring myself to reduce any further. I have 121k in my ISA so I need to buy 79k which would cost £24,095. There's nothing likely to generate that sort of cash other than a premium bond win.

The trading account looks like this after week 418 overall and week 2 of year 9.

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£2,073.87
Portfolio sell value
(bid price - commission)
Potential profits£30.70
Year 9 Dividends£0
Year 9 Interest£0
Year 9 Profit£0
Yr 8 proj avg monthly profit£0(+0%)+£0
Profit from sales-£602.54
Average monthly cash profit-£5.36(-3.1%)+£0.01
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends
- Fees / Months)

JLP:Jubilee Metals dropped 3%, but SBTX:SkinBioTherapeutics climbed 41%, taking the value up £42. SBTX is only 17% down now. My target sell price is 23.5p which would be around 60% profit and give me £500 to spend on something else. If I can sell JLP sooner then I won't need as much, as the JLP profits will contribute towards the £500.

I just wish I could make the £602 needed to get long term performance back to positive. The DDDD:4D Pharma collapse really screwed up everything!

A very small improvement. It needs JLP:Jubilee Metals to take off if it's going to make any sort of  real recovery.

At least we're back on the trend line, which looks like it will start getting steeper as the highs from 10-12 months ago disappear.

So, we've had two completely brilliant weeks in the last three, but they were both generated by tipsters and brokers, so not really built on anything concrete. It's certain the price will drift again if there's not real news to back the rise up. Unfortunately I see no evidence of anything coming soon.

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