Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Week 90 Review

A rather traumatic week saw the combined portfolios end up with a difference between cost and value that was £351.29 better than last week. However, the cost reduced by £833.76 due to the £1,167 loss from the AFG:Aquatic Foods sale minus the £242.63 profit from bedding some AMYT:Amryt Pharma shares into my ISA and £100 I added from my current account. So in reality, the portfolio suffered a paper loss of  £482.

Worst performer was RDT:Rosslyn Data which dropped 14% after announcing a placing at a significant discount to the current price. They also announced an open offer, which I have decided to accept, as I get 294 shares for just £13.23 with no commission. This will drop my average purchase price from 17.52p to 15.85p for hardly any money. I really don't know if this share will ever recover, but I'm happy to take a risk for such a small amount to increase the value of any recovery.

My other double-digit loser was KIBO:Kibo Mining which continues to disappoint, dropping 11% and taking the paper loss to £1,169.53.That demotes it to Nemesis Share as OPTI:Optiobiotix is losing a mere £1,147.06. Both of these were making big profits not long ago - when both were in a much less optimistic position than they are now. It really doesn't make sense!

The Share of the Week is the only double-digit riser this week, and it's my old favourite Star Share IQE:IQE, climbing 15% and now standing at £2,937.96 potential profit.I think there's a lot further for this one to go, although wouldn't be surprised if there's a pull back at some point - and I'll be ready to buy more if it does!

Still in overall profit, but the buffer has been obliterated.

The ISA and share portfolios look like this

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£42,130.26
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission)£41,149.71(-2.3%)-£516.15
Potential profits£4,450.01
Yr 2 Dividends£365.04
Yr 2 Profit from sales£2,389.56
Yr 2 Average monthly cash profit£310.70
Yr 2 Avg annual % of current portfolio cost8.8%
Total Dividends£1,032.97
Total Profit from sales£6.229.82
Average monthly cash profit£345.34
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost9.8%

The most complex weekly update ever! I've changed the way the formula works for defining sell value, as it usually takes off any increase in portfolio cost. With the portfolio cost dropping by £833 this week, it showed a rise in sell value which was plain wrong. Now, if the cost has gone down, then that figure isn't taken off the sell value difference. So there's been a drop of £516.15 this week, with most being deepening losses, as potential profits are up £59. There was a quarterly dividend from CMCL:Caledonia Mining of £7.94. Nice to have that regular income, I really should buy more! Profit from sales was hammered by the AFG:Aquatic Food disaster which drags this year's performance down by over £100 a month, and overall performance down by £48 a month. Pretty depressing, but at least I saved £900 from almost certain doom if I hadn't sold my shares.

Doesn't so much fly as plummet...

Here's the SIPP after week 74

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£16,776.69
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission)£19,594.17(+16.8%)+£87.39
Potential profits£3,734.54
Yr 2 Dividends£0
Yr 2 Profit from sales£842.07
Yr 2 Average monthly cash profit£158.84
Yr 2 Avg annual % of current portfolio cost11.4%
Total Dividends£413.19
Total Profit from sales£3,191.93
Average monthly cash profit£206.05
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost14.7%

Not bad. Potential profits up nicely by £234, but drops in OPTI:Optibiotix and JLP:Jubilee Platinum ate most of that up. Average monthly performance still way over target 10%, which is good as there's nothing I really want to sell in this portfolio - except WRES:W Resources which was a big mistake.

Still happy with this one

The trading account looks like this after week 40

Weekly Change
Portfolio cost£1,481.98
Portfolio sell value (bid price - commission)£1,287.56(-13.1%)-£53.71
Potential profits£0
Profit from sales£61.57
Average monthly cash profit£6.67
(Sold stocks profit + Dividends - Fees / Months)
Avg annual % of current portfolio cost5.4%

Although an unmitigated disaster based on my expectations, a return of 5.4% isn't bad, if I ever recover the 13.1 paper loss on the portfolio, which I'm sure I will one day...


So this week I offloaded one of my two big howlers, with AFG:Aquatic Food biting the dust. My other big howler AFPO:African Potash is currently suspended and I'm not intending to sell as the transaction would cost me £6.38 with the returns not even covering the commission. At some point they will go bust, and my performance will be hit by another big loss, this time of £714. When it happens, I will certainly need to sell something for a similar profit else I risk sinking well below my 10% target for the ISA/shares accounts.

I don't think anything interesting will happen next week. It's a short week with bank holiday, no results or trading statements expected, and I'm quite relieved as there was too much excitement this week. I've decided to leave my bed & ISA order open for JLP:Jubilee Platinum, just to see how long it takes for Hargreaves Lansdown to actually do anything about it. I'm hoping I can rely on them to be sensible and make the transfer when there's a small spread and no volatility, else I'll be somewhat peeved. At current prices that will generate £296 profit from the sale, so should get my average performance back over the magic 10%.

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