Thursday, 27 April 2017

Amryt Pharma moved into ISA

This morning I got fed up of waiting for Hargreaves Lansdown to process my bed & ISA order, so I loaded £1,500 into my ISA from my current account, sold my share account holding of AMYT:Amryt Pharma and bought the same value in my ISA. As soon as the settlement clears I'll transfer the cash from my share account back to my bank account.

It was a little costly, but tolerable. I made £242.63 profit on the sale, including the buying and selling commission. I sold 6,882 shares at 22.04p making £1,504.84. I bought 6,507 shares at 22.87p costing £1,500.10. So the spread cost me 375 shares, which would be worth £82, but given the price promptly zoomed up to 24p, I gained £73 and still had £4 left over from the sale, so I'm only £5 down on the day, and any profits are now protected from tax.

The best news is that the profit from the sale pushed my average monthly performance up to 9.9% so it won't take much to get back to my 10% target. I know it's a fake addition to profit as I've bought the same shares back again, but those are my accounting rules so it's OK.

My overall AMYT:Amryt Pharma holding is now 33,813 shares, all of which are in my ISA. That's 10.5% of my combined portfolios. After today's 11.4% rise they are making paper profit of £1,769, which is my second best performing share after Star Share IQE:IQE, currently on £2,726 potential profit.

It's not been a great week so far, with OPTI:Optibiotix dropping below 70p and making me wish I had spare cash to buy more, and KIBO:Kibo Mining falling to 4.5p. The £1,167 I lost selling AFG:Aquatic Food on Monday boosted my paper profits by the same amount, but I've lost the £242 from selling the AMYT:Amryt Pharma shares today, and £408 from the rest of the portfolio since then.

Now AFG:Aquatic Food is out of the picture, it's a head-to-head race between OPTI:Optibiotix and KIBO:Kibo Mining for Nemesis Share. At the moment OPTI:Optibiotix is winning, with a paper loss of £1,217 as opposed to KIBO:Kibo Mining losing £1,169. What's most frustrating is both these shares have me locked in and unable to sell because of the promise of free shares in spun-off companies, but neither have said when the qualification date is for the shares. I really hope it's in the past, as I'll be terribly, terribly vexed if day traders get to buy in to hit a record date after I've been holding faithfully all this time. These are both long-term shares anyway, but I have holdings in them both outside my ISA that I want to move in, but can't risk missing the record date as a result. I wish they'd get a move on and tell shareholders what's going on.

Tomorrow sees SXX:Sirius Minerals move from AIM to the main market. I don't know if that's going to help the share price or whether it's already priced in. My recent purchase is 1% up with potential profit of £8 now I've got rid of spread and commission. I really hope there isn't a big sell-off tomorrow else my end of week will be a sorry tale. I have a feeling it's going to be a sorry tale anyway, as OPTI:Optibiotix isn't going to improve until after the launch of the cholesterol product in May, and KIBO:Kibo Mining needs some big news to recover from these lows. That never happens on a Friday, so I fear my portfolio value will take a hit this week.

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